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how bad is AAS for us??????


New member
Jun 23, 2002
just got to thinking as im sure most of us have thought about this at one time or another, just exactly how bad are AAS for us and our bodies? especially on the broad spectrum of things that are toxic, like smoking , drinking, overeating and being fat, or not eating enough, drug abusers. these are all things that we are told are so unhealthy for us and doctors and studies tell us why, it seems society will tell you that AAS is so bad on your body not good for you, but why?? is it anyworse than smoking a pack a day? or drinking a 6 pack a day, or being some fat slob who weighs 350lbs and cant see his dick?
i know AAS are hard on the system, but how hard in comparison to being an alcoholic, smoking, drug addict, obesity.
just curious.

Unless you abuse orals in high doses for long periods of time, I don't even think you can compare AAS to all those other things. You have to take into account the addictive properties of nicotine, alcohol and hell, even fast food. I think they all take a much worse toll on your body than any AAS.
I have never heard someone die of a direct dose of A.S. Some cases of death are caused by lasix or insulin. I know a few people who run 600mg of A50 ed for 10 weeks and are fine.

Also for to mention DNP!
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There are three main reasons for this debate. One is that people who seriously abuse orals (commonly, uneducated teens) end up suffering liver damage. Two is that bodybuilders in the past have died from complementary chemicals/substances, such as DNP, diuretics, insulin, etc... Three is that AAS are illegal, so obviously there is a movement to discourage people from AAS use, even if it means stretching the truth.
The above is all very true. There have been studies that AAS (not orals) in high doses for long durations can increase organ size. I have heard of guys dieing from enlarged hearts due to AAS. Other than that, as stated above, insulin, diuretics, and DNP.

it all depends on what you read and who wrote it. one case may say one thing and another something that is totally different. but shit, they say that talking on your cell phone will give you brain cancer now. depending on who you talk to, I think just about anything on earth can kill you these days. so I'll take my chances with the AAS. atleast that way I can be the size of a house when I die my unfortinate death from something stupid.*L*
good luck and be safe...

Macdaddy said:
The above is all very true. There have been studies that AAS (not orals) in high doses for long durations can increase organ size. I have heard of guys dieing from enlarged hearts due to AAS. Other than that, as stated above, insulin, diuretics, and DNP.


Exercise itself can cause enlarged heart. How the hell can they say it was from steorids? I think you probably have to have a congenitally weak liver to have problems with orals-the dangers in normal healthy athletes have been way overstated.
Very True MikeS,
Every study done has things that are left out. And doctors are notoriously quick to blame AAS. So who knows. You can't beleive everything you read.

no one is oging to die from AAS poisoning, why? bc it doesnt exist alcohol poisoning on the other hand can happen, ur not gonna take a dose and kill urslef ur blood pressure may be up while on, thats some of the worst stuff that can happen. HGH is fuckin great for us, it is a regenerator in so many ways. guarantee u compare the livers of people on orals at no more then 100 mg's of d-bol a day witht the liver of an alcoholic and guess who is gonna be in better shape? the juicer!
Enlarged heart

Secretariat's heart was 3 x bigger than normal and he had a decent lifespan. - CH
so I'll take my chances with the AAS. atleast that way I can be the size of a house when I die my unfortinate death from something stupid.*L*

Haha, i like your way of thinking, biggerthanyou

Thank God

We should all thank God for the AAS he has provided us. I have cycle'd gear for 10 years now and have never had one problem. Maybe I'm a little off the wall for saying this but I feel in there is not one reason one shouldn't use gear. A year or so back MuscleMag had a 3-4 page article on the benefits of supplemental testosterone use. I too, though have wondered at times.

the Vampyre
My Opinion

If you take 1 aspirin a day, every day you have no problems..but if you take 10 you will die. Steroids are the same, sane dosages are NOT going to harm you, some of the dosages if have heard on this board (ie 3-4g a test a week) WILL eventually (no matter what you have heard or want to believe) harm you. Remember Andre the Giant?. His body produced too much GH, it eventually (side effects) killed him. IMO too much of anything (other than sex) is not good for you, even TEST. :D :D
Hell, personally I think used reasonably and with some prudence, AS can make you HEALTHIER! I have been doing this stuff off and on (but generally not excessive and with lots of stuff for sides) for a long time, and I'm in my 50's but look (so I'm told) about 10-15 years younger. I can lift three times what some of the 20 year olds at my gym can, and on my last annual physical my doctor told me I was the healthiest patient my age he had EVER seen. Of course I just told him I work out a lot, but he said to definitely "keep doing what you're doing". Obvioulsy excessive dosage levels, not being careful with 17AA orals, diuretics, etc. can fuck you up if not kill you, but like Johnny B said, if you turn up a bottle of asprin it'l kill you too!
Welcome to the board chuck999. You sound like you have a lot of knowledge to share!

It also looks like I lose my status as "elder statesman" on the board, as I'm only 49!

Smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs (speed,coke,etc), eating a lot of fat/sugar, and the most importing thing: not having any sort of excercise is way more harmfull for the body then a bodybuilder who take some juice.

If i see the bodybuilders in my gym around me, they will never or almost never be sick. For example: in the past winter many people had the flu, but non of the bodybuilders were sick.
And almost everybody in my family/friends were sick. That proves that there imuunsystem is very good.

There is a dude in my gym, 45 years old. He has won the national title a few times, he has trained 30 years, and he take steriods on and off the last 25 years. Well, the looks 35 to me, and not 45! He is a healthy big man, who really loves his training... and has zero problems with side effects.
Thanks for the welcome Xcel. Damn, you're just a mere baby! (It is hell turning into a little old man, but I'm fighting it hard as I can!)

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