Allright, let me know what ya think.....
I will bulk through summer starting June 1st. My cycle looks like this...
Wk 1-12
Proviron 25mg/ed throughout
Supra Cyp 600-900mg/wk(haven't decided yet)(most likely 600, b/c I know 900 is too high, but it soouunndds so good...
Supra NPP 400mg/wk
Drol 50mg/ed wk1-4(BD or Turkish)
WK 13-18
Prop 700mg/wk(supra)
**Want to add slin 4 wks on wks off, post workout only, but really worried about fat gain, I tend to put on fat relatively easily(I have done my research, will completley be able to control diet while using slin, also will start at 4iu and work up to 10) Really want opinions on the slin use.....will be using R, not Humalog.
Arimidex .5 mg ed throughout
Nolva 10mg ed throughout
HCG 250-500iu Mon, Tues. wk 2-18
Nolva/Clomid/Tribulus PCT
. I was planning on 8-10meals a day, 5500-6500cals, 450 g pro, 300-400 g carb, and plenty of essential fats(olive and flax). I am looking to hit 230-240 by the end of the cycle(As of now, I am 5'9, 210, 12%bf. It is alot of weight to gain, but with your guys help and my work ethic, I believe its attainable. Plz chime in guys and give me some insight...
let me know what ya think.....
Thanks guys
I will bulk through summer starting June 1st. My cycle looks like this...
Wk 1-12
Proviron 25mg/ed throughout
Supra Cyp 600-900mg/wk(haven't decided yet)(most likely 600, b/c I know 900 is too high, but it soouunndds so good...
Supra NPP 400mg/wk
Drol 50mg/ed wk1-4(BD or Turkish)
WK 13-18
Prop 700mg/wk(supra)
**Want to add slin 4 wks on wks off, post workout only, but really worried about fat gain, I tend to put on fat relatively easily(I have done my research, will completley be able to control diet while using slin, also will start at 4iu and work up to 10) Really want opinions on the slin use.....will be using R, not Humalog.
Arimidex .5 mg ed throughout
Nolva 10mg ed throughout
HCG 250-500iu Mon, Tues. wk 2-18
Nolva/Clomid/Tribulus PCT
. I was planning on 8-10meals a day, 5500-6500cals, 450 g pro, 300-400 g carb, and plenty of essential fats(olive and flax). I am looking to hit 230-240 by the end of the cycle(As of now, I am 5'9, 210, 12%bf. It is alot of weight to gain, but with your guys help and my work ethic, I believe its attainable. Plz chime in guys and give me some insight...
let me know what ya think.....
Thanks guys