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gh or syntherol


New member
Apr 19, 2008
I'm trying to decide which to get. never tried any of them. mostly aas on and off for about 5 to 6 yrs and been training for about 9 to 10 yrs. i'm now 30 yrs old and about 5'10 210lbs and bodyfat is around 8% or 9%. at one point i weighed 230 23% bodyfat which was pretty fat. my arms now are about 17 to 17 1/2 inches. been that way for a while. i'm trying to get past this limitation. which would help more?
I'm trying to decide which to get. never tried any of them. mostly aas on and off for about 5 to 6 yrs and been training for about 9 to 10 yrs. i'm now 30 yrs old and about 5'10 210lbs and bodyfat is around 8% or 9%. at one point i weighed 230 23% bodyfat which was pretty fat. my arms now are about 17 to 17 1/2 inches. been that way for a while. i'm trying to get past this limitation. which would help more?

Well, that all depends, are you trying to bring up weak body prats, or need overall developement?
overall developement would be great but i'm kinda sick of looking at my weak arms. i'm just trying to get everyones opinion. i'd like to use both but $ is tight. well let me rephrase that question. if you had the choice which would you try first?
never used gh so my opinion is a little biast. i would say go for the syntherol. great results that lasted. past that i really cant say any more becouse well i dont know. either way man i love syntherol great stuff nice gains.
overall developement would be great but i'm kinda sick of looking at my weak arms. i'm just trying to get everyones opinion. i'd like to use both but $ is tight. well let me rephrase that question. if you had the choice which would you try first?

Your $ is tight? Well, go to sytherol, because you won't have the money to do an effective GH cycle. To answer your question, to me(my .02) this is no comparison, GH is way better than a localize shot.
Save up for a little bit longer to get the best effects go both :) get size, hardness and full muscles :)
Moneywise syntherol would be cheapest, but cheap is not necessarily better. Never tried syntherol so I can't compare it to anything. I've been on Growth for months at a time and "for me" I didn't get any bigger than if I would have done a common AAS cycle. Stayed very lean, but didn't get bigger. I also didn't go above 10iu a day which can get $$$$. Some also say igf can create new growth, but I didn't noticed that either in my past endeavors. Just my $.02
Keep saving and thinking. Spend your money on some LBS's or other protein and solid food and go from there! Been training less than 10 yrs, your body still has the ability to grow and change in a drastic maner without any "special" supplements.

Moneywise syntherol would be cheapest, but cheap is not necessarily better. Never tried syntherol so I can't compare it to anything. I've been on Growth for months at a time and "for me" I didn't get any bigger than if I would have done a common AAS cycle. Stayed very lean, but didn't get bigger. I also didn't go above 10iu a day which can get $$$$. Some also say igf can create new growth, but I didn't noticed that either in my past endeavors. Just my $.02

try throwing in some test and dbol with your gh and igf1. im sure you would feel different. if you are doing gh by itself you are creating new muscle fibers but not incresing the size. swell em up and see the new growth. 10iu is a lot. more than enough to see some growth but not by iteself. and the igf1....4 weeks on......on the right schedule....and WOW is all i can say.
all of this is hypothetical.;)
god bless

kiwi is right. use both. why only get half the results?
gh is best run for a while. syntherol works pretty fast and is noticible within the first week. you will be bigger, leaner and have better arms. you win all the way around.
god bless
thanks for the input guys. i think i will try both at the same time. guess i gotta grind it out at work for a couple of weeks to get that $.
I'm trying to decide which to get. never tried any of them. mostly aas on and off for about 5 to 6 yrs and been training for about 9 to 10 yrs. i'm now 30 yrs old and about 5'10 210lbs and bodyfat is around 8% or 9%. at one point i weighed 230 23% bodyfat which was pretty fat. my arms now are about 17 to 17 1/2 inches. been that way for a while. i'm trying to get past this limitation. which would help more?

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