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High Volume/Frequency Training Split


New member
Mar 28, 2007
Hey All, I wanted to get your opinions/past experiences on a new split I am trying to come up with.

I feel I am a fairly advanced/experienced lifter. My body responds quite well to high frequency/high volume workouts. I have always followed a traditional push/pull/legs/push/pull/legs/rest 6 day split. I have made good strength gains but am looking to switching things up. I like high volume and high frequency and want to devise a new intense 6 day split. I have a lot of free time on my hands and can make it to the gym 6 days a week, rest, and eat all day long.

So I need some opinions on a new "hardcore" high volume/frequency routine for mass & strength.

I was thinking about either an upper/lower/upper/lower/upper/lower/off OR
possibly something like:
Mon, Wed, Fri: quads,back, hams bis
Tues, Thurs, Sat: chest, shoulder, calves, tri

Has any high frequency/over-reaching training like this before? I realize it would be a short, maybe 4 or 5 week cycle, and then I would definitely take a deloading period.... but I really want something to shock my body.
So post up your best insane 6-day routine!
Day 1
Bench Press 4 sets 6-8 reps
Incline Press 4 sets 6-8 reps

Latissimus Dorsi
Pull Downs 4 sets 8-10 reps
One Arm Row 4 sets 8-10 reps

Military Press 4 sets 8-10 reps
Lateral Raise 4 sets 8-10 reps

Upright Rows 4 sets 8-10 reps

Standing Toe Raises 5 sets 15-20 reps

Incline Sit Ups 4 sets 15-20 reps
Seated Leg Raise/ Knee Bent 3 sets 15 reps

Day 2
Curls 4 sets 8-10 reps
Preacher Curls 4 sets 8-10 reps
Press Down 4 sets 8-10 reps
Lying French Press 4 6-8 reps

Quadriceps Frontal thigh
Extensions 4 sets 10-12 reps
Leg Press 4 sets 8-10 reps

Quadriceps & Gluteus Maximus
Squats 4 sets 8-10 reps

SLDL 4 sets 10-12 reps


Crunches/Knee Bent 4 sets 15-20
Incline Sit Ups 4 sets 15-20

Alternate Day1 and Day 2 Take Sun Off
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Looks good, but wouldn't it be more effective to break it into a push/pull type thing so that you don't have as much overlap. Because, with your split, you are working your arms (directly or indirectly) everyday.

Wouldn't - quads,hams/back/bi - day 1
chest/shoulder/tri/calves- day 2

make more sense? Or not?
This is what the old timers used to use. Arms with legs.
An upper/lower would be perfect as a split has overlap when working any upper split.
If you can do an upper/lower it would be best but the workouts would be unbalanced. But you can try anyway you want. Push/Pull would work.
mon: chest , delts , triceps

tue: calves , hams , quads

wed: forearms , biceps , back width , back thickness

thursday : repeat

if you really have enough time , you could go twice a day and you would be able to split the muscle groups up and even train them with a higher volume , while not having to stay for 2 hours in the gym at the same time .
but , if you are asking me , this will lead to overtraining quickly , even if you are not going twice , even if you are only doing 1 set per muscle group , you will overtrain quick . you say 5-6 weeks , i say 2 - 3 . i might be wrong , because i don't know how well you are recovering , but this split above is asking for genetically gifted recovery abilities .

Monday: cable flyes s/s machine press 3 sets of 20 reps
db shoulder press 3 sets of 15 rep
slateral raises/front raises/rear delt laterals 3 sets of 20 reps
tricep pushdowns s/s bench dips 3 sets of 20 reps

Leg extensions 3 sets of 25 repsleg press 3 sets of 20 reps
squats 3 sets of 15 repsleg curls or seated leg curl 3 sets of 25 reps
sdld 3 sets of 15 reps

Wednesday: Lat pulldowns s/s Standing cable pullovers 3 sets of 15 reps
db row or barbell rows 3 sets of 15 repscable curls 3 sets of 20 reps
db curl or preacher curl 3 sets of 15 repsreverse cable curl 2 sets of 15 reps

Thursday: Pushups s/s db or machine shoulder press s/s tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 30 each
db press s/s lateral raises s/s db kickbacks 3 sets of 30 reps each

Friday: Leg extensions s/s squats s/s walking lunges 3 sets of 15 reps
sldl s/s leg curls s/s adductor machine 3 sets of 15 reps
leg press 2 sets of 50 reps

