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Hey Wyldeone wheres the articals you promised.


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 4, 2003
First of all I hope things went well for you and your guys at the nationals and your life is well in general.But now that the show is over ,how about throwing together a couple of articals together for us .I am sure all of the guys would really appreciate it.I would love to see what you would do as for as an off season mass building phase .{diet, gear, training ect...] and I would also like to see your model for a contestprep covering the same elements.I think you would have to have lots of cool stuff to share that would make some great reading for the board members.I think with training and dieting being so individualized it would help even aquire more clients than you already must have.So even though you would be sharing your secrets everyone knows they would need to go to you to fine tune things.So it would be smart business on your part as well.Hopefully ,you will find the time to do this because I for one am very interested in the things you have to say.Thanks for reading .....My best to you !
i second that.

if you get time that would be great wylde.



I will give that a bump too, just general guides you follow. Of course everyone is different.
he just got back from nationals on sunday so lets give him some time

Making any refernece to him will get things riled up on the boards. Something we don't need!!

I prefer a peaceful site. One where we all get along. Not all agree but at least all have respect and get along!!!

I know but I can see old kingpin and him getting into it.

Maybe I should keep my mouth shut. :x

Re: yeah

Superior1 said:
I know but I can see old kingpin and him getting into it.

Maybe I should keep my mouth shut. :x


Thats OK-Ive got my trigger finger itching on the BAN button! :D
get 'em mikey!!! LOL

sometimes i wish i had the power to ban dumbasses, but with my attitude we wouldnt have any members left.haha


I too would love to see and read a diagram of what an off-season mass building program for a national competition looks like, i know i could use the help. Please help us out wylde!!
Re: arghhh!!!

Superior1 said:
Making any refernece to him will get things riled up on the boards. Something we don't need!!

I prefer a peaceful site. One where we all get along. Not all agree but at least all have respect and get along!!!

did someone say the "W" word ???
gainingmass said:
I too would love to see and read a diagram of what an off-season mass building program for a national competition looks like, i know i could use the help. Please help us out wylde!!

Funny thing w/ that is that everyone things there is something new under the sun but, theories that work are ones that always have. People are always trying to reinvent the wheel. For offseason(Something that is my forte) you just want to go w/ ratio's:

Protein 1gram per lb bodyweight(Reason for this low amount is that you will be packing in the carbs for fuel and so you don't want too much protein floating around since your prolly gonna be on gear that will help you utilize that protein best)

Carbs 3-4grams per lb bodyweight(Carbs are your friend in the offseason and you can have them all the way up to bedtime)

Fat .5-.75grams per lb bodyweight(This might seem like a lot but, really it isn't because to gain muscle you need to gain a little fat, notice I said "Little".)

Cardio-Although untraditional I like to do 3x30minutes of cardio post workout along w/ my 3 40minute sessions of sparring per week.

Nice Post Ry , I know what you or saying and I think i know my shit as well.But is always nice to see what others have to say on these matters .One good idea can really get one through sticking points ,wasted time, or money.I am old school guy my self.Keep it simple.I work with Skip any way, and I am very happy. Just looking to challenge his bald ass every now and then,That is all , he thinks he knows every thing!LOL! HA! HA! ....I got to keep him on his toes every now and then ,or he gets bored with me.I would only listen to him when it comes down to it [ or why bother having a trainer], I love the guy[ and not in a gay way either guys ,LOL!] I am very happy with him, just looking to keep his ass sharp , I don't want him to get lazy with me, that is all.But thanks Ry , thats why you are so respected on these boards my friend....you tell it like it is!
Thanks for the post Ry, i know theres nothing really new to sport of bodybuilding as far as what will yield results, but i just like to see others outlook on what works for them, im always tryin to improve myself and learn all i can along the way, thats all. I appreciate your tips in off season im basically doing it like that only i was taking in more protein than you suggested, so you dont think i need more than 1 gram per pound of bodyweight? Well anyways thanks for the suggestions.

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