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How much do you spend on gear alone every year!?


New member
Jun 3, 2012
How much do you guys spend on gear alone every year? Figured price will be pretty high for some guys on this board. Not including supps or gh,peptides etc. Just something I was curious as some guys on here are pretty advanced.
I home brew so what I spend on powder I make back 10fold by selling to friends. I can control the quality and sterile environment and feel better about my own stuff than any ugl.

But probably about 5k this year so far on powders
Far more than I spend on my wife... Which is quite sad when I think about it and even worse when she calls me out on it... not something that I am proud of but too fucked up to change...
Far more than I spend on my wife... Which is quite sad when I think about it and even worse when she calls me out on it... not something that I am proud of but too fucked up to change...

oh man once I had gf that wanted me to buy her a $400 purse... I said no and she said " you buy those expensive steroids but you won't buy me a 400 purse"

Lmao ! Fuck datttt beaaaachhhh
Maybe 5-600 a year.
My AAS cost is quite low and gets mostly-covered by other things except during the last few weeks of prep with different orals, short esters and AIs etc

Even if I was paying full retail that would be dwarfed by my food & GH expense though, I fear...
I switched over to homebrew for this year, so around $1500-2500 if you take into account the supplies. But this stash will last me for more than a year.
Messing with only AAS for now. At the moment I cruising to get my cholesterol down, and also to fix some other issues.

Last year I spent like $400 on just tne, and it lasted me about 2 months.
Way more than I should have, that's for sure. Lots on homebrew supplies and powders. As for buying from sources, pre-vialed, I would say $600 and another $950 on some good generic GH. Homebrew supplies and powder though, god damn, I probably spent close to two grand... I am set for awhile on test e, test prop, test base, EQ, deca, d-bol, winny, and var though... I also have tren ace, tren base, and anadrol on hand too, but much less.

So you can say I am pretty much set on not having to buy from UGLs for the most part for awhile. I might occasionally dabble with other stuff, like superdrol and halo from time to time, but that's all. Mast and Primo is junk all too often for me even to chance it. Same goes for tren, I just feel lucky to have a good batch of tren raws this past purchase.
Not a lot, gear is cheap.

You're looking at what... $600 to run a gram of test per week, year round. I hope no one is doing this but, just to make the point.

The anabolics are the cheap part...
I home brew, and have had a stash for over a year now and haven't even dented into it. But I never really run more then 350 a week of 2-3 compounds at once to grow. Eq and masteron are the only ones that go past 350 a week, occasionally test and nandrolone.

GH is my main expense along with IGF-Lr3 and other peptides for fun
GH runs me around 1500-2000$ a year.

When I have friends buying in, I usually get it free
Gear is dirt cheap if you know what you're doing. I spend way more on health supplements.
oh man once I had gf that wanted me to buy her a $400 purse... I said no and she said " you buy those expensive steroids but you won't buy me a 400 purse"

Lmao ! Fuck datttt beaaaachhhh

I home brew, and have had a stash for over a year now and haven't even dented into it. But I never really run more then 350 a week of 2-3 compounds at once to grow. Eq and masteron are the only ones that go past 350 a week, occasionally test and nandrolone.

GH is my main expense along with IGF-Lr3 and other peptides for fun
GH runs me around 1500-2000$ a year.

When I have friends buying in, I usually get it free

Damn you americans... ;)
About the same as most spend on a nice car to look good.
Except I don't have to stay in the parking lot.lol
Gear is dirt cheap if you know what you're doing. I spend way more on health supplements.

Second this if you know what your doing gear cost can be taken to zero. I spend more on holistic supplements now.
750-1500 most of it spent pre contest. Prices in Canada for legit stuff are pretty high :( even with a good connect.
My gear for comp is always a few hundred, but it only comes to surface the last few weeks when i need the orals.

Apart from that im pretty comfortable just running test throughout the whole year at TRT doses so a 10ml bottle will last me nearly 3 months a time
750-1500 most of it spent pre contest. Prices in Canada for legit stuff are pretty high :( even with a good connect.

Word. Cost would is negligible without contest drugs in consideration...

And then there's our prices on growth - hahahaha =\
Not much tbh. Pre contest costs a fortune though.

1ml a week of test for 30 weeks of the year with the occasional bit of dbol or deca, about £150-180 max

Pre contest this year: £250+ already.

fucking sucks.

ha ha ! She was kind of right, this was the time when I was a rookie to the game and bought 80 dollars Test E vials.... Axxio labs from strongconnection LMAO !!

My first cycle cost me 500 bucks for a few vials of test and some dbol... embarassing

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