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Hire Phil Hernon


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Since my show is this Saturday my big motivation is looking at the offseason for more areas to improve. I started this prep at 8 weeks out and lost 40 lbs in 7 weeks! I did it to help Tami prep for her show then thought what the heck I will do the show too since I need the experience.

I have been thinking this week and decided that I want to work with Phil. I asked around and all good things were stated. I also am looking forward to a different approach for training. Phil is a pro AND a pro so that is a double benefit in my mind to get insite from his experiences etc.

So...looks like we will start Monday or whenever Phil says. I think this is EXACTLY what I have needed.
Since my show is this Saturday my big motivation is looking at the offseason for more areas to improve. I started this prep at 8 weeks out and lost 40 lbs in 7 weeks! I did it to help Tami prep for her show then thought what the heck I will do the show too since I need the experience.

I have been thinking this week and decided that I want to work with Phil. I asked around and all good things were stated. I also am looking forward to a different approach for training. Phil is a pro AND a pro so that is a double benefit in my mind to get insite from his experiences etc.

So...looks like we will start Monday or whenever Phil says. I think this is EXACTLY what I have needed.

best of luck I have seen some great reviews form Phil in many places.
That's one heck of a given for me and friends!!!
I have been working with Phil for the past 18 weeks... Unbelievable results. I cannot praise Phil enough for his help with diet and training. I will be posting some before pics and show pics. He is great to work with and the results speak for themselves.

What weight classes will you and Tami be competing in? I hope you'll start a thread in memeber photos, with your contest pic.

Good luck!!
I will be a super at around 247-253. Tami is a middleweight.
I will be a super at around 247-253. Tami is a middleweight.

Awesome...I"m sure you'll do well!

I'm confident Phil will get you to the level you're looking for...I've heard nothing but good things...

A new animal will emerge!
Great move Future...you cant go wrong with Phil...I have been working with Phil for about 14 months now (wow time flys) and have never looked better or felt better.

Phil has completely changed what I thought for years it takes to be a good bodybuilder and as a result I finally look like one!
just started training with him the other day, I enjoy his workouts deff feel it the next day lol
Great move Future...you cant go wrong with Phil...I have been working with Phil for about 14 months now (wow time flys) and have never looked better or felt better.

Phil has completely changed what I thought for years it takes to be a good bodybuilder and as a result I finally look like one!

I read some threads, articles and then thought what the heck. I remember him from Leo Costas adds BEFORE/AFTER. I never forgot that. I thought about it the last several days. I was going to hire Hany BUT decided I wanted something different. Something new to learn and someone that IS a pro.

I am super excited. I am wired and tired but REALLY excited about training with Phil. I expect BIG things.:)
Trust everything he says.. Let go of your preconceived notions of what is right/wrong as far as training and diet goes. Listen to Phil and you'll get to where you want to be. Came to him in January extremely out of shape. Since then I've lost over 20 pounds, put on muscle, and I've never been stronger. I don't think I'll ever train differently. Oh and the diet? SIMPLE and it makes sense.

Best of luck with everything - Great choice going with the big man :D
Thanks! I will do some before and after blah blah stuff. :) I hate photos.

Phil is already emailing me and asking me questions. How cool is that. Thanks again Phil.
You are in very good hands to say the least. As mentioned above you have to trust Phil and not contemplate his methods. "THEY WILL WORK IF YOU LISTEN" Phil and I are currently 3 days out. ;)
3 DAYS!!

You are in very good hands to say the least. As mentioned above you have to trust Phil and not contemplate his methods. "THEY WILL WORK IF YOU LISTEN" Phil and I are currently 3 days out. ;)

3 DAYS!!! 73 HOURS FROM PRE JUDGE!!!!!! Do not think CRAZY TOUGHTS!! haahhahha

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