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Help me get this girl!!


Jan 22, 2009
After reading a similar thread on the forum it inspired me to post my situation right now. Im a good lookin guy with a sharp game but at this point I need all the help I can get bc im running out of time! Hopefully it helps..

I work a side job as a valet in the summer at a country club. There's a blonde girl that works as a waitress inside the club and she is a dime. 5'4" beautiful blue eyes, tight body, and a booty like you would not believe.

Over the past few months I gradually "pre-heated the oven" her name, warm smiles and even caught her really checking me out. About a week and a half ago I had my first real conversation with her and I asked her for her number. When I dropped the question she looked really excited at first then she looked sad and told me she'd give me her number but that she has a boyfriend. I played it off real smooth and told her its all good we could just get to know each other. She she gave me her number than I asked her what she liked to do for fun, what she wanted to do, when she had time to hang out bla bla bla..we didn't set an actual day to hang out bc I had to run and the last thing she said was I'm open to whatever just hit me up.

This conversation happened on a sun and I waited until Friday and finally broke and texted her asking if maybe she wanted to get a bite to eat at some point this weekend. She never responded. In the back of my mind I'm thinking fuck maybe het BF saw the text or maybe she doesn't text (which is a reach, I know) so I waited until the next day (Saturday) and I called her and got no answer. She never called back. Then on Sunday I missed her walking to her car but by the time she drove out I was right there-she couldve stopped and said something but she didn't. I played it cool and didn't really look over at her but she waved as she passed by while talking on the phone. Bad sign I know. I had that oven pre-heated to 350 degrees! Now she's cold as fuck!! Lmaoo

I'm telling you guys this girl is wifey material with an amazingly down to earth, laid back personality especially for a girl as beautiful as her. I know she was feeling me..she was even a little nervous/short of breath at one point when she was talking to me..she gave me her number, she's very responsive to me but not any of the other guys I work with, etc.

Okay, I have my work cut out for me..Turns out this girls been in a relationship for 5 years! Also she goes to school upstate and is leaving to go back in less than two weeks. I need to at least hang out with her before then and that's why I was being somewhat pushy by calling her after she didn't respond to my text.

I need advice my dudes. Whats my next move? Is it a time for a hail mary and just write her a note and leave it in her car? If so, any ideas on what to say? I should be seeing her tomorrow and it's one of her last days at work so this is it. I feel like I can't call or text either a short letter or catching her in person and talking to her is my best bet. Because right now its like the 2min warning in the 4th quarter..4th down and long! Any tips or advice is much appreciated..
There's a blonde girl that works as a waitress inside the club and she is a dime. 5'4" beautiful blue eyes, tight body, and a booty like you would not believe.

Thank you.
I need advice my dudes. Whats my next move? ..

Basically "DROP DEAD" and leave her alone! You're now sounding like a stalker! You want her even though you know full well she is in a relationship for 5 years! You obviously missed the point when she said "she'd give me her number but that she has a boyfriend". When she gave you her number it wasn't to cheat on her boyfriend it was more of a " shit i dont want to piss this guy off so let me give him my number or a fake number in order to get him away from me"! You had better hope her real boyfriend doesn't find out about your stalking ways!

Especially after the "I need to at least hang out with her before then and that's why I was being somewhat pushy by calling her after she didn't respond to my text" Comment!

find someone else you nutcase
Trying to steal a woman from a boyfriend she's been with for 5 years isn't exactly the classiest move Bro. Find another.
Thanks for the feedback. At the end of the day the girl digs the attention of some hot guy coming after them. When I get stalked by girls I like it, if they're hot. They turn into stalkers when they're ugly and they just don't get the point.
Why don't you stick with your drug/source posts

Thanks for the feedback. At the end of the day the girl digs the attention of some hot guy coming after them. When I get stalked by girls I like it, if they're hot. They turn into stalkers when they're ugly and they just don't get the point.

