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Hepatic adenomas what now

Thanks alot guys, it really motivates me that iam not the only one who have or had to deal with this. I will most likely hire a experienced coach and focus on fit looking physique. I will give more updates, project small can start :))

I call it project health first.
Okey guys after some time got update for you, its hard and shitty road, when i was 3 weeks after last test shot i was like wow why these people are so crazy about it i dont feel that bad, libido is decent, few weeks later iam empty person, i dont have any emotions in my fucking body, iam bored 99% time and its only getting worst and worst, my friend took me to party so i clear my head i end up on multiple lines of high quality coke for 3 days in row (never used hard drugs ever before) and only because i was feeling good for these 45 minutes always, now i fight huge hangover after that and something like depression, its not really deep depression its just feeling like everything sux and i dont want to do anything just sit and do nothing. Only possitive thing is that i didnt touched any hormones since i promised here. :banghead:
Okey guys after some time got update for you, its hard and shitty road, when i was 3 weeks after last test shot i was like wow why these people are so crazy about it i dont feel that bad, libido is decent, few weeks later iam empty person, i dont have any emotions in my fucking body, iam bored 99% time and its only getting worst and worst, my friend took me to party so i clear my head i end up on multiple lines of high quality coke for 3 days in row (never used hard drugs ever before) and only because i was feeling good for these 45 minutes always, now i fight huge hangover after that and something like depression, its not really deep depression its just feeling like everything sux and i dont want to do anything just sit and do nothing. Only possitive thing is that i didnt touched any hormones since i promised here. :banghead:

Listen, you are young and you think that losing your mass is the end of the world, guess what? It isn't.

It's hard at first losing size, but look at it this way, eventually you will have to stop and most people tend to stop when they get to their 40's.

You have to take care of your health and look on the bright side.
It's probably normal to get depressed at first but it will pass.

I speak from experience, I was big once and now I look like a normal person, and no body fucking cares.

Once you get passed the body image issue, you will be fine. People don't care how big or small you are. Enjoy like while you can doing different things.

I hope you get better and don't go other drugs to get over your depression and boredom, it will pass and you will get used to being normal again.
Good luck.
so OP, what exactly was your aas usage like?

you said a couple grams here, a couple grams there..

could you be a bit more specific? how was your AI use?

also, I would strongly recommend against going down the recreational drug road.. it's a really, really bad one.
It will take loooots of space to write everything but just to show some good example this is my cycle for one of bigger shows ive prepared.

I started 12 weeks before show

1-12Test C 1,5ml/eod (i run all till pretty much last week)
1-8 Tren Ace 100mg/ed
8-12 Masteron prop 100mg/ed
8-11 Tren Ace 150mg/ed
12 Tren ace 200mg/ed
1-8 Bold und 1g/wk
10-12 Winstrol 50mg/ed

Forgot to write AI
1mg Anastrazole/ed
20-40mg Nolvadex/ed
Not all the time, nolvadex was near the show like 6 weeks.

T3 started on 50mcg work it up to 150mcg (had cheat day even twice a week)
Clenbuterol usually started 6-4 weeks before show max dosage i remember 6tab 0,4.
1-4 Anadrol 150mg/150mg/200mg/200mg
8-12 Halotestin 40mg/ed
Rivotril before bed with somatomax or how is it called with gaba etc

IGF 300mcg/daily from must trusted source so far, but still dont know if its real deal.

Pharmacy GH up to 16iu/daily ive just split shots as much as i could.
Lasix for water
Nolotil into lacking parts

Never really used insulin only last week to carb up. Also it looks very scary like this but its pretty much very close to what some of my other competitors run, its not rare to see 400mg tren ace last week etc. Dont want to go deep into details. Iam last one to judge someone.
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das alotta juice

soooo were there ever long periods where you ran aromatizing aas and no AI?
No ive run AI all the time, but only like 1mg/eod anastrazole, with 2g Tst E off season, ofc i wasnt always on grams i had times on cruise doses etc but in general i did lot of juice.
No ive run AI all the time, but only like 1mg/eod anastrazole, with 2g Tst E off season, ofc i wasnt always on grams i had times on cruise doses etc but in general i did lot of juice.
Thank you for sharing all this.

Ever run bloodwork and see abnormally high E2? Or was it still high but "normal" for the amount of test in your system? (Like 100 for 4k+ ngl total test)?

