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Hey Phil...


New member
Jan 24, 2006
Hey Phil I know you beat Craig Titus to earn your pro card, did you think he would be capable of something like what he has done. Backstage after you beat him did he seem like the type? I know he has stolen guys furniture and stuff like that but whats your thought on this scenario?
I gotta say man in MY opinion that is a really stupid question. I can't wait for Phil to answer this one it's gonna be a good one. Is this a joke? are you tying to get Phil fired up or are you for real?
Lex...simply a question thats all, thats why this is a message board:D
NPCLight said:
Lex...simply a question thats all, thats why this is a message board:D

My point is I could of done the same show with you and followed you home and killed your family. We know that Craig didnt have a problem with rec drugs, and if you know anything about it, meth makes you into a fucking manicac. We are all capable of alot giving the circumstances, at the show Phil beat craigs ass I remember that was the one he threw his trophy down in a pussy fit and stormed off stage acting like a fucking baby. The btk killer walked next door one night to commit his first murders, no one ever expected that.
Good call Lex...

Pete PM...

Again good luck in July. I am working with a guy that came to the seminar, he's got a lot of work he is 6'2 243.
I am guessing Phil did not talk to or know Craig that way but i do know that Phil is in a zone when he did shows and kept to himself and probley just shrugged it off and paid no attention to Craig... Craig has not grown up and infact regressed it seems..

Phil has moved on i am sure and looks back on those days with bitter sweet memories but i can not speak for him.. When he gets back he will chime in i am sure..

NPCLight said:
Hey Phil I know you beat Craig Titus to earn your pro card, did you think he would be capable of something like what he has done. Backstage after you beat him did he seem like the type? I know he has stolen guys furniture and stuff like that but whats your thought on this scenario?

Being around Craig made my skin crawl. I acted really dumb around him, just nodding and agreeing with what he said because I wanted to get the hell out of there. Thats all I will say about my time spent with Craig.

Being around Craig made my skin crawl. I acted really dumb around him, just nodding and agreeing with what he said because I wanted to get the hell out of there. Thats all I will say about my time spent with Craig.

|--[\\\]>-------- Hey, that's how you acted when you met me!:eek:
i was there when the decision was announced.. i remember turning to a magazine editor friend of mine (balik) and saying "if craig loses this.. he will flip".. even then he had a bad rep and had a aweful temper.. when the decision was announced,i saw craigs face and waited for the fireworks.. it was actually fun to watch since craig was about as popular as herpes..
I dunno but craig is a was a awesome bodybuilder and kwell as hell to everyone. He made it big and seems to have got caught up with the wrong things maybe we shouldnt run his name more in the mud or kick him while he is down right now. He was after all a BB that we all strive to be as well. Just a thought. MM
After seeing you all rag on the original poster of this thread for even asking Phil a question, thinking that he's pass them off as a dumbass and rip them, I think you all deserve NPCLight an apology, even those of you who jumped into the thread without him even adressing you.
in the second post to light I made the point I was trying to make, my replys may read more abrasive than the are intened too be. and BTW I love for your first post you start setting us all straight on the board.

SO gee whiz if I deeply offended anyone in this post please accept my most sincere apologies
TheRealityCheck said:
After seeing you all rag on the original poster of this thread for even asking Phil a question, thinking that he's pass them off as a dumbass and rip them, I think you all deserve NPCLight an apology, even those of you who jumped into the thread without him even adressing you.

who is this serious your first post come on & to stay on topic i was wondering myself if craig is a little odd has a few screws loose damn the man did some foul ass shit it takes a certain individual to commit those crimes
Let's face the FACTS here:

- NPC asked Phil, a RESPECTED IFBB Pro, a question

- You all RIPPED into him for even asking it, even those of you who have personal issues with him who he didn't intend the original post for

- Phil responded in a serious, non-abrasive manner

- The sheep on here who bashed NPC for even posting that didn't say a damn THING after Phil just answered honestly, without ripping him.

Looking at things from the outside, I'd say NPC is deserved an apology from a few of you, especially the morons who ripped him saying Phil would never respond to a question "that stupid...".

Listen, my friends: Don't go away mad, just go away. You all ripped on NPC for asking a question, and some of you morons ripped on him for even POSTING, but you all have SHIT on your FACE right now. Live with it. Learn from your stupid-ass posting and move on.
TheRealityCheck said:
Let's face the FACTS here:
Listen, my friends: Don't go away mad, just go away. You all ripped on NPC for asking a question, and some of you morons ripped on him for even POSTING, but you all have SHIT on your FACE right now. Live with it. Learn from your stupid-ass posting and move on.

Listen my friend: Don't go away mad, just go away. You ripped on the guys posting in an open forum for their opinion. Who's the moron and who has SHIT on their FACE now. Live with it. Learn from your stupid-ass posting and move on.
Damn it isnt a complicated as you all are making it. Dude asked a question that implies how Phil sized up Titus' persona back when. Phil answered nicely.
Done! Chill out girls! :D

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