At least then you are only annoying the members of this board, and not some nice college girl who just wants you to leave her alone. Ya know?
Thanks for the feedback. At the end of the day the girl digs the attention of some hot guy coming after them. When I get stalked by girls I like it, if they're hot. They turn into stalkers when they're ugly and they just don't get the point.

if you get stalked by girls, why are you on a bb forum asking for advice on how to get a girl?

Here is my advice, read BOOMSHAKERS Post over and over until you get it
Nobody that doesn't have too much time is gonna read all your shit.

Grow some ballz, get some skill, and ask her out the right way...Either you have it or you don't.
I won't be as harsh as everyone else has been...but right off the bat, I would say that this board is not a dating service:p

Bro, if you really had game, you would have never posted this thread...Having game means, you barely have to do anything to score the ladies, they come to you:p;):cool:

I would say let it go and if she really wants you in anyway, she'll make a move...Women are not like men and do not like being stalked or harassed! Doing that is going to do nothing except turn her off and depending on how close they are or protective her man is you might end up getting your ass handed to you.....
here's what i got to say bout this. i had a female friend who was dating a guy who treated her like shit for 5 years and i kept telling her she deserved better. her friends kept asking me if i liked her and if i would date her (becuase apparently she was head over heals for me), of course i said i did and i would if she were single but i WOULD NOT be the reason they broke up. this girl was a perfect fit me and i could see myself marrying her but out of respect for her boyfriend for 5 years i never made a move on her out of respect of the relationship. how would you feel if some guy you never met broke up your 5 year relationship? if she wanted to be with me then she would break up with her bf and let me know she wanted me to make a move. well, a year and half or so later they broke up, started getting more physical with me, i told her how i felt about her, and she ended up using me as a rebound guy after i put everything i had into making her happy and being what she deserved; now we're no longer friends, we never talk, and all her friends think im crazy for getting so mad for being used.
So what im trying to tell you respect the relationship she's in, don't sit around and wait on her, and even if they break up keep your distance for a long while, especialy if you see this girl as a long term relationship.
hope that helps some bro,
LMAO. I kind of expected a response like that and that's cool I appreciate your feedback. I got the impression that relationship is on it's way to being over based on how she went out of her way to meet me and talk to me. If that wasn't the case then I wouldn't pursue it, obviously.

Tyrone..I respect that statement. I got game I just needed an unbiased point of view.

Triathloncoach..Your nothing but a miserable duchebag that ive yet to see one insightful post from so shut it.
Let me tell you something bro, girls stalk my whole life and if they're hot and they can back it up then it doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact the last one met me out one night an we talked for just 5-10 min. That night she had one kid call another kid to find out my number and call me. At the time I was on vacation an it was my last night so it's a dead end, right? Wrong. She happened to be leaving that week to come up to NY (1300 miles away mind you) I saw her that weekend and by the next week she was doing my laundry and cleaning the house while I was at work. All thanks to her stalking me. You gotta respect it and if your not with it get you and your girl out the way because I'll take her too.

This reminds me of when people write posts about how fuckin jacked and diesel they are but when Phil called them out and said if your such a beast then post your pics-they shell up. I'm just being real with you guys. You can knock me all you want but at the end of the day I'm pulling more ass then 90% of you. I'll turn this forum into Redtube showing you the talent I've pulled. This was a bizarre scenario and I thought I'd put it out there to see what kind of feedback I'd get.
LMAO. I kind of expected a response like that and that's cool I appreciate your feedback. I got the impression that relationship is on it's way to being over based on how she went out of her way to meet me and talk to me. If that wasn't the case then I wouldn't pursue it, obviously.

my old girl and i used to have 1-2 meals together every day and sometime our friends would join us too, hangout and go to parties together all the time, she would visit me at work almost every saturday night (im a bouncer), etc... all this just when we were friends (for over a 1.5 years while she was dating somebody else). So just because the girl you're talkin about went out of her way to meet and talk to you don't mean shit, it just means she felt like talking to you, probably becuase yall work at the same place and it's good to know your co-workers. don't read into the situation too much bud, it aint gonna do you any good.