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Truth is, its not easy to look at this now when its all together like this, i think even half would be still alot, damage was done and it can be good example how not to cycle for another dream chaser :)

About bloodwork thats the problem i had few hormone ones but my E2 was usually normal or only slightly higher. But i did most of the time bloodwork on my liver etc, especially ive got paper here, after this cycle 2 weeks i had only slightly higher alt/Ast ratio and no good cholesterol and high bad one.
idk man.. 2g of test or 1.25g + 1g of EQ

with only 1mg adex EOD?

shit.. sorry this is happening bro, shit has got me paranoid lol
It will take loooots of space to write everything but just to show some good example this is my cycle for one of bigger shows ive prepared.

I started 12 weeks before show

1-12Test C 1,5ml/eod (i run all till pretty much last week)
1-8 Tren Ace 100mg/ed
8-12 Masteron prop 100mg/ed
8-11 Tren Ace 150mg/ed
12 Tren ace 200mg/ed
1-8 Bold und 1g/wk
10-12 Winstrol 50mg/ed

Forgot to write AI
1mg Anastrazole/ed
20-40mg Nolvadex/ed
Not all the time, nolvadex was near the show like 6 weeks.

T3 started on 50mcg work it up to 150mcg (had cheat day even twice a week)
Clenbuterol usually started 6-4 weeks before show max dosage i remember 6tab 0,4.
1-4 Anadrol 150mg/150mg/200mg/200mg
8-12 Halotestin 40mg/ed
Rivotril before bed with somatomax or how is it called with gaba etc

IGF 300mcg/daily from must trusted source so far, but still dont know if its real deal.

Pharmacy GH up to 16iu/daily ive just split shots as much as i could.
Lasix for water
Nolotil into lacking parts

Never really used insulin only last week to carb up. Also it looks very scary like this but its pretty much very close to what some of my other competitors run, its not rare to see 400mg tren ace last week etc. Dont want to go deep into details. Iam last one to judge someone.

three common denominators I notice time and time again when members come and raise threads here with headings such as " Bros I was fucking fine and now I have been told I got this tumor growing, I got that mailgant cancer accerlating in my body. Wtf is going on".

These three things are known to accelerate cancer, tumors etc and shit turns malignant in no time!

OP sorry you are having to go through this traumatic exp. Stay strong.

and no touching recreational drugs. no hard stuff. I would rather have u pin 50 mg test long ester every third day then do lines of cocaine.

I know you are looking for escape.
That I can empathise with but it wont do you no good.

Just dont do it!

You will start burning the candle from both ends. You got to stay on track to recuperate your health.

U need inspiration ??

Where is Nothuman

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Thanks guys! Its really cool how some1 who never met me can help me from fucking bad situation. On the other side got some possitive news, today i went to next blood work because 2 weeks ago i had urea like 12 they told me my kidneys are fucked, alt was 3,2 ast 1,7. Today (after workout yeasterday)

ALT: 1,19 (normal is 0,87 max)
AST: 0,56 (normal is 0,87 max)
Bilirubin 12,4 (20,5 max)
GMT 0,56 (1,77 max)
ALP 1,19 (max 2,29)

Urea 7,7 (max 8,3)
Kreatinin 119 (max 114)

Was taking so fucking much liver supp but most important i was drinking water all the time, whenever i was near water i just drink and drink lol. Took ursoan, rowatinex, rowachol, tad glutha. tumeric, curcuma just everything healthy and it works finally! :-D

I also visit my doc. and told him that i cant work like this, without energy, sex drive, libido, ive got girlfriend and i feel bad for her too lol. So he told me that instead pinning some random dirty ug test he give me recom. to HRT clinic, its sad at my age but what can i do.
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The above guy is an expert on these matters (gotgame), unfortunately you don't seem to want to listen to sound advice. I think you are on a collision course with death and that is a shame at such a young age.

His not going the lessen. 2g?
Okey guys here we go again , i compete since 18, i started with nonstop blast around 20 for 2 years on high dosages, i developed baretts esophagus so i dropped dosage low and after year i was very lucky but it completly dissapered and got cured BUT here we go again i started like retard again blast 2g here 2 g there 16iu gh, but atleast i go for year full body check (we got oncology program they make all tests for every possible cancer)

And to my big supprise they told me on ultrasound that i have 10cm mass on my liver and i need to go for CT, my liver enzymes only slightly elevated (i wasnt big on orals most of the time) all tumor markers came back normal. That day i dropped everything to 250mg test E e7d HCG 1500iu e3d and anastrazole 1mg/ed which is most likely overkill now but i need to make blood test on hormones too so i know where i stand right now.

