stretch stretch stretch!!! massage massage massage!!!
you need to stretch a LOT with this product. also, dont go too crazy with your pump up session post injection either. it could just cause more trauma and inflammation to the site. if the pain really gets totally unbearable stop and wait for it to fel better then start again. but if your are only going in 5 day mini cycles of this stuff because it hurts too bad something is really wrong. how fast are you injecting it? since i flows through the needle so easily its really easy to inject too fast, which can also lead to inflammation and scar tissue...a general rule of thumb i went by was 1min/ml. when i lift arms my bis get painfully times it is almost unbearable to me. i love to stretch them all throughout my bicep workouts. my favorite bicep stretch is to grab a vertical bar with my thumb pointing down, about shoulder height, then step forward with the same foot as the bicep you are stetching and relax your shoulder, pecs, forearms and biceps. you should feel an incredible stretch doing this. if you can only hold it for 30 or so seconds the first few times you are doing it right. also, dont massage the muscle too rough. obviously if there is a knot forming you need to work it out, but if there is no knot, dont cause more irritaion than is already present. just make it feel good. im sure BigA will jump in here and give you the short and concise version of what to do and how to do it, just thought i'd help ease your mind until he does.LOL
oh, to answer your question...i noticed a little increase in the pain each timei increased the volume. but each time was less of an increase. the first 4 or 5 days were the worste for me too as i recall. i think i stopped from day 5-8 then started again and finished the whole thing. it was not as bad as i thought it would be going from 1ml to 2ml and 2 ml to 3ml. i actually looked forward to increasing it.