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If price was not a factor, how much Gh would you use per day?

In my 50's I plan to be pure maintenance and longevity, I'd be somewhere between 2 and 5iu's

Under 50, as much as I can afford/tolerate. I'm new to high dose but I ran 20 to 30iu for 5 months recently, also had a previous five week 15iu a day bout with opti's that was probly the most miserable time of my life. It's amazing how much more I can tolerate when I don't have to work and use my hands all day, oh, also when tapering up the dose as sides dissipate.
Honestly, how much of a difference did 20-30 iu's make compared to 10 for example.
If it.didn't make me tired and worthless I'd do 20 if some aids patients can do 15-18 I can do 20. I mean if I contracted aids and the Dr is going to write me a script for 3.5 to 5mg a day. Why can't I just do that Aids free?? I guess that wouldn't be 15-18 more like 10-15....still though id.do 20
Honestly, how much of a difference did 20-30 iu's make compared to 10 for example.
Maybe 2lbs of muscle over that 5 months period, but that's a near complete guess. Over years it would be more pounds of muscle I think, especially because of having thicker bones. And I've also never ran 10iu for very long.
If you were a non-competing weightlifter in your 50s and money was no object, how much Gh would you use just for longevity and fat burning purposes? Not like I'm fortunate enough to be in that situation, just wondering about the amounts that other lifters use who do not compete.
Around 50 years old probably 3iu
Going forward I would only run a dose that doesn’t destroy my RHR and whatever Jardiance/Acarbose can still control for BG.

Currently only on Berberine because I’m trying to grow but once I get to a maintenance size I’m happy with long term I will bring back in the BG meds and determine the right amount of GH that I can tolerate.
Yea this is the main issue I find with high dose GH is the rhr and blood glucose. I just run 5-7 iu because of this. Once you get into the high dose range you have to run 2-3 other drugs with the GH just to keep everything in check and that is a bit further than I am willing to go.
1-2 i.u. as more than that would probably negativity impact health to much from higher use for the rest of my life.
6iu , 2iu every 8hrs.
Thats as high as i can go before my hands start getting achey when doing stuff that takes any dexterity.
Pre mixed human grade USA pharma in my fridge, 1iu, two to three times per day, divided evenly

That's for health, longevity, leanness, skin

If I was being more reckless, 3iu, two to three times per day

I've gone up to 30, 45iu per day... Don't think it really gave me more benefits than 10-15iu..
Pre mixed human grade USA pharma in my fridge, 1iu, two to three times per day, divided evenly

That's for health, longevity, leanness, skin

If I was being more reckless, 3iu, two to three times per day

I've gone up to 30, 45iu per day... Don't think it really gave me more benefits than 10-15iu..
Were 30iu and 45iu a day all pharma? Which brands?
Were 30iu and 45iu a day all pharma? Which brands?
no those were generics, mostly from TP, but also from a couple other sponsors.. I think Geno was one of them, as well as one that used to be called steroidsupply...

by the way I ended up having congestive heart failure while doing that so its not something to be trifled with
How much did it effect your RHR. At what dose did you begin to notice the increased affect? What was your highest rhr at the largest dosages over not on hgh?

Going forward I would only run a dose that doesn’t destroy my RHR and whatever Jardiance/Acarbose can still control for BG.

Currently only on Berberine because I’m trying to grow but once I get to a maintenance size I’m happy with long term I will bring back in the BG meds and determine the right amount of GH that I can tolerate.
How much did it effect your RHR. At what dose did you begin to notice the increased affect? What was your highest rhr at the largest dosages over not on hgh?
Hmmm I’m gonna have to guesstimate a little here since it