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Has anyone done "Advanced training" from Arnolds BB encylapedia?


Feb 7, 2010
I was wondering if anyone has every done this training? It requires morning and evening training of about 1.5hrs each session. I assume that they assume you will be on juice.

on page 205-on

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I was wondering if anyone has every done this training? It requires morning and evening training of about 1.5hrs each session. I assume that they assume you will be on juice.

on page 205-on

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Grew up copying those workouts! Hours and hours of training bro with little results, even through puberty.....then switched to low volume/high intensity/Aurtor Jones style and gained weight, strength, and muscle like crazy with essentially no other changes. Now this was a long time ago and I now believe in a moderate volume technique.
Back to your question... No disrespect to The Austrian Oak but.......I do not think there are many respected members here that will argue that 20-30 sets per bodypart with each bodypart trained 3x per week is extreme overtraining bro. Keep looking around but keep it simple and basic if muscle growth is your goal...... also keep in mind that nutrition is 70% of the game bro.
Why do you assume he means on juice?

Do you honestly think your body will not get stronger and bigger if you train a couple of hours a day? You bodybuilders can be so delicate sometimes it's hilarious. Oh noooooo I can't do more than 15 minutes of cardio, all my muscles will disappear. I can't train for more than 5 sets for 8 reps, that's over-training.

I have a friend I've known since I was 13. He trains like Arnold. Very high volume, sometimes twice a day.

He's in great shape and has strength I cannot fathom. His little brother is the same. I saw him throwing up 250 pounds on the incline bench for reps when he was 17.

My friend has always been like this. Since he was a kid. Only supplements he's ever taken is Jacked and maybe some protein powder. You can take that to the bank.
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Calm down dude...

No. You.

I'm perfectly calm. But I'll happily point out bullshit broscience when I see it. It does no good for anybody, in my opinion. Just makes people do ridiculous unnecessary things that often end up in them not reaching their fitness goals.

For example, lots of kids out there are eating all day, like 4000 calories 400+ grams of protein because they think that's the way you do it.

"If I stop eating my metabolism will slow down" they say as they walk around with 20%+ of their body weight as fat.
Rock on dude. Not going to waste my time fighting on an internet forum. I'm always calm :cool:
No. You.

I'm perfectly calm. But I'll happily point out bullshit broscience when I see it. It does no good for anybody, in my opinion. Just makes people do ridiculous unnecessary things that often end up in them not reaching their fitness goals.

[bold]For example, lots of kids out there are eating all day, like 4000 calories 400+ grams of protein because they think that's the way you do it.[/bold]

"If I stop eating my metabolism will slow down" they say as they walk around with 20%+ of their body weight as fat.

AMEN!!!! Man if only I could go back and stop my 15%bf ass from "bulking" to 20%plus! My folks used to joke that whenever I got angry I was entering one of my "catabolic states" they would be all "oh no not a catabolic state!!!" This is due to me making such a stink about HAVING to eat every two hours. I remember being at disney world and I had my mom lugging a purse full of protein bars along. Man I was an ass!

Note: I have the coolest mom!
AMEN!!!! Man if only I could go back and stop my 15%bf ass from "bulking" to 20%plus! My folks used to joke that whenever I got angry I was entering one of my "catabolic states" they would be all "oh no not a catabolic state!!!" This is due to me making such a stink about HAVING to eat every two hours. I remember being at disney world and I had my mom lugging a purse full of protein bars along. Man I was an ass!

Note: I have the coolest mom!

Haha. Catabolic state. You had your parents saying that shit. :D:D
For sure, became a big joke after a while. They will still pull it out to this day, "Hey we better go eat he looks like he is entering a catabolic state!" They usually say it when I get worked up, makes me laugh now. Ah the stupid shit we do eh?

I do blame one article in particular, it was on and was something about extreme eating. I made my own choices of course but this article planted the seed.
AMEN!!!! Man if only I could go back and stop my 15%bf ass from "bulking" to 20%plus! My folks used to joke that whenever I got angry I was entering one of my "catabolic states" they would be all "oh no not a catabolic state!!!" This is due to me making such a stink about HAVING to eat every two hours. I remember being at disney world and I had my mom lugging a purse full of protein bars along. Man I was an ass!

Note: I have the coolest mom!

alright bro-tatoe
Why do you assume he means on juice?

