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Help with Pec Injury


Jun 4, 2019
Hey guys,

Quick back story. About 8 months ago I did something to my pec on my top set of decline smith presses. I worked my way up to 315 and got to about the 3rd or 4th rep and felt my right, outer/lower pec overly contract (kinda like a hard muscle cramp) but it wasn't a sharp pain. Like an idiot, I pushed through and got 9 more reps before racking the weight. Then tried to do a back-off set at 225 and got some reps but didn't feel right so I canned the rest of the workout, took the L for the day, and went home.

Spent about 4 weeks rehabbing this injury. The pain was a dull ache in the outer chest. The first few weeks I was just trying to get fresh blood into the chest. I'd do extremely light DB presses for sets of 40 and then be done. Eventually, everything worked out and I was better. I'd say all in all it took 6 weeks to be back to 100%

Fast forward to yesterday, I was training chest on week three of gamma bomb. During my third chest movement (slight incline smith press) I start to feel the sharp contraction again in the same outer pec area as before on my top set. I immediately get worried and quickly rack the weight. This weird contraction was maybe a third of what the original was 8 months ago, but still enough to scare the shit out of me. Now I have this minor soreness in my right pec as I'm typing this.

In between these two incidents, I also felt a similar sensation when doing dips but the feeling went away and was never an issue.

All this to say, what the hell is going on? I am not using a crazy load, I am very warmed up and well-hydrated. Maybe its too much volume for my chest?

Could the muscle just be too pumped up and causing this weird contraction?

Not sure if this could be relevant but my right shoulder is about 2 inches lower than my left. I've had a minor case of scoliosis since I was a kid. Maybe this is causing my problem when I'm pressing from a fixed position.

All I know is that the smith machine presses are out indefinitely.
Hey guys,

Quick back story. About 8 months ago I did something to my pec on my top set of decline smith presses. I worked my way up to 315 and got to about the 3rd or 4th rep and felt my right, outer/lower pec overly contract (kinda like a hard muscle cramp) but it wasn't a sharp pain. Like an idiot, I pushed through and got 9 more reps before racking the weight. Then tried to do a back-off set at 225 and got some reps but didn't feel right so I canned the rest of the workout, took the L for the day, and went home.

Spent about 4 weeks rehabbing this injury. The pain was a dull ache in the outer chest. The first few weeks I was just trying to get fresh blood into the chest. I'd do extremely light DB presses for sets of 40 and then be done. Eventually, everything worked out and I was better. I'd say all in all it took 6 weeks to be back to 100%

Fast forward to yesterday, I was training chest on week three of gamma bomb. During my third chest movement (slight incline smith press) I start to feel the sharp contraction again in the same outer pec area as before on my top set. I immediately get worried and quickly rack the weight. This weird contraction was maybe a third of what the original was 8 months ago, but still enough to scare the shit out of me. Now I have this minor soreness in my right pec as I'm typing this.

In between these two incidents, I also felt a similar sensation when doing dips but the feeling went away and was never an issue.

All this to say, what the hell is going on? I am not using a crazy load, I am very warmed up and well-hydrated. Maybe its too much volume for my chest?

Could the muscle just be too pumped up and causing this weird contraction?

Not sure if this could be relevant but my right shoulder is about 2 inches lower than my left. I've had a minor case of scoliosis since I was a kid. Maybe this is causing my problem when I'm pressing from a fixed position.

All I know is that the smith machine presses are out indefinitely.
Get imaging done. Sounds like it could possibly be pec minor. But don’t under estimate the value of imaging and good sports focused physical therapy or rehab with injuries.

Heal them right the first time and learn to train around them. If not they always come back to haunt you down the line in my experience.
Get imaging done. Sounds like it could possibly be pec minor. But don’t under estimate the value of imaging and good sports focused physical therapy or rehab with injuries.

Heal them right the first time and learn to train around them. If not they always come back to haunt you down the line in my experience.
Yeah, I need to do that. I think saw you mention that you're in the Atlanta area. if so do you have any recommendations? I have to been Peachtree Ortho a few times for other injuries in the past.
Yeah, I need to do that. I think saw you mention that you're in the Atlanta area. if so do you have any recommendations? I have to been Peachtree Ortho a few times for other injuries in the past.
Absolutely. I only work with the best. I personally work with these guys now:

Best part is they have a Neubi machine which has brought many pro’s back from injuries.
Absolutely. I only work with the best. I personally work with these guys now:

Best part is they have a Neubi machine which has brought many pro’s back from injuries.
Thanks. I will check them out.
Absolutely. I only work with the best. I personally work with these guys now:

Best part is they have a Neubi machine which has brought many pro’s back from injuries.p
awesome only 8 miles from my office on McGinnis
When I first got into all this in college it was the 5x5, lots of AAS lots of food. Got up to 345 and that's when it happened. Sounds similar to mine...not tendon but muscle belly. Or pec minor. I couldn't bench the bar after. Pt helped eventually got back but never tested those high weights again. Everytime I started to creep up on bench or DB bench, that pec tweak from years ago reminds me he's there. So I avoid any heavy pressing. Not saying you have to but overall...see a good pt....be very careful on exercise selection in future... consider upping rep range. We got lucky because no tendon tears...muscle belly has blood flow will heal ...but IMO never the same.
I would head the warning your chest is giving you. You likely are having some tearing although not 100%. I would avoid that smith machine all together and stick with dumbbells if you have history of such imbalances from side to side. Whatever is going on that area of your chest is getting overloaded.

I would cut the weight way back, avoid the smith machine and continue to focus on stretching. I agree with the above to see an ortho doc. They would do an x-ray for multiple reasons of your shoulder, then physical therapy and if you wouldn't get better than likely an MRI. PT would be a good idea though to have someone see you from a different perspective in regard to your biomechanics.

Good luck dude.
Pick up one of Mark Bell’s Slingshots once you’re ready to get back into the gym. The elastic bounce of the sling will help when the bar’s at its lowest point. Helps to relieve the tension on the hardest part of the lift.


I use a copycat that let's you get a little deeper and secures better

Hip Thrust Pad for Barbell 3.5" Thick Leather Olympic Barbell Pad for Bench Press Weightlifting Powerlifting https://a.co/d/5CxH8XZ

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