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Help me pinpoint this pain from bicep curls.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
I have some pain right below my elbow in the direction of the forearm after doing a work set on ez curl bar. Now the only time I feel the pain is when I contract my arm in the ROM like I would if I were curling, so naturally, applying shaving cream to my neck this morning caused some pain.

Anyone have experience with this kind of pain and how long it took to heal? I am going to lay off bicep curls and attempt chest and back exercises tomorrow if I can avoid aggravating this area. Started cissus yesterday too.
I get identical pain from bar curls of any kind. Dumbbell hammer curls is all I will do now because of this. I see this injury ALL the time, and it's always from bar curls.
sounds like the beginning stages of tendonitis....for some people that type motion is more unnatural...do a lot of stretching in between sets...do hammer curls bother you?
Holy crap. Fantastic timing with this thread. I was going to post one up on the exact same issue today.

The first time it happened to me was about 5 months ago but in my left arm. I believe it began after laying into barbell curls. I laid off the bb curls for a bit and the pain in the left went away after a couple weeks.

I believe I went back a few weeks with barbell curls, and now I have it in my right arm. I also was doing 60lb hammer curls on a preacher bench so this probaby didn't help too much. This time the pain is worse than my left arm and it's not going away.

If I flex my arm, the pain shoots from inside my elbow down my forearm, and also extends up a bit into my bicep. But honestly, it feels like it's more forearm than anything else. Does this sound similar to what you have (to the original poster)?
Holy crap. Fantastic timing with this thread. I was going to post one up on the exact same issue today.

The first time it happened to me was about 5 months ago but in my left arm. I believe it began after laying into barbell curls. I laid off the bb curls for a bit and the pain in the left went away after a couple weeks.

I believe I went back a few weeks with barbell curls, and now I have it in my right arm. I also was doing 60lb hammer curls on a preacher bench so this probaby didn't help too much. This time the pain is worse than my left arm and it's not going away.

If I flex my arm, the pain shoots from inside my elbow down my forearm, and also extends up a bit into my bicep. But honestly, it feels like it's more forearm than anything else. Does this sound similar to what you have (to the original poster)?

Yes, sounds like it exactly. Mine is in the left side. Thankfully the pain is subsiding each day some. I'm going to take cachexic's advice and stay away from any type of bb curls and stick to dumbbells or machines. The stress from a heavy load on the ez bar does seem to put an unnatural stress on my forearms.

GaJoe - No bicep exercises ever bothered me aside from the ez curl bar Monday.
I get identical pain from bar curls of any kind. Dumbbell hammer curls is all I will do now because of this. I see this injury ALL the time, and it's always from bar curls.

yeah, supinating your wrist will aggrevate that kind of tendon strain.
I also was doing 60lb hammer curls on a preacher bench so this probaby didn't help too much. This time the pain is worse than my left arm and it's not going away.

Preacher movements are terrible on the biceps tendons. I know a guy that detatched his tendon completely off the radius doing heavy preacher curls. He had to have it reattached with a screw.

If I were you, I would not do that movement at all. You dont need to mess with preacher curls anyhow. IF you want a similar movemnt I would do concentration curls with a dumbell by resting your elbow on the inside of your thigh as you sit on the end of a bench.
Preacher movements are terrible on the biceps tendons. I know a guy that detatched his tendon completely off the radius doing heavy preacher curls. He had to have it reattached with a screw.

If I were you, I would not do that movement at all. You dont need to mess with preacher curls anyhow. IF you want a similar movemnt I would do concentration curls with a dumbell by resting your elbow on the inside of your thigh as you sit on the end of a bench.

Yikes! I will take this warning into consideration sir. I used to do the concentrations as you described but didn't feel like I was isolating the muscles to the same extent. I will revisit. Thanks for the insight.
Yikes! I will take this warning into consideration sir. I used to do the concentrations as you described but didn't feel like I was isolating the muscles to the same extent. I will revisit. Thanks for the insight.