Do you honestly think your body will not get stronger and bigger if you train a couple of hours a day? You bodybuilders can be so delicate sometimes it's hilarious. Oh noooooo I can't do more than 15 minutes of cardio, all my muscles will disappear. I can't train for more than 5 sets for 8 reps, that's over-training.

I have a friend I've known since I was 13. He trains like Arnold. Very high volume, sometimes twice a day.

He's in great shape and has strength I cannot fathom. His little brother is the same. I saw him throwing up 250 pounds on the incline bench for reps when he was 17.

My friend has always been like this. Since he was a kid. Only supplements he's ever taken is Jacked and maybe some protein powder. You can take that to the bank.

No. You.

I'm perfectly calm. But I'll happily point out bullshit broscience when I see it. It does no good for anybody, in my opinion. Just makes people do ridiculous unnecessary things that often end up in them not reaching their fitness goals.

For example, lots of kids out there are eating all day, like 4000 calories 400+ grams of protein because they think that's the way you do it.

"If I stop eating my metabolism will slow down" they say as they walk around with 20%+ of their body weight as fat.

totally true...
bodybuilders use ton of juice and train 1 set of 6 reps every 10 days because they don't want to overtrain and eat 10 billion cals per day and get so fat they look obese and blame not growing on bad genetics

when on the other side of the world, a gymnist is training 3 hours per day 'stressing his CNS' and 'overtraining like crazy' while eating 1500 cals a day and looks a ton better, much stronger, and more muscular than him.

i can't download that document because it's blocked in my country for some reason... but i remember the workout in the BB encyc...
i would say if you know your body, and you don't feel extremely exhausted after 2 weeks of trying that, you're good to go.
but remember, if you are used to low volume, you need a month or so to adapt to the new training system.
just wanted to chime in and i agree with some of the comments on these threads. ive been reading boards since i started training and always bought into the fear of overtraining, did low volume routines, 3x a week, and didnt gain shit and blamed my genetics. now i recently switched to high volume,,,maybe not even high...14 or so sets per bodypart once per week...and im actually growing like i never did on the low volume routines.
I personally prefer the Phil Hernon / DC training take on volume.. which means not a lot of sets per workout, but turn up the frequency instead.
So week by week, it's not really low volume in my book.

I have a friend that stays in the gym doing arms for 2 hours. And he has huge arms. So, in my opinion it comes down to genetics.

Fast twitch or slow twitch? How fast can you recover? How efficient is your body when it comes to using nutrition? Etc.

Find what works for you and stick with it.
YES,I have done it, Diet and training.
Was getting fat, weaker and got sick 5 weeks into it.Was too much training and food for me personally.
My take-

every individual is going to have a specific combination of volume, intensity, and frequency that will yield the best results.

IMO the fastest way to figure this out is relatively simple. Start with low volume high intensity work. and work slowly in the opposite direction until you find that perfect combination. This takes YEARS.

One thing you can guarantee is that if your getting stronger your adding lean mass. so if your strength is increasing at a steady rate, Dont change anything until that stops. Your growing.

Training is nothing without the proper diet. To sum it up, the right set of macronutrients for YOUR body, while ensuring your USING(digesting) the food you take in, will yield the largest results a particular training system can achieve.

Arnold was able to do what he did training and eating the way HE did. You cant. you have to figure out what training method and diet works for you.

the things i hold to be absolute truth are.....
Increases in strength are a must for lean tissue growth.
steady slow increases in macronutrient totals are a must while maintaining a healthy bf%.(trick...If your training properly youll be pretty hungry, this isnt overeating this is eating to support growth)
when these two reach their upper limits, Hormone manipulation is the only way to achieve aditional growth.
YES,I have done it, Diet and training.
Was getting fat, weaker and got sick 5 weeks into it.Was too much training and food for me personally.

same here when i first started 9 - 10 years back, as a newbie.....i directly went for the advanced version...thinking it will work better..(bloody smart
those were some never ending workouts....2 hours in the morning then another 2 hours in the evening....all most every exercise for 5 sets...damn..a total of 35-40set/workout...everyday

today its just not possible for me to do that..probably i`ll die or all i do is 1 all out set to failure 2 or 3 exercise/muscle every other day
totally true...
bodybuilders use ton of juice and train 1 set of 6 reps every 10 days because they don't want to overtrain and eat 10 billion cals per day and get so fat they look obese and blame not growing on bad genetics

when on the other side of the world, a gymnist is training 3 hours per day 'stressing his CNS' and 'overtraining like crazy' while eating 1500 cals a day and looks a ton better, much stronger, and more muscular than him.

i can't download that document because it's blocked in my country for some reason... but i remember the workout in the BB encyc...
i would say if you know your body, and you don't feel extremely exhausted after 2 weeks of trying that, you're good to go.
but remember, if you are used to low volume, you need a month or so to adapt to the new training system.

too many people blindly follow something they read because some type of Guru said it, without experimenting.

