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Help with spontaneous hypoglycemia

Tyler Durden

Mar 9, 2009
For a number of years I have been getting bouts of hypoglycemia at random times. I have used slin in the past, but only a few times at small doses. I do not know whether this has contributed or not. Besides munching on candy all day, is there any other way to prevent this. It has really started to impact me negatively. For example, I am a trial attorney. Just as a trial last week was beginning and I was starting to question a witness, I had to excuse myself to run out to the coffee stand for a sugar packet. The next 20 minutes was a nightmare trying to try a good case with sweat running down my face.
For a number of years I have been getting bouts of hypoglycemia at random times. I have used slin in the past, but only a few times at small doses. I do not know whether this has contributed or not. Besides munching on candy all day, is there any other way to prevent this. It has really started to impact me negatively. For example, I am a trial attorney. Just as a trial last week was beginning and I was starting to question a witness, I had to excuse myself to run out to the coffee stand for a sugar packet. The next 20 minutes was a nightmare trying to try a good case with sweat running down my face.

what does your diet look like? When was the last time you had blood work done? Answer these and we will have a much better idea of whats going on so we can help.
How do u know they are hypoglycemias?? Did u take ur blood glucose .? If you did and they are true hypo glycemias it's best to see a doc. Could be insulinoma, addisons, or that condition where food transits ur stomach fast forgot the name for it , or few other conditions.

But usually ppl say that they become hypoglycemic but are not rly and it's something else. So check ur blood sugar first ans dociument it.
For a number of years I have been getting bouts of hypoglycemia at random times. I have used slin in the past, but only a few times at small doses. I do not know whether this has contributed or not. Besides munching on candy all day, is there any other way to prevent this. It has really started to impact me negatively. For example, I am a trial attorney. Just as a trial last week was beginning and I was starting to question a witness, I had to excuse myself to run out to the coffee stand for a sugar packet. The next 20 minutes was a nightmare trying to try a good case with sweat running down my face.

Very common for people on high carb, low fat diets. Look up reactive hypoglycemia. Viscious cycle, and why I don't like high carb and low fat diets. Not saying that is it..don't know enough...but might be.

best advise, STOP EATING CANDY and any other simple carbs. i too suffer hypoglycemia and i run into problems only whenever i eat simple carbs, if you follow a clean diet high in protein low carbs and moderate fats you should be ok, just stay away from the candies and simple sugars.
For a number of years I have been getting bouts of hypoglycemia at random times. I have used slin in the past, but only a few times at small doses. I do not know whether this has contributed or not. Besides munching on candy all day, is there any other way to prevent this. It has really started to impact me negatively. For example, I am a trial attorney. Just as a trial last week was beginning and I was starting to question a witness, I had to excuse myself to run out to the coffee stand for a sugar packet. The next 20 minutes was a nightmare trying to try a good case with sweat running down my face.

Im prone to this myself. 1st thing to do is watch diet. Try eating long lasting good carbs. Also get a glucose meter and keep track of your blood levels,,,especially when it drops to hypo level. I was getting down in the 40's and about to pass out.
Ask your doctor to order a glucose tolerance test. You'll show up in a fasted state, drink glucose, and then they draw blood every hour to see how you react. Ask the doctor to also order insulin levels to be taken at the same time.

That is a good start to determine if have reactive hypoglycemia and your producing too much insulin or not. If that's not the cause there needs to be more investigation.

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