If you want to do preachers, you can if you can find a preacher bench that has one side that is straight up and down. I actually like using that more than sitting down the way I described. Problem is, most gyms dont have the flat side to the preacher, the side that is perfectly verticle. The angle on thost conventional preacher bench really stresses the tendon a lot and puts it in an unnatural postiion.
once read about most dont even know how to do curl,and to never use preacher beanch,how w ld u say this below ur elbow toward ur forearm if this area is getting sore/ect/hurt thn ur not curling right nor working ur bicep but ur forearm so to speak. try haveing ur back to th wall u ll noticed th diffrent .i no longer curl like i used to nor will i ever get near a preacher beanch.was able to get 2 in on my bicep(14 in to 16 in lol) in one year with no damages to em like i used to.dont know how to explain myself sorry,but if ur elbow area hurt from curls r from preacher beanch thn plz look into it, th info is out ther on this, let b smart and pain free/injury free.dont know how to explain it but preacher beanch r bad for u. hope this help will try to find tht info and post it here if i can find it
A physical therapist told me today it was tendonitis.

Bothers every movement I do except for chest and legs. Taking a week off from everything else and go from there.
once read about most dont even know how to do curl,and to never use preacher beanch,how w ld u say this below ur elbow toward ur forearm if this area is getting sore/ect/hurt thn ur not curling right nor working ur bicep but ur forearm so to speak. try haveing ur back to th wall u ll noticed th diffrent .i no longer curl like i used to nor will i ever get near a preacher beanch.was able to get 2 in on my bicep(14 in to 16 in lol) in one year with no damages to em like i used to.dont know how to explain myself sorry,but if ur elbow area hurt from curls r from preacher beanch thn plz look into it, th info is out ther on this, let b smart and pain free/injury free.dont know how to explain it but preacher beanch r bad for u. hope this help will try to find tht info and post it here if i can find it

WTF? :confused:
Good to hear I'm in good company. Mine has been limiting my back workouts as well. No bumbell rows...even barbell rows hurt. Might as well amputate it if it's no good anymore:D
I haven't done barbell curls in years for that reason.

Look at how hard your squeezing your hands when you curl. If you can just cup the dumbbell/barbell it will take a large amount of stress off your forearm.
I get pain in my elbow when I do triceps
been wearing an elbow sleeve and more warm up sets and my elbow feels alot better
A physical therapist told me today it was tendonitis.

Bothers every movement I do except for chest and legs. Taking a week off from everything else and go from there.

I've been there man...honestly it may take more than a week off...you can train around it...if it hurts in any way then don't do the exercise...back work or biceps work...ice helps and so does ibuprofren....what really works wonders for me is mobic 7.5 mg...twice a day...usually will knock my tendonitis out in a day or two....I've had dr's want to give me cortisone shots but I absolutely won't get those..the mobic works for me.

It the long run it will make you super concious of your form doing different exercises because you don't want to go through that again...I know if you saw me doing curls 10 years ago it's nothing like I do them now.

Wish you well.
I've been there man...honestly it may take more than a week off...you can train around it...if it hurts in any way then don't do the exercise...back work or biceps work...ice helps and so does ibuprofren....what really works wonders for me is mobic 7.5 mg...twice a day...usually will knock my tendonitis out in a day or two....I've had dr's want to give me cortisone shots but I absolutely won't get those..the mobic works for me.

It the long run it will make you super concious of your form doing different exercises because you don't want to go through that again...I know if you saw me doing curls 10 years ago it's nothing like I do them now.

Wish you well.

Good advice. I'll ask about that mobic. You never noticed a delay in healing from taking it have you? I know some will say NSAIDS slow the healing process.

nice post man
i have the same pain
i cant extend my arms straight out
i hope i dont have tendonitis at 28 yrs old

anyone have any ideas


It didn't seem too..I know that naproxen didn't do a thing for me....I just didn't do anything that upset it and it was gone pretty fast..I kept all the other supps (bcaa's, creatine, glutamine) the same. It's frustrating, but give it some time and you'll recover but if you keep on, it will take even longer!

Fireazm, dude it hit me before I was 28...
nice post man
i have the same pain
i cant extend my arms straight out
i hope i dont have tendonitis at 28 yrs old

anyone have any ideas



Age doesent mean a thing. I got terrible bicep tendonitis once when I was only about 12 years old! I got the tendonitis from firing a bow and arrow for hours on end several days in a row over the weekend at my grandma's house! The stress of pulling back on the string and holding it is what did it.

I had it a lot over the years from doing biceps/back workouts. WHen it gets bad, all you can do is give it total rest for a time and then start back with a really light weight. Once you start back you have to build back up slowly to the old weight you used to use. You also need to evaluate your lifting routine, because something you were doing wrong caused your condition. If you go back to doing what you were doing before, the tendonitis will come back again.

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