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GH pre-workout


Active member
Dec 1, 2018

Since a week or so I am trying GH pre-workout, and it seems my conditioning went to shits during training. At first I thought it was in my head, but today I skipped it pre-wo and it seemed i had a lot more air during the workout. Is this something that is common or is it just me?


Since a week or so I am trying GH pre-workout, and it seems my conditioning went to shits during training. At first I thought it was in my head, but today I skipped it pre-wo and it seemed i had a lot more air during the workout. Is this something that is common or is it just me?


How much GH Pre-W and how long before did you pin?

I've never really noticed GH impact training in any significant way if I'm honest but I know @Performance Based has said in the past he found it impacted his endurance

Since a week or so I am trying GH pre-workout, and it seems my conditioning went to shits during training. At first I thought it was in my head, but today I skipped it pre-wo and it seemed i had a lot more air during the workout. Is this something that is common or is it just me?

Likely using too much or starting too high. Also making sure you’re using TP or pharma.

If it’s in issue just move it to AM/PM as it’s the consistency that matters most. You’re splitting hair when you start looking at timing IMO.
I shoot half a vial of TP’s Hgh every morning pre-workout and it has never impacted my training in a bad way. I’ve been doing it like that for years. In prep I split my dose AM/PM but if not in prep I just take it all at once pre-workout. I competed last at Masters Nationals last July and since then I’ve been taking it all at once pre-workout.
I always use mine now pre workout. Typically 5-6iu along with some insulin and I've never had an issue with my performance in the gym.
I have never experienced what you’re describing. It could have been a bad week due to other factors and the GH timing was coincidental. Maybe it’s in your head?

Since a week or so I am trying GH pre-workout, and it seems my conditioning went to shits during training. At first I thought it was in my head, but today I skipped it pre-wo and it seemed i had a lot more air during the workout. Is this something that is common or is it just me?


Just you.
This is why I want Professional Muscle closed to new members - keep the amateurs out.

I would pay a monthly subscription for this site to keep it private. How much? $30/month sounds good. I think that's a very reasonable price for access to sources and expert-level bodybuilding information.

Per the stats in the board footer, Professional Muscle has 160,202 members. If 10% of them are willing to pay $30 then you've got $480,000 per month in revenue - $5.7 million per year. Big A can take it as pure profit, reinvest in the site, fund his other businesses, I don't care. I just want Professional Muscle to be a place where the conversation is Professional-level.

Since a week or so I am trying GH pre-workout, and it seems my conditioning went to shits during training. At first I thought it was in my head, but today I skipped it pre-wo and it seemed i had a lot more air during the workout. Is this something that is common or is it just me?


Ohhhh, in all fairness, how an individual reacts to any one compound is unique to themselves. No two people will react the exact same way to hgh or aas or ephedrine or whatever. You'll have to weigh the benefits to cons on whether or not it is a good compound for you. I don't think it's in your head, but continue to experiment with timing and dosage maybe? There will be a sweet spot for you, or not. Just take your time. It will be an ongoing experiment for ya.
How much GH Pre-W and how long before did you pin?

I've never really noticed GH impact training in any significant way if I'm honest but I know @Performance Based has said in the past he found it impacted his endurance
It's usually best taken 1-2 hour prior to lifting for maximizing IGF1 release. 2-4 hour mark after dose is money.
This is why I want Professional Muscle closed to new members - keep the amateurs out.

I would pay a monthly subscription for this site to keep it private. How much? $30/month sounds good. I think that's a very reasonable price for access to sources and expert-level bodybuilding information.

Per the stats in the board footer, Professional Muscle has 160,202 members. If 10% of them are willing to pay $30 then you've got $480,000 per month in revenue - $5.7 million per year. Big A can take it as pure profit, reinvest in the site, fund his other businesses, I don't care. I just want Professional Muscle to be a place where the conversation is Professional-level.
i frigging hope so...but it's business. PM will make more charging $5 bucks with 250,000 customers than the other way around. everything is a business and revolves around money. Unfortunately.
This is why I want Professional Muscle closed to new members - keep the amateurs out.

I would pay a monthly subscription for this site to keep it private. How much? $30/month sounds good. I think that's a very reasonable price for access to sources and expert-level bodybuilding information.

Per the stats in the board footer, Professional Muscle has 160,202 members. If 10% of them are willing to pay $30 then you've got $480,000 per month in revenue - $5.7 million per year. Big A can take it as pure profit, reinvest in the site, fund his other businesses, I don't care. I just want Professional Muscle to be a place where the conversation is Professional-level.
I'd pay 100. PM , competitive bodybuilding, hardcore drugs, it shoud always be underground, always. . That's what makes bodybuilding so attractive to most of you guys. Notice I didn't say working out or fitness. BODYBUILDING should never ever be liked or well known by the masses. Kills it.
This is why I want Professional Muscle closed to new members - keep the amateurs out.

I would pay a monthly subscription for this site to keep it private. How much? $30/month sounds good. I think that's a very reasonable price for access to sources and expert-level bodybuilding information.

Per the stats in the board footer, Professional Muscle has 160,202 members. If 10% of them are willing to pay $30 then you've got $480,000 per month in revenue - $5.7 million per year. Big A can take it as pure profit, reinvest in the site, fund his other businesses, I don't care. I just want Professional Muscle to be a place where the conversation is Professional-level.
i'm in.
It’s not just you my friend. GH responds differently to everyone. I’ve tried every possible combination of timing and dosing and the only one that works for me is 2-3ius taken post workout. Any more GH or any other time and I feel like sheeit. Just have to find what works for you.
I get horrible gh lethargy around 3-4h post subq injection. I was told it fades in time, or that it's a very individualized response, but I switched to just doing BOLO hgh shots at night to avoid the lethargy wall.

I don't lose any conditioning or "air" in my lungs that you're speaking of OP. I just get the lethargy.
I’ve added 2.5iu 2 hours before training so it peaks during my session (peak is about 3/4 hours) with morning and night dosing. Love it
I do all dose at night before sleep after my bigest carb meal of the day postwo

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