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How long to notice effects from steroids?

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You know what I always wanted.to do? Start a Facebook page that.was religous and post.scripture on it everyday to build up a nice following.
Then I wanted.to one day just post a.picture of a.toilet with the shit I took that morning. Then write.a.post.apologizing that the account had been hacked and sorry if anyone got.offended. Go back to normal for awhile.and.then another shit pic. And just Keep doing that and see.how long i.can keep people on the.hook!
Ive read online about steroids for years, how theyre a magic drug putting on a bunch of weight on ppl in a very short amount of time

Especially on the first cycle

When i took the first dianabol pill in my life my head literally started pulsating and i had the craziest bout of agression

My first cycle was oral only dbol, put on weight on me but after time it stopped working

Years later i ordered a bunch of tren and test from qsc, injected and concluded it was fake since i was getting no results, i pinned 4 grams of test within 3 days and around 1 gram of tren and had no effects, no increased libido, no motivation, no physical or mental effects what so ever.

My cycles would usually last like a week before i gave up or randomly didnt pin for a couple days

I wasnt working out since i was waiting for the cycle to " kick in " and was told steroids are this amazing thing that will put 30 pounds on you in week while sitting on ur ass

Over time i did notice things like insane anger and borderline schizophrenia from tren, a random need to scream while im outside, being in a park and randomly getting a panic attack and need to scream, water bloat from test etc

Especially when i added masteron i did get more vascular

My overall baseline weight didnt move much, like working out naturally itself increased my baseline weight from 60 kgs to 70, hgh increased it a bit but roids didnt, if i stop and dont work out i drop to 75 kgs pretty quick, and my weight was higher on just hgh and slin then roids ever made me

So do roids just take 4+ weeks to kick in or what?

Another thing i seem to developed a full tolerance to all oral roids, like my body doesnt give a f about them, doesnt " process " or " digest " them just ignores them

I remember taking superdrol for the first time in my life

2 day on it took like 20mgs and my body felt so toxic i could feel my liver

I was crawled up on a bed and pissing brown.

My delts looked fucking insane with the hugest pump and i looked big af within a single day

Stop taking stuff and tried months later a bunch of dbol, winstrol, anavar, superdrol, from 2 different providers and 0 effects

Even tried stuff like 10 winstrol pills, 7 superdrol, 10 anavar etc in 1 day and literally have 0 effects from it, including side effects even when high dosing daily.

So my first dbol pill knocked me out and sent a huge rush thru my head and then barelly 50 tablets later all roids seem useless and do nothing.

Could it be also partial degradation of roids due to time / sun?

Ive also considered taking stuff like black pepper and st johns wort to inhibit some liver enzymes and make my body have to process the oral steroids again.
You sound extremely confused or a troll. Im not experienced as the other guys but I can tell ya few things.
My first cycle was anavar kickstart 40 mg a day split into two then 500 mg test e split 250 twice a week.
I could feel the anavar on day one as a pre workout. I got a massive pump and it worked just like everybody said it would.
I noticed cognitive and emotional benefits from the test after two weeks.
I started gaining mass at 3-4 weeks and I steadily gained for the following 4 months with an end result having 23 lbs of mostly lean tissue.
As other have said steroids are NO magic! If anything they can be a true curse.
That being said if you do things right they absolutely are a worthwhile and extremely effective enhancement for gaining muscle/atheltic preformance/strength etc.

It's very easy to misuse roids and end up so fucked and at a worse point heath/physique wise than when. You started.

Good luck if you are not a troll, you seem really confused I hope you are able to get the info you need to make the best decision for yourself.
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