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How many think they are to thin?


Featured Member / Kilo Klub / Board Supporter
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Jun 5, 2008
I'm 6 feet, maybe 210. Lots of definition. 47 years old and when I look in the mirror Im not impressed. But compared to the average guy, particularly one my age, I'm exceptional. (being objective)

But Although the wife is constantly telling me not to get any bigger.

I know many of you are significantly more muscular than I. How many of you look in the mirror and see skinny?

I believe this is some kind of mental illness that effects body builders. You out there?
I believe this is some kind of mental illness that effects body builders. You out there?

I think you are correct. Many of us got into BB because of low self confidence, bad body image, not happy with ourselves, etc. BB will never correct this even though we think it will.

I am never happy with the way I look for the most part. I know I look better then 98% of the people my age, BUT its never enough.
Too Thin!

I'm in the same boat as you guys, I'm 6'4 235lbs. and I do not use gear because of my depression. If I wasn't on meds for my depression, I would be starting a cycle yesterday. I really am not happy when I look into the mirror, but I keep working out. rt...
My current goal is to move up a weight class and I'm not there yet, so put me under "Too Skinny".

As far as the whole 'mental illness' thing goes, it would appear utterly rediculous for me to stand beside an average guy my age and state categorically that I am too skinny...but I am not comparing myself against average, I am comparing myself against myself and do not base my self esteem on how I appear to the people around me. Granted this isn't the healthiest mind set since you can wind up feeling shitty because you think you aren't living up to your potential, but the rationalization currently works for me so I'm sticking with it! :p
I'm 6 feet, maybe 210. Lots of definition. 47 years old and when I look in the mirror Im not impressed. But compared to the average guy, particularly one my age, I'm exceptional. (being objective)

But Although the wife is constantly telling me not to get any bigger.

I know many of you are significantly more muscular than I. How many of you look in the mirror and see skinny?

I believe this is some kind of mental illness that effects body builders. You out there?

Yeah, it is mental illness in your case.

I, on the other hand, have reason to feel that way. Same height as you but 175 lbs. No matter what I do, the weight won't budge, and this is on 350-400 mg T/week (but I have limiting injuries).

On the other hand, many great-looking UFC fighters have my statistics.
I'm 6 feet, maybe 210. Lots of definition. 47 years old and when I look in the mirror Im not impressed. But compared to the average guy, particularly one my age, I'm exceptional. (being objective)

But Although the wife is constantly telling me not to get any bigger.

I know many of you are significantly more muscular than I. How many of you look in the mirror and see skinny?

I believe this is some kind of mental illness that effects body builders. You out there?

Without seeing pics, I'm guessing you're too "thin" - I'm 5'7" and weigh 200 lbs and I think I'm too thin.. but I suffer from bigorexia :cool:

And I never listen to women when it comes to bodybuilding - because the same ones that can't keep their hands off me now thought I was too big 15 lbs ago ;)
dont know about to skinny but this is the first time ive ever ran a cut cycle and im down almost 15 lbs. now i feel like im too small. damn psychological game.
This is an interesting topic, not just as it relates to bodybuilding. I have read of disfigured people who have palstic surgery but still see the old disfigurement in the mirror.

In my "prime" I was a a muscular all nautural 188 at 5'9" and late thirites. Divorce struck and I lost 40 lbs. People were saying how skinny I was. But in the mirror I saw something like the prime me. I eventually saw a picture of me and could not believe the skinny twerp was me.

Now, life is good again and I am a more ripped than before 184. But guess what I see in the mirror? A skinny guy. I am also 47 btw.
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Too skinng [SIZE="1"] small[/S too [SIZE="1"] small[/SIZE] too fat I feel them both

Everyday. Some days I'm too small, some days I'm too fat. I'm 38 years-old and at 5'6" and 196lbs I'm fairly soild and one of the strongest guys at the guy ( I'm not trying to brag, my gym is actually full of weak ass pussies) and I feel fat... When I cut down for a tournament say to 175... I then feel too skinny...
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