On ct they found 7 masses, biggest one got 10cm but its FNH then same type masses like this one but smaller, hemangiomas and last one is hypoechoic (adenoma) this one is only 1,6cm. After ct they told me there is no cancer or anything going on and i need ultrasounds and blood test with tumor markers after half year or year.

So what can i do right now? Ofc i went on TRT dosages instantly there was no way around even its small it looks like its last warning for me but also i know for sure (i know myself) that once it gets better or resected i will come back to cycles but not in grams but in mgs this time no more abuse. Iam in touch with best liver surgeons we got here and plan my liver resection so i can get rid of the monsters. Sorry for bad english

Also i know it sounds stupid from some1 who abused shit tons of AS but simple blood work is good for nothing, i had liver enzymes almost normal my doctor wasnt even worried about it he thought its from heavy workout i had no problems i was feeling great and still had 10CM MASS on liver which is fucking hugeee.

Can you post a photo? I ma just curios how you look with such of high amount of gear. I will not mention any names but some of the PM members that are on over 1g they look like just started lifting.
Please search ProM for a member who recently died from liver cancer after what I suspect was conversion of an adenoma to HCC. I discuss much of this in details before he died.

If you have the mindset that you are going to keep cycling then honestly I dont know what to say. Please look into adenomas, androgren receptors, IGF receptors, conversion to hepatomas, how likely you are to survive one rupturing.. ok im done. Best of luck to you. If you are done cycling and want to discuss MRI imaging/biopsy results and management I would be happy to discuss that more.

My feeling is that once you develop adenomas your steroids usage days are a thing of the past.

Can someone link me to this thread? On mobile with a less than stellar screen so it makes searching frustrating.
Ok guys iam back with update, its terrible ride and it looks like it will never end for me. So where to start, since last time i posted i was twice on MRI, ultrasound, like 5 blood tests, tumor markers, best doctors in country working on me, 4 weeks ago my MRI results came back and diagnosis was multiple Focal nodular hyperplasia with possible fibrolamellar HCC (which is very rare form of cancer) and that biopsi will be needed maybe, i pretty much lost it here, i was like whatever no adenomas and i dont believe i have such a cancer, i started to juice again FNH grows from estrogen mainly so i started 50mg tren ace/eod together with 400mg deca/wk ive never seen so crazy results so fast i was getting better day by day, all with 1mg anastrazole daily and 50mg proviron. Last friday i was on ultrasound for final diagnosis and doctor told me that he thinks that there is all kind of tumors, fnh, heman. but even adenomas, that atm its not possible to tell me which tumor is adenoma or fnh, that with all the hormones they look very different and they dont have typical book diagnosis look. I was like wtf so they dont know and cant even tell me if i have adenomas, fnh, cancer after all these imaging methods all these experts and i still dont know shit. My tumor markers came back normal, after this cycle none of tumors increased in size not even mm. I believe biggest evil in growth of these tumors is HUGE dosage of GH together with big dose of trenbolone and uncontrolled estrogen. Exactly 1 year ago i had my liver clean not single tumor, now i have 7 tumors which one is 10cm. It was that year i was getting ready for major show in EU (there is only 2 big shows its not hard to say which one) and i was running pharmacy gh up to 16iu with lots of tren and IGF. I also learned some things about me, iam typical bodybuilding addict i cant deal with stress and give up really fast, since friday i was home on coke doing lines and eat like 3 shakes per day. I really dont know where to begin now, i drop tren again because i want to run only very short and low dosage cycles, and started 50mg tst prop 50mg anavar and 50mg npp/eod. Again sorry for bad english and chaotic text.

Final diagnosis: Benign liver tumors with next ultrasound in 3 months, if any changes occur, we will order next MRI and biopsi. He admitted his anabolic steroid abuse which is big factor in diagnosis. (yes i was clear about my abuse because doctors biggest problem was that my liver was clear 1 year ago and they dont believe such a fast grow)

About my previous shape, i dont want to post pictures because its still internet board and this thread is not mainly about my shape, you can take me as skinny kid it doesnt matter, but all these health info is real and if it helps 1 person to think twice about massive dosage of GH and steroids i will be happy for that.

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