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How do YOU cycle on HRT?


New member
Jun 27, 2009
Ok so this is more to satisfy my own curiosity than me asking for "advice". Im curious for those of you on HRT, how and how long do you cycle before returning to your normal HRT dose?

Do you prefer long esters or short?

What other compound(s) do you like to add?

How many weeks do you cycle? Short 4-8 weeks? Longer 10-16? Pro's and Con's of one over the other?

Are SERM's a good idea to have on hand OR will an AI do the trick? OR Both?


Does anyone ever just add and oral with their normal HRT dose? (ex. 100mgs ew for HRT, add dbol, drol, winny, var, tbol, or whatever for 4-6 weeks)

Those of you who get bloodwork done by your doc's, do you avoid nandrolone because of the long dectection time?

I apologise for all the questions but I have alot of thing's I'd like to know. I know there has been a few post on this subject but with all my research I have yet to come up with some real definitive answers. You're input is much appreciated! Thanks guys
I am on HRT, and I am currently running 600MG a week of test cyp. and 400mg of Deca.

I will run the deca for about 10-12 weeks, then drop my test back down to my normal 150-200mg a week of test cyp.

My HRT doc only sees my twice a year noe for check ups and bloodwork, so I will make sure to be off the high doses for about 2 months before my next visit.

I have not had to use an AI, but i do have it on hand just in case.

I have also used Primo, and Anavar. Next I was thinking Primo, with masterone, but will see.

Ok so this is more to satisfy my own curiosity than me asking for "advice". Im curious for those of you on HRT, how and how long do you cycle before returning to your normal HRT dose?

Do you prefer long esters or short?

What other compound(s) do you like to add?

How many weeks do you cycle? Short 4-8 weeks? Longer 10-16? Pro's and Con's of one over the other?

Are SERM's a good idea to have on hand OR will an AI do the trick? OR Both?


Does anyone ever just add and oral with their normal HRT dose? (ex. 100mgs ew for HRT, add dbol, drol, winny, var, tbol, or whatever for 4-6 weeks)

Those of you who get bloodwork done by your doc's, do you avoid nandrolone because of the long dectection time?

I apologise for all the questions but I have alot of thing's I'd like to know. I know there has been a few post on this subject but with all my research I have yet to come up with some real definitive answers. You're input is much appreciated! Thanks guys
I use the patch. I change it every night about 8. I come off gear about 30 to 45 days before my blood work. I see my doc two times a year.
Well I havent cycled yet, but I plan to! I'm gonna do a 6 wk on 6 wk off for now, because i get bloodwork done every 3 months currently. I'll be using Prop for my base and adding anavar or dbol possibly.
I am on HRT, and I am currently running 600MG a week of test cyp. and 400mg of Deca.

I will run the deca for about 10-12 weeks, then drop my test back down to my normal 150-200mg a week of test cyp.

My HRT doc only sees my twice a year noe for check ups and bloodwork, so I will make sure to be off the high doses for about 2 months before my next visit.

I have not had to use an AI, but i do have it on hand just in case.

I have also used Primo, and Anavar. Next I was thinking Primo, with masterone, but will see.

Thanks Maul! Thats the kinda info I wanted. So you have an AI on hand but no need for nolva or clomid?
Thanks Maul! Thats the kinda info I wanted. So you have an AI on hand but no need for nolva or clomid?

No, I have never used Nolva or clomid, I just go back to my normal HRT protocol, and continue my HCG once or twice a week at 500iu per dose.
I am on HRT, and I am currently running 600MG a week of test cyp. and 400mg of Deca.

I will run the deca for about 10-12 weeks, then drop my test back down to my normal 150-200mg a week of test cyp.

My HRT doc only sees my twice a year noe for check ups and bloodwork, so I will make sure to be off the high doses for about 2 months before my next visit.

I have not had to use an AI, but i do have it on hand just in case.

I have also used Primo, and Anavar. Next I was thinking Primo, with masterone, but will see.

Almost the same thing as Maul but I use tren and soon to add Anavar..
I come off a full month before my scheduled blood work, also I go to donate blood a week or so before. this has helped my hemacrit as it does tends to get borderline if I do not.
I like to limit my tren to 12 week and extend the elevated dose of test cyp out a full month longer if possible.
My "high" dose is only like 350 to 400 of Cyp when mixed with Tren and bump it up to 500 when off tren.
I do use Aromasin every few days like 6.5
Im on hrt, 200 mg test cyp wkly, I cyle my aas according to the results i want almost like i wasn't on hrt.... time off, time on is almost the same as when I wasn't on hrt maybe a little less time off because i dont have to wait till im making test naturally... year round I use hcg (500wkly) and proviron( i adjust the prov mg to my test levels 25mg on low test dose and 75 on high doses just my preference)... I keep nolva, caber on hand and use it according to the cycle I'm running... even on hrt your body needs a break so you can shock yourself for growth and ease the strain on your organs.. hcg or clomid are good to keep certain body parts from withering away, but every once in a while ill skip my hcg or lower the dose so my body doesn't get to used to it. When i run long esters about five weeks after ill get blood done and if my liver enzymes are cool and blood pressure is down cholesterol etc is normal ill wait three more weeks and start again... Really not to different I just dont have to work so hard anymore to get the body making its own test,

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