Saturday: Gravitron pullup 3 sets x maxt bar row s/s lat pulldown 3 sets 15 reps
db curl s/s hammer curl 3 sets of 15 reps


Cardio 45 minutes daily

Except Sunday....whole day off

Monday: cable flyes s/s machine press 3 sets of 20 reps
db shoulder press 3 sets of 15 rep
slateral raises/front raises/rear delt laterals 3 sets of 20 reps
tricep pushdowns s/s bench dips 3 sets of 20 reps

Leg extensions 3 sets of 25 repsleg press 3 sets of 20 reps
squats 3 sets of 15 repsleg curls or seated leg curl 3 sets of 25 reps
sdld 3 sets of 15 reps

Wednesday: Lat pulldowns s/s Standing cable pullovers 3 sets of 15 reps
db row or barbell rows 3 sets of 15 repscable curls 3 sets of 20 reps
db curl or preacher curl 3 sets of 15 repsreverse cable curl 2 sets of 15 reps

Thursday: Pushups s/s db or machine shoulder press s/s tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 30 each
db press s/s lateral raises s/s db kickbacks 3 sets of 30 reps each

Friday: Leg extensions s/s squats s/s walking lunges 3 sets of 15 reps
sldl s/s leg curls s/s adductor machine 3 sets of 15 reps
leg press 2 sets of 50 reps

Saturday: Gravitron pullup 3 sets x maxt bar row s/s lat pulldown 3 sets 15 reps
db curl s/s hammer curl 3 sets of 15 reps


Cardio 45 minutes daily

Except Sunday....whole day off


Looks like a good plan! This would be good for maybe precontest or someone looking to lean down and increase muscle endurance.

I hope your going to cycle this type of plan....like do this for 3 weeks and then a week or two of straight sets to let your cns and body recover.
Hmm... all interesting...

Anyone have any experience doing a 6-day upper/lower? Is there any way to do that without too much overlap? For example, three different upper body days, with different exercises in each routine, and three different lower exercises, alternating quad with glute/ham emphasis?

I'm going for mass though, so I want to stick with big, compound movements... with some isolation thrown in to add some volume/tone.
Hey All, I wanted to get your opinions/past experiences on a new split I am trying to come up with.

I feel I am a fairly advanced/experienced lifter. My body responds quite well to high frequency/high volume workouts. I have always followed a traditional push/pull/legs/push/pull/legs/rest 6 day split. I have made good strength gains but am looking to switching things up. I like high volume and high frequency and want to devise a new intense 6 day split. I have a lot of free time on my hands and can make it to the gym 6 days a week, rest, and eat all day long.

So I need some opinions on a new "hardcore" high volume/frequency routine for mass & strength.

I was thinking about either an upper/lower/upper/lower/upper/lower/off OR
possibly something like:
Mon, Wed, Fri: quads,back, hams bis
Tues, Thurs, Sat: chest, shoulder, calves, tri

Has any high frequency/over-reaching training like this before? I realize it would be a short, maybe 4 or 5 week cycle, and then I would definitely take a deloading period.... but I really want something to shock my body.
So post up your best insane 6-day routine!

Funny..this is very similar to the old Serious Growth training manual.
Mon, Wed, Fri: Chest, back, bi's, and calves
Tue,Thurs, Sat: Shoulders, Tri's, Thighs, and Abs.
You could do either one workout with five working sets on each bodypart (5-15 reps) or if you really wanna get crazy then do 9 sets per bodypart with 3 exercises and split it up into 2 workouts. Keep your workouts under an hour or so. If you wanted to do push pull then...
Mon, Wed, Fri: Chest, Shoulders, Tri's, Abs
Tues, Thurs, Sat:Back, Bi's, Thighs, and calves.

For me though...I cannot do back and thighs or chest and thighs during the same workout. That's just too difficult. You'd need to split up the workouts into two separate workouts. That's why its so hard to do push/pull like that and hit every bodypart in two days back to back.

Day1: Upper Body
Day 2: Lower Body w/calves and abs

Absoutely NO overlapping and Legs with calves and abs in one day will probably burn just as much, if not more, calories as your entire Upper Body day.

good luck!
if I did upper/lower/upper/lower, could would it be ok to squat (different variations of course) and deadlift every day?

On leg days, could I realistically get in like 30-40 sets each workout without overtraining? Perhaps I would alternate low reps (strength) with high reps (endurance).... I am real big on volume and I like long workouts.... I drive almost an hour to my gym so I like to spend at least an hour or 2 lifting.
if I did upper/lower/upper/lower, could would it be ok to squat (different variations of course) and deadlift every day?

