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Active member
Dec 1, 2018
Currently I am doing pretty much 6-7 times a week LISS cardio on a bike/threadmill for 20-30 mins, just for general health/insulin sensitivity etc.

I see some people here incorperating HIIT cardio a few times a week, what do you guys notice from this and how do you incorperate it(what kind of HITT do you do?) Feel kinda interested to do this to bump up my condition a bit.
Both have their place

HIIT will give you a higher height, and steady state will give you a higher width; for VO2 max

Your current training and goals will determine which is better suited

If you're training hard and to failure as a bodybuilder multiple times a week, then steady state will be a smarter approach for your CNS and systemic fatigue. If you have room systemically for some additional intensity, then HIIT is great for VO2 max height
I do a mix of both currently. Why? Because I am trying to preserve leg fullness which LISS can tap into when doing a lot of it.

Both are beneficial and both will get you the same result in the end. The key is just to not overdue either.
I do a mix of both currently. Why? Because I am trying to preserve leg fullness which LISS can tap into when doing a lot of it.

Both are beneficial and both will get you the same result in the end. The key is just to not overdue either.
Have any of your coaches had you do HIIT cardio?
When to do HIT vs LISS is one of the issues that HRV (heart rate variability) training tries to solve. In essence it is about determining what intensity level the body is recovered enough to handle on a given day.
Have any of your coaches had you do HIIT cardio?
Yes I am working with AJ still for this prep and he is the one who suggested we do both. He’s the first one who has recommended it though.
I used to love HIIT. I got a BIG hill I used to sprint on the street behind me. Then my broke down ass kept pulling a hamstring or straining a calf. I could still do it at the gym on an “air bike” but like someone mentioned above. A podcast and LISS is my go to. Great question though. 👍🏽
Have any of your coaches had you do HIIT cardio?
Justin Harris has me do both when dieting for a contest.
Offseason a couple HIIT sessions a week too. I'm a HIIT believer, its super beneficial.
There's just too many studies showing the benefits of having your HR go up and down in a wave motion.
From fat loss to VO2 max, so many good 'adaptations.' ESPECIALLY when you are heavy too.
Its super beneficial to be fuckin gassed and out of breathe, a couple times a week. Not just a 'higher' HR, but realllly trying to catch your breathe gassed. Not saying thats the ONLY way or benefit of HIIT. Even Justin refers to his HIIT as BBing hit...1 min on, 1 min off...the 1 min on should be the equivalent of you doing a 20 rep squat.
Justin Harris has me do both when dieting for a contest.
Offseason a couple HIIT sessions a week too. I'm a HIIT believer, its super beneficial.
There's just too many studies showing the benefits of having your HR go up and down in a wave motion.
From fat loss to VO2 max, so many good 'adaptations.' ESPECIALLY when you are heavy too.
Its super beneficial to be fuckin gassed and out of breathe, a couple times a week. Not just a 'higher' HR, but realllly trying to catch your breathe gassed. Not saying thats the ONLY way or benefit of HIIT. Even Justin refers to his HIIT as BBing hit...1 min on, 1 min off...the 1 min on should be the equivalent of you doing a 20 rep squat.
I assume you guys schedule the sessions far away from leg day not to impact recovery?
I assume you guys schedule the sessions far away from leg day not to impact recovery?
This is heavily dependent on what type of hiit you are doing.
So BBing hiit, the way i just explained it...no, not at all. My recovery is fine hitting cardio the day after legs or the day before.
At a certain point in prep, just getting your cardio in 6-7x a week is a necessary thing.
6 rounds in the offseason and up to 20 during prep isnt terrible.

I basically get on the stairmaster and jack it up to level 11-14 for 1 minute and then back down to level 1.
I assume you guys schedule the sessions far away from leg day not to impact recovery?
If you do cardio 5 days a week as most should then you will be doing cardio before and after leg days.

You can be more strategic about it and use an assault bike for example on those days for HIT. Or you can do LISS cardio fasted AM away from a workout.

But regardless you’ll be doing cardio around leg days.
This is heavily dependent on what type of hiit you are doing.
So BBing hiit, the way i just explained it...no, not at all. My recovery is fine hitting cardio the day after legs or the day before.
At a certain point in prep, just getting your cardio in 6-7x a week is a necessary thing.
6 rounds in the offseason and up to 20 during prep isnt terrible.

I basically get on the stairmaster and jack it up to level 11-14 for 1 minute and then back down to level 1.
I do the stationary bike and peddle balls to the wall for 20 seconds then back of and normal peddling for 40 then repeat.
Kicks my ass
If you do cardio 5 days a week as most should then you will be doing cardio before and after leg days.

You can be more strategic about it and use an assault bike for example on those days for HIT. Or you can do LISS cardio fasted AM away from a workout.

But regardless you’ll be doing cardio around leg days.
Good points by you both. I've did it before on the rower machine, assault bike, and spin bike. Favorite has to be running up a hill then walking back down or just sprints outside
My HIIT is typically long ass squat sessions twice a week 😂. I peg my heart rate in the red at the end of each set lol.
Love both, but when to use them is highly dependent on the individual, and the specific goal.
HITT caught on a few years ago, but I've never come to believe that 8 minutes of cardio is as effective as 45 minutes for fat burning. It reminds me of the tricks of the flexible diet. Sure, it's very seductive and therefore easy to sell.

In any case, any HITT protocol seemed to suggest a set of exercises that suck if you train with weights assiduously. Except for the stationary bike, I mean, running up a hill, burpess, pull the rope... all of that is very destructive to our already overly punished ligaments or are you directly working your muscles that need to be rested for the weight training session. They also seem like exercises for small, skilled, flexible or light people, not for bodybuilders looking for maximum size or strength.

I can see their use in a very limited way in case someone doesn't have a lot of time on their hands or wants to give their metabolism a boost.
If I am training hard I do liss, I can get away with hitt once a week and I usually take the day off after that. Anymore than that I just burn myself out mentally. Its more mentally taxing than legs but I been just taking around 500mgs/week 300test/200npp

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