A human body can be thought of as a closed system that can be manipulated. One system will react differently to stimuli than a nother system. experimentation is a must to assess what type of stimuli will cause a particular desired reaction.

I think the last thing you said hit the nail on the head. Id try it for 4 weeks and pay attention more to sleep, eating, and stength increases/decreases. If food intake and strength are up and sleep is the same it might be great for them. However if the necessity for sleep is much greater it probably will lead to overtraining quickly. Your body will kind of come right out and tell you your overtraining.
there was a time where i could incline bench 3 plates and a quarter each side for 10 reps when i was training low volume... training high volume, i sometimes fail with 95 lbs on incline bench on the 10th rep.
there are a lot of people who will never admit how weak they are while training high volume... you can't expect to use the same amount of weight. not even close. if you are, you are either resting too much between sets, or you don't know what high volume is.
again, i do not believe strength is an indicator of anything... unless you use the word "strength" loosely... as in "if i do 10 sets of 10 while resting for 45 seconds between sets, and then 2 weeks later i'm doing 10 sets of 10 while resting 35 seconds between sets... so i got stronger"...

read up on gironda's 10x10, 8x8, and 6x6 methods, and read up on serge nobret's training methods. those are pretty high volume (although there are many interpretations of gironda's systems and they aren't as simple as you might think... i would put the 10x10 system with multiple exercises per muscle group in the high volume category... other interpretations, not so much)
those are high volume... 12 SETS FOR CHEST, AND 6 SETS FOR DELTS IS NOT HIGH VOLUME!!! :)
there was a time where i could incline bench 3 plates and a quarter each side for 10 reps when i was training low volume... training high volume, i sometimes fail with 95 lbs on incline bench on the 10th rep.
there are a lot of people who will never admit how weak they are while training high volume... you can't expect to use the same amount of weight. not even close. if you are, you are either resting too much between sets, or you don't know what high volume is.
again, i do not believe strength is an indicator of anything... unless you use the word "strength" loosely... as in "if i do 10 sets of 10 while resting for 45 seconds between sets, and then 2 weeks later i'm doing 10 sets of 10 while resting 35 seconds between sets... so i got stronger"...

read up on gironda's 10x10, 8x8, and 6x6 methods, and read up on serge nobret's training methods. those are pretty high volume (although there are many interpretations of gironda's systems and they aren't as simple as you might think... i would put the 10x10 system with multiple exercises per muscle group in the high volume category... other interpretations, not so much)
those are high volume... 12 SETS FOR CHEST, AND 6 SETS FOR DELTS IS NOT HIGH VOLUME!!! :)

Do you feel you looked better with lower or higher volume?
Do you feel you looked better with lower or higher volume?

i've trained low volume all my life... just recently switched to high volume. with high volume i feel areas of the muscle work that i've never felt before and it shows.
although i'm at a very high bodyfat right now (around 15-18%) my muscles have become really hard (no homo... LOL!), and they never had this hardness or fullness when i was at a high bodyfat training on low volume... ESPECIALLY ON LOW CARB. even at this high body fat, my biceps have started to develop a split, muscles are seperating better, and my upper chest is actually growing.

again, i still have to train this way for atleast 3 more months and then i can have an honest opinion about it. but with more sets, and more pumping exercise, i feel like there's a better mind to muscle connection that's causing certain areas of a muscle to grow better.

also... just to take into cosideration... i'm not even using half the gear I used when i was training low volume... so, all this comparison won't mean a thing unless i bring everything else back to the same as it was except for the method of training.

But from what i feel? no stress on the joints, awesome pumps with low carbs, muscle hardness without any gear that causes it, and not having that "tired and achy" feeling all day tell me that this is the way to go. and after a 4.5 month lay off... and 4 weeks of high volume training... i'm getting pretty close to where i was before the lay off and that says a lot.

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