On leg days, could I realistically get in like 30-40 sets each workout without overtraining? Perhaps I would alternate low reps (strength) with high reps (endurance).... I am real big on volume and I like long workouts.... I drive almost an hour to my gym so I like to spend at least an hour or 2 lifting.

Are you kidding me!?!:( 30-40 sets????? I thought you were trying to put ON muscle?

Im not trying to be an ass, but most of your posts are redundant. Asking the same things over and over again. You seem bound and determined to do your own thing although you've been given some great advise by others.
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I'm sorry if that is how I am coming across. I don't know why, but I am just able to handle really high volume and it feels like I can go forever no matter how heavy I lift. I'm NOT trying to be cocky.

I am leaning towards doing a 6-day upper/lower split. Can someone give me some advice as to how best to set this up? Like, should the lower days alternate between quad/ham emphasis to allow less overlap for recovery? And the upper between horizonal/vertical? Anyone have any ideas/experiences with such a setup? I REALLY appreciate everyone's help.
Are you kidding me!?!:( 30-40 sets????? I thought you were trying to put ON muscle?

Im not trying to be an ass, but most of your posts are redundant. Asking the same things over and over again. You seem bound and determined to do your own thing although you've been given some great advise by others.

Thank you!

You know, sometimes we tend to forget that anyone can register to this board.
I'm sorry if that is how I am coming across. I don't know why, but I am just able to handle really high volume and it feels like I can go forever no matter how heavy I lift. I'm NOT trying to be cocky.

I am leaning towards doing a 6-day upper/lower split. Can someone give me some advice as to how best to set this up? Like, should the lower days alternate between quad/ham emphasis to allow less overlap for recovery? And the upper between horizonal/vertical? Anyone have any ideas/experiences with such a setup? I REALLY appreciate everyone's help.

I get what your saying, and what your trying to do. I know your just trying to learn.....but what you are suggesting above is what i would consider a great precontest training routine. BUT Your trying to put on size....so if you do the above schedule i would suggest low sets and changing the rep ranges each session. By low sets i mean 3-5 sets per BODYPART.

Your trying to gain lean mass, right? Train the muscle, eat good clean calories (maybe an occasional cheat meal) and rest. If you do this you will put on solid muscle.

why don't you post your workout?

now i want to know how much weight you're using!
including your CURRENT set up that isn't enabling you to gain mass.

please post.

ps. how long have you been working out consistently for?
if I did upper/lower/upper/lower, could would it be ok to squat (different variations of course) and deadlift every day?

On leg days, could I realistically get in like 30-40 sets each workout without overtraining? Perhaps I would alternate low reps (strength) with high reps (endurance).... I am real big on volume and I like long workouts.... I drive almost an hour to my gym so I like to spend at least an hour or 2 lifting.

40 Fucking sets?? Thats just crazy.....how about posting some pics.
I'll post pics when I am done with my bulking cycle...
Here's the routine I have come up with... any comments/opinions would be great...

It’s pretty hardcore, but I will be eating lots, resting lots, and sleeping lots in between workouts. Check it out, and give me your opinions please:

3-4 sets of each, varying rep ranges 6-12:

Mon- Workout A-Legs (quad emphasis)/Back/Biceps
Back Squats
Leg Press
Seated Row
Barbell Rows
Lat Pull downs
Barbell Curls
Hammer Curls

Tues- Workout B- Chest/Shoulder/Triceps/Calves
Power Cleans
Flat Bench Press
Incline Dumb-bell Bench
Decline Chest Press Machine
Military Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Tricep Extensions
Side Lateral raises
Rear Delts exercise
Calve Raises

Wed- Workout C- Legs (hamstring/glute emphasis)/Back/Biceps
Front Squats
Straight Leg Deadlifts
Lying Hamstring Curls
Seated Hamstring Curls
Barbell Row
V-bar Pulldown
Wide-grip Pull-ups
T-bar Rows
Rope Bicep Curls
Seated Bicep Curls

Thurs-Workout D: Chest/Shoulder/Triceps/Calves
Power Cleans
Flat Bench Press
Incline Dumb-bell Bench
Decline Chest Press Machine
Push Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Tricep Extensions
Side Lateral raises
Rear Delts exercise
Calve Raises

Fri- Track-workout (200 meter or 400 meter repeats or bleachers), Abs

Sat- Full Body Light Workout

Sun- Off

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