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How would you approach Offseason to Prep Cycle Transition

and me personally, I don't like the cruise in between, respectfully. It makes sense health wise sure, but not physique wise. See, next time..or if there is another time..i do a show, it's gonna cruise cruise cruise then 34-36 weeks out, blast offseason, go straight into prep, then post show cruise. that's what I always used to do.. I don't like the cruise right after offseason. That's counterproductive in my opinion.
I totally get where you’re coming from. My old change is I hate the cruise post show. My bestttt gains are blasting into the rebound. But I understand your thought process.
I totally get where you’re coming from. My old change is I hate the cruise post show. My bestttt gains are blasting into the rebound. But I understand your thought process.
ahh I see, see I never was big into rebounds post show...I would taper off fat burners then just go to 250-300mg test for 8-10 weeks. Maybe that's what I was missing..that post show rebound.
I totally get where you’re coming from. My old change is I hate the cruise post show. My bestttt gains are blasting into the rebound. But I understand your thought process.
This is my experience too - blast on the rebound and blow the fuck up. For as much as John Jewett preaches low doses and you shouldn't touch most compounds, he admitted on his J3 University podcast that the best gains he ever made were when he blasted post-show.

My approach has always been to diet then up the PEDs and blast for the rebound and offseason. Come November I start tapering doses in half each week and spend then though roughly February cruising.
ahh I see, see I never was big into rebounds post show...I would taper off fat burners then just go to 250-300mg test for 8-10 weeks. Maybe that's what I was missing..that post show rebound.
Milos would fall over if he read this. 🤣

But as others have said this is the most valuable time of the year IMO. Your body is extremely anabolic and primed to grow.

I think a lot of people look at Ronnie, Jay or even CBUM now and think “they take time off”. They have the size and in their progressive years am sure they utilized this window.

On the cruise part- I think a lot of guys confuse that for “no progress time” or lost size potential. This is really more of a “recomp” phase IMO if you’ve done your rebound and offseason right. It’s polishing things up, cutting the fluff and preparing for the prep- a very valuable time.

The key is to stay healthy year round IMO. I think “cruises” or “health phases” have been confused for time off or lack of progress. Not the case IMO.
Milos would fall over if he read this. 🤣

But as others have said this is the most valuable time of the year IMO. Your body is extremely anabolic and primed to grow.

I think a lot of people look at Ronnie, Jay or even CBUM now and think “they take time off”. They have the size and in their progressive years am sure they utilized this window.

On the cruise part- I think a lot of guys confuse that for “no progress time” or lost size potential. This is really more of a “recomp” phase IMO if you’ve done your rebound and offseason right. It’s polishing things up, cutting the fluff and preparing for the prep- a very valuable time.

The key is to stay healthy year round IMO. I think “cruises” or “health phases” have been confused for time off or lack of progress. Not the case IMO.
LMAO at the Milos comment. That's FACTS.
ahh I see, see I never was big into rebounds post show...I would taper off fat burners then just go to 250-300mg test for 8-10 weeks. Maybe that's what I was missing..that post show rebound.
Not trying to change your mind because you know your shit, but duuude lol
Talk about changing your physique. Blasting post show has alllways gotten me back to almost my starting weight before contest prep at a muuuch lower BF%. Not that im a huge p-ratio guy, but the first thing i have all my guys do is to diet diet diet. For whatever reason, the gains just come easier and faster when you are shredded.

Im of the belief that its not alll actual tissue, but for those first 8 weeks or so you are just accumulating so much glycogen, water, etc allll intramuscular. It's almost sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Mostly fluid and filling out. And then its about sitting in that new fluid and allowing myfibrillar gains to come. This is all me ranting about what i THINK is happening lol
Not trying to change your mind because you know your shit, but duuude lol
Talk about changing your physique. Blasting post show has alllways gotten me back to almost my starting weight before contest prep at a muuuch lower BF%. Not that im a huge p-ratio guy, but the first thing i have all my guys do is to diet diet diet. For whatever reason, the gains just come easier and faster when you are shredded.

Im of the belief that its not alll actual tissue, but for those first 8 weeks or so you are just accumulating so much glycogen, water, etc allll intramuscular. It's almost sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Mostly fluid and filling out. And then its about sitting in that new fluid and allowing myfibrillar gains to come. This is all me ranting about what i THINK is happening lol
I agree in 100%

the mistake is that most people believe that after the competition you need to regain your health - the key is not to lose your health during preparations.
I know that many people don't believe it, but all my boys who make huge progress from year to year use rebonud every time and it is connected with the health phase - after the competition we do not need huge doses and toxic compounds - test + gh + insulin and maybe a bit of primo or EQ and you grow like crazy and at the same time you are able to bring all your blood results back to normal (if necessary, because most of my competitors even after prep have very good blood results)

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