When testing cholesterol medications in animals researchers inject them with HFCS. It makes your liver pump out lots of cholesterol by stimulating the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase.
This stuff is in so many products now. Read labels and stay clear of it.
That and trans fats, over the last few years i have become a major label reader. HFCS is nasty stuff, i have a friend that stays in great shape that quit anything w/ HFCS and he says he feels 200% better, and this is a guy that can eat anything and stays lean...
After I watched this video, I went and checked some of my foods... I don't think I have any food with it in there LMFAO
I love what I eat and it's not garbage food! People have the misconception that eating healthy tastes like crap and is wicked expensive. I ate 2 9oz 93/7 patties for lunch and 1/4 cup rice... f'in delicious and nutritous. Excuses are made by lazy people.
People say that we're obsessed, I say they're LAZY
Fructose, when consumed in any way other than from natural sources like fruit (with balanced fructose/glucose ratio's, fiber, phyto-nutrients etc) is worse for you than alcohol IMO...(given fructose and alcohol are metabolized somewhat similarly anyway).
but luckly here in my conty dorn syrup is quite rare and "exsotic", we consider it as a diabetic or health food...
that is sadly, becouse we are 20years back where US used to be...