Time for me to move on
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LMAO. I kind of expected a response like that and that's cool I appreciate your feedback. I got the impression that relationship is on it's way to being over based on how she went out of her way to meet me and talk to me. If that wasn't the case then I wouldn't pursue it, obviously.

my old girl and i used to have 1-2 meals together every day and sometime our friends would join us too, hangout and go to parties together all the time, she would visit me at work almost every saturday night (im a bouncer), etc... all this just when we were friends (for over a 1.5 years while she was dating somebody else). So just because the girl you're talkin about went out of her way to meet and talk to you don't mean shit, it just means she felt like talking to you, probably becuase yall work at the same place and it's good to know your co-workers. don't read into the situation too much bud, it aint gonna do you any good.

she eventually became your girl tho eh?
wasp- yes, we dated a few months then the morning of my shouler surgery she was right there a few minutes after i woke up to break up with me and tell me she used me as a rebound, right in front of the nurses too which ended up working in my favor because 2 of the nurses were pretty good lookin and were flirting with me before surgury, so i left the hospital with 2 new numbers in my phone and a date that weekend. lol
the point was that if the OP views this girl as marrage material then he needs to back off, even if she becomes single he need to not jump into things to fast and be the rebound guy.
evil they are
I'm not going to break your ass for asking a question - ethics and morality aside. Since you asked, I'll answer - and use at your own risk of eternal damnation.

It doesn't matter who you are, if you're in a 5 year relationship, you've had an argument with your significant other. Probably quite a few. Over important shit, petty shit, and over apparently no shit at all.

As the prospective suitor, you've already made your interests known - too bad. Because you just made her defensive - she probably already told her bf, friends and parents (coworkers too) that you came on to her, text her, called her, waited for her outside, etc... Wrong move.

The correct move was to just play along as a cool guy who likes making friends. Ride that for a while. Ask her how she's doing, how are classes, how's the boyfriend, what'd you do this weekend. Just seem interested in friendship -- NOTHING ELSE. Did you catch that?? Just be her friend.

Eventually, you having achieved "friendship" status, she will tell you about some problem. Genuinely try to help, give her good advice, and always -in a measured way- take her side. Check in with her, see how she's dealing with the problem -- always as her *friend* (catch that part again??).

Tell her about parties, invite a group of coworkers out -- just play it cool.

One day she'll show up upset about something - you'll learn her bf and her had an argument. Listen, seemingly objectively, and eventually take her side -- pretending not to fully understand why "he" would do something like that. Don't go in for the kill just yet.

Ride that out - if she's been out with you and friends before, and confided in you, it won't be much of a stretch to for her to meet you out just to talk. Take it easy - again, don't go in for the kill yet.

She may even say that "he's" jealous of you - seem shocked at first, then understand - tell her that he probably senses that you two connect on a different level - but you respect her and her relationship status, and are not the type of guy to try to break people up -- even if they are in the wrong relationship (I know, that's what we call irony, Champ).

Play this game for a while and eventually she will throw herself at you.

Then congratulations, you got the girl and are now officially a douche who should have his ass handed to him.

But, you asked, and I answered. Good luck with your decision.
That is a douchebag move right there. Hey I'm sure it would work but that angle is not my style. I talked to her for a while last night and told her that I respected the fact that she was in a relationship and that I didn't want to step on her boyfriends toes. This chics personality is right up there with her beauty. She could have been a stuck up bitch about the whole thing.

Walker..I certainly appreciate your advice. That's the kind of feedback I was looking for to bring me back down into reality.
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Where is the honor amoung men anymore? Why would you want to break up a relationship? Just because YOU feel it is better for YOU? Damn bro, sorry this shit pisses me off. Its not all about you...

Its very easy to take advantage of a person that is in a long term relationship or is married. Everyone has moments of weakness, so why try to help them fail? So say you steal her away from her boyfriend of 5 years, that relationship is built on a basis of deciet. Nothing good will come of it.

Man up, leave her alone, you are boderline stalker material.

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