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Getting fat from Deca. Help!


Nov 15, 2011
after using tren E on and off for two years, I decided to be a little safer and run some deca. My current plan is 750 test cyp a week and 500 deca. i take 4-5 IU of hgh a day. My diet is fairly good and i think the deca is giving me more belly fat. i am taking 10 mg of Nolvadex every other day. Im thinking im not handling the negative sides of Deca. Any thoughts?
after using tren E on and off for two years, I decided to be a little safer and run some deca. My current plan is 750 test cyp a week and 500 deca. i take 4-5 IU of hgh a day. My diet is fairly good and i think the deca is giving me more belly fat. i am taking 10 mg of Nolvadex every other day. Im thinking im not handling the negative sides of Deca. Any thoughts?

Deca is not making you fat. Your diet is making you fat. The test and deca could have also put some water retention on you that you are mistaking for fat. You even wrote your diet is "fairly good" so what do you expect. I see Slesh has just posted and yes I totally agree tren can make a "fairly good" diet seem a lot better than it really is (it's shit). Fix your diet first.
after using tren E on and off for two years, I decided to be a little safer and run some deca. My current plan is 750 test cyp a week and 500 deca. i take 4-5 IU of hgh a day. My diet is fairly good and i think the deca is giving me more belly fat. i am taking 10 mg of Nolvadex every other day. Im thinking im not handling the negative sides of Deca. Any thoughts?
Deca exacerbates sides from estrogen. That's just how it is. You could pull it and replace with mast or Primo. Yeah if you have to eat super clean to run deca and you don't feel like being a BBing monk then it's tough.
Deca is not making you fat. Your diet is making you fat. The test and deca could have also put some water retention on you that you are mistaking for fat. You even wrote your diet is "fairly good" so what do you expect. I see Slesh has just posted and yes I totally agree tren can make a "fairly good" diet seem a lot better than it really is (it's shit). Fix your diet first.
Agree with this. "Fairly good" in my book is essentially saying "I'm not serious about my diet. Not trying to be rude but a poor diet is making you fat not a hormone. I'd post your diet let guys critique...daily calorie intake p c f?
after using tren E on and off for two years, I decided to be a little safer and run some deca. My current plan is 750 test cyp a week and 500 deca. i take 4-5 IU of hgh a day. My diet is fairly good and i think the deca is giving me more belly fat. i am taking 10 mg of Nolvadex every other day. Im thinking im not handling the negative sides of Deca. Any thoughts?
Post up your diet and stats. Pics if you have them.

What others have said is spot on. It’s CICO. Period.

And remember- there is Tren… and then there is every other compound. There is no comparison. 😂

Gear will make you hold water. Food is the ONLY thing that can make you fat.
I agree i should tighten up the diet. I also agree that tren was probably masking flaws in my diet. i also should do more cardio. with all that being said....any thoughts on Nolvadex? or something else to combat sides.
I agree i should tighten up the diet. I also agree that tren was probably masking flaws in my diet. i also should do more cardio. with all that being said....any thoughts on Nolvadex? or something else to combat sides.
Run bloodwork. That’s the only way to know for sure. E2, prolactin, and progesterone. Free and total test would be ideal as well.

Generally, nandrolone at responsible dosages is a low converter so 12.5mg of Aromasin daily will be plenty. You do not want to crush E2 with Nolva. That will have its own set of consequences.

Order some labs with Quest Direct or Ulta Labs and take the guess work out. But at the end of the day if nandrolone doesn’t work for you then just stick with EQ or Primo “after” you maximize test.

I wound also check T4 levels given you are on HGH to see if there is any down regulation.

Just my suggestion and what I would do. Again, without seeing the diet and all factors it’s hard to really give solid input. Tighten up the diet and add cardio as that’s your foundation.
I agree i should tighten up the diet. I also agree that tren was probably masking flaws in my diet. i also should do more cardio. with all that being said....any thoughts on Nolvadex? or something else to combat sides.
I agree with bbextreme get blood work done I really think it's not the deca making you fat more is the diet.yes you may have water gain but not getting fat.if it's really fat it's the diet
Run bloodwork. That’s the only way to know for sure. E2, prolactin, and progesterone. Free and total test would be ideal as well.

Generally, nandrolone at responsible dosages is a low converter so 12.5mg of Aromasin daily will be plenty. You do not want to crush E2 with Nolva. That will have its own set of consequences.

Order some labs with Quest Direct or Ulta Labs and take the guess work out. But at the end of the day if nandrolone doesn’t work for you then just stick with EQ or Primo “after” you maximize test.

I wound also check T4 levels given you are on HGH to see if there is any down regulation.

Just my suggestion and what I would do. Again, without seeing the diet and all factors it’s hard to really give solid input. Tighten up the diet and add cardio as that’s your foundation.
thank you. very informative.
Deca exacerbates sides from estrogen. That's just how it is. You could pull it and replace with mast or Primo. Yeah if you have to eat super clean to run deca and you don't feel like being a BBing monk then it's tough.
For your anabolic component you can half the deca and add in a drier anabolic like primo, eq, Mas or dhb. That will lessen the water retention.

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