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If price was not a factor, how much Gh would you use per day?

Only difference I notice from going high dosage on growth is high no and in increased rhr
Not currently running it but did for ~2 years straight. Same concerns RHR and glucose. 3-4ius is where my limit is before needing metformin and seeing a 10+% increase in RHR. I never felt I got much from GH so when I start again I'll work up to 3-4iu. I do want to try MWF which many have said reduced sides so I guess that's 7-9iu on those days for same weekly. We will see. It's a summer thing at the earliest if not next fall. Plenty leftover on hand.
I'm new to the world of HGH. I am 55 and currently at 2iu Acetropins in the AM, intermittent fasting, morning cardio/training, and supported by a low (not zero) carb diet. This along with 3mg Liraglutide ED and 100mg Test Cyp E3 days.

Financially, my current growth dose is not a big lift. In fact, it's no more expensive than a Trenta Iced Coffee from Starbucks every day. In fact, it wouldn't exactly be overly frivolous in my case to triple the dose. I've just chosen not to as my goals are centered around fat loss, anti-aging, and general health.

While higher doses certainly seem like more fun, there is a potential price to be paid in terms of risk for someone my age. I kind of see HGH on that paradigm where the right does can be very beneficial, but crossing the fine line could backfire. At this stage in the game, I like hiking Red Rocks out west and doing allot of stuff outside. I'm never going to step on stage, and I'm certainly not at risk of being spotted on the cover of magazines.

We'll see how this goes. I do feel like there is something going on at 2iu because I feel different and I did get a little finger tingling the yesterday . Totally subtle though. Hopefully it's real; hopefully it is working!
I'm new to the world of HGH. I am 55 and currently at 2iu Acetropins in the AM, intermittent fasting, morning cardio/training, and supported by a low (not zero) carb diet. This along with 3mg Liraglutide ED and 100mg Test Cyp E3 days.

Financially, my current growth dose is not a big lift. In fact, it's no more expensive than a Trenta Iced Coffee from Starbucks every day. In fact, it wouldn't exactly be overly frivolous in my case to triple the dose. I've just chosen not to as my goals are centered around fat loss, anti-aging, and general health.

While higher doses certainly seem like more fun, there is a potential price to be paid in terms of risk for someone my age. I kind of see HGH on that paradigm where the right does can be very beneficial, but crossing the fine line could backfire. At this stage in the game, I like hiking Red Rocks out west and doing allot of stuff outside. I'm never going to step on stage, and I'm certainly not at risk of being spotted on the cover of magazines.

We'll see how this goes. I do feel like there is something going on at 2iu because I feel different and I did get a little finger tingling the yesterday . Totally subtle though. Hopefully it's real; hopefully it is working!
Acetropins!!! Ace makes some great stuff ❤️
in your guys expereince what is the ceiling from a pure fat burning dose? would it be like anything more than 5iu is not doing much for frat loss but more for size?

i purely take it for all things gh and fat loss at around 4 iu before bed. i figure if wanting to increase gh for size, one would be looking at 8-12 iu with slin and way more food?
in your guys expereince what is the ceiling from a pure fat burning dose? would it be like anything more than 5iu is not doing much for frat loss but more for size?

i purely take it for all things gh and fat loss at around 4 iu before bed. i figure if wanting to increase gh for size, one would be looking at 8-12 iu with slin and way more food?
This is an article that I pulled off a different thread and I've loosely modelled my fat loss plan on it. Interesting read either way. According to this writing, 2iu is about the max for fat burning in an AM dose. Lots of caveats to that, but it's worth a read:

If I was 50 I would prob take 4-6 IU daily. I think it comes down to how much u can handle with sides, bg, rhr increase, water retention. I'm almost 40 but if I had unlimited supply I would prob take 8-10 IU. I don't get much benefit from anything under 4iu... I've never got cts from hgh yet
Going forward I would only run a dose that doesn’t destroy my RHR and whatever Jardiance/Acarbose can still control for BG.

Currently only on Berberine because I’m trying to grow but once I get to a maintenance size I’m happy with long term I will bring back in the BG meds and determine the right amount of GH that I can tolerate.
Jardiance prohibits growth? Curious I've been on it a month now and it's doing wonders for my BG.
Jardiance prohibits growth? Curious I've been on it a month now and it's doing wonders for my BG.
I haven’t read any scientific studies but we had this discussion back when I was blasting Test and in a growth phase a few months ago. The idea is it’s dumping all this excess glucose instead of storing it like insulin. So theoretically you’re not getting the benefit of the excess glycogen stores and amino/protein delivery.
I haven’t read any scientific studies but we had this discussion back when I was blasting Test and in a growth phase a few months ago. The idea is it’s dumping all this excess glucose instead of storing it like insulin. So theoretically you’re not getting the benefit of the excess glycogen stores and amino/protein delivery.
Makes sense. I reckon I can be the Guinea Pig, I'm fixing to start a mild npp/test cycle.
10iu MWF was comfortable for me and gave great results. I'd probably do 10iu daily if it was free.
This is what I do but 8iu MWF. I've said it before on here but it helped my RHR go back to normal.
in your guys expereince what is the ceiling from a pure fat burning dose? would it be like anything more than 5iu is not doing much for frat loss but more for size?

i purely take it for all things gh and fat loss at around 4 iu before bed. i figure if wanting to increase gh for size, one would be looking at 8-12 iu with slin and way more food?
This is an article that I pulled off a different thread and I've loosely modelled my fat loss plan on it. Interesting read either way. According to this writing, 2iu is about the max for fat burning in an AM dose. Lots of caveats to that, but it's worth a read:

2iu at a time right. So if taking 4iu splitting in 2 shots would be better.
Makes sense. I reckon I can be the Guinea Pig, I'm fixing to start a mild npp/test cycle.
What’s your current maintenance carb intake and what will you push it to for the blast?
What’s your current maintenance carb intake and what will you push it to for the blast?
I can maintain on little. Currently 4 meals at 45 to 55 carbs each.
I'll add in 2 extra meals for the blast.

Unfortunately carbs and I don't get along.
Any major increase and I bloat and hold water like a buffalo. Nowadays I'm happy with just gaining a solid 3 to 5 lbs. of actual tissue a year.

My biggest issue is not having carbs before bed, if I don't I find myself eating a box of cereal at 2 am. Lol
I can maintain on little. Currently 4 meals at 45 to 55 carbs each.
I'll add in 2 extra meals for the blast.

Unfortunately carbs and I don't get along.
Any major increase and I bloat and hold water like a buffalo. Nowadays I'm happy with just gaining a solid 3 to 5 lbs. of actual tissue a year.

My biggest issue is not having carbs before bed, if I don't I find myself eating a box of cereal at 2 am. Lol
Not sure you consume enough carbs to notice the difference. Like you said you were only trying to gain 3-5 pounds. I was going for 25 lol. Even with Jardiance I still made gains it just wasn’t at the level I was expecting based on my caloric and carb consumption.
Not sure you consume enough carbs to notice the difference. Like you said you were only trying to gain 3-5 pounds. I was going for 25 lol. Even with Jardiance I still made gains it just wasn’t at the level I was expecting based on my caloric and carb consumption.
Lol. 25 is a lot of one cycle. 😳 How high were you running carbs?

I'll definitely put on 15+ but as you know 90% of it is usually water and shit
Lol. 25 is a lot of one cycle. 😳 How high were you running carbs?

I'll definitely put on 15+ but as you know 90% of it is usually water and shit

Carbs were around 6-800 grams depending on the day.

You know actually with the Jardiance you shouldn’t be holding too much water. The glucose disposal is through the kidneys. I was pissing constantly. I believe @nothuman has/had the same experience.
Carbs were around 6-800 grams depending on the day.

You know actually with the Jardiance you shouldn’t be holding too much water. The glucose disposal is through the kidneys. I was pissing constantly. I believe @nothuman has/had the same experience.
Good to know. I can't tell the difference I piss constantly regardless. Shits almost annoying. Lol
I've done all dosages, from 2iu - 30iu and from my experience, the sweet spot for BODYBUILDING is 10-15.....if I was just gonna chill out and do some test and gh...5iu/day is a nice number
What was your experience at 30iu? I think that guys like Nick Walker really pushed the HGH heavy....

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