Hey everybody, thanks BigA and Co. for the great board. I'm new here and would appreciate some help. I took a break from training for a month that turned into 4 months, just trained chest for the first time back the day before yesterday with a moderately intense session.
Of course I'm experiencing deep sorness but the problem is my weak side pec is actually swollen.
Nothing strange happened during the session and it felt great to be back, this pec thing is troubling. I've never taken a break that long before. Has anyone had this happen before? What should I do to help it heal so I can train again in 4 days? Thanks
Of course I'm experiencing deep sorness but the problem is my weak side pec is actually swollen.
Nothing strange happened during the session and it felt great to be back, this pec thing is troubling. I've never taken a break that long before. Has anyone had this happen before? What should I do to help it heal so I can train again in 4 days? Thanks