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How much Whey protein?

Skullcrushers said:
How much whey protein can the body utilize in on sitting?

I have asked this exact same question on other boards, so far there is no real % or MG count. Would really like to get my hands on something that can answer this question.
87 Grams per ever 3.4 hours...
SO our bodies can absorb roughly 87 Grams per ever 3.4 hours??? really? COOL! thanks bro
Dude that was a random number, The Most I ever eat at one serving is 66 grams which is 3 scoops of whey. The easiest method I find is to divide your total goal

Ie 2 grams per lb
so if your 200lbs that is 400 grams divided by 8 meals = 50 grams per meal

Change variables to your Grams per LB and Number of meals and there you go

Just eat/drink and grow its that simple
Isnt it Pie Squard X the Angle of the Protein Scoop Divided by Bodyweight - Bodyfat Percentage by number of sets done + Years Old - Years Traing:star-wars
I think if your natual, around 50grams, but if on AAS around 70 and even higher if on "EVERYTHING"
to much protein can cause fat gain, so just eat it till u start to gain weight, then cut it down....:confused: Everyone always said the 1 gram per lb of body weight, but I can take less than that and get good results... its just see what works for u
I find it hard to believe the body would even try to convert protein to fat. I know its possible, can and has happened but jesus thats a ton of energy expenditure. Personally I think GOD has my butcher cut 1 lb steaks for a reason. I say shovel that shit in. I think it'll stimulate your metabolism and burn calories digesting and processing the protein providing its food and not whey powder.

edit-I just realized you didn't say convert to fat, what did you mean by fat gain?
I do notice a ton of sweating everytime I eat a protein meal over 50grams...
My old diet when I was younger was like this

1 Whole Grain Bagel low fat cream cheese
2 Scoops of Whey


3 scoops of whey

3 scoops of whey

1lb of sirloin , 1 large backed potato with low fat butter

Shake or bar

Alot of shakes but I loved carbs in the morning and at night...
Skullcrushers said:
How much whey protein can the body utilize in one sitting?

This was the original question, meaning how much can the BODY use on any one sitting. NOT how much can you get down your throught in one sitting. SkullC was asking if you take in say 30grams, or 40 grams or even 50 grams at once, how much of that will your body soak up and take in before it pisses it out? All of it? Or is there a percentage rule to follow? (do I have that right SkullC?)

jmcbride said:
to much protein can cause fat gain, so just eat it till u start to gain weight, then cut it down....:confused: Everyone always said the 1 gram per lb of body weight, but I can take less than that and get good results... its just see what works for u

OK, I'm lost now. How do you eat till you start to gain and then cut it down? I don't gain real fast so what kind of time frame are you speaking? Whats the difference between eat till you gain and cut it down and cutting it down too far and getting nothing?
Kahn said:
I find it hard to believe the body would even try to convert protein to fat.

edit-I just realized you didn't say convert to fat, what did you mean by fat gain?
it's not that it converts to fat as such but that the extra protein and carbs you eat stops fat burning. The body is constantly releasing and restoring fat and if you eat too many carbs or protein you burn less fat = you get fatter.

Everyone knows eating too many carbs can make you fat in a hurry but carbs do not get converted to bodyfat but under some special circumstances, the fat burning is reduced and the dietary fat you eat is stored.
This was the original question, meaning how much can the BODY use on any one sitting. NOT how much can you get down your throught in one sitting. SkullC was asking if you take in say 30grams, or 40 grams or even 50 grams at once, how much of that will your body soak up and take in before it pisses it out? All of it? Or is there a percentage rule to follow? (do I have that right SkullC?)

Ya the reason i asked was I usually will have 2 shakes a day 4 scoops of whey Thats 96 grams of protein in each shake between meals. I was wondering if 96 grams of protein was too much for a shake?
Why is it that people think there is some magically specific or universal limit to the amount of protein your body can use at one time? I never hear the same question asked for carbs.

Yes, there certainly is a limit to the amount of protein that can be used, but that limit differs from person to person, and is in part based upon the persons size and their level of activity.

Excess protein can most certainly be converted into both glucose and fat.

Here is a brief introduction into amino acid metabolism:
All tissues have some capability for synthesis of the non-essential amino acids, amino acid remodeling, and conversion of non-amino acid carbon skeletons into amino acids and other derivatives that contain nitrogen. However, the liver is the major site of nitrogen metabolism in the body. In times of dietary surplus, the potentially toxic nitrogen of amino acids is eliminated via transaminations, deamination, and urea formation; the carbon skeletons are generally conserved as carbohydrate, via gluconeogenesis, or as fatty acid via fatty acid synthesis pathways. In this respect amino acids fall into three categories: glucogenic, ketogenic, or glucogenic and ketogenic. Glucogenic amino acids are those that give rise to a net production of pyruvate or TCA cycle intermediates, such as a-ketoglutarate or oxaloacetate, all of which are precursors to glucose via gluconeogenesis. All amino acids except lysine and leucine are at least partly glucogenic. Lysine and leucine are the only amino acids that are solely ketogenic, giving rise only to acetylCoA or acetoacetylCoA, neither of which can bring about net glucose production.

A small group of amino acids comprised of isoleucine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and tyrosine give rise to both glucose and fatty acid precursors and are thus characterized as being glucogenic and ketogenic. Finally, it should be recognized that amino acids have a third possible fate. During times of starvation the reduced carbon skeleton is used for energy production, with the result that it is oxidized to CO2 and H2O.
vitor said:
Isnt it Pie Squard X the Angle of the Protein Scoop Divided by Bodyweight - Bodyfat Percentage by number of sets done + Years Old - Years Traing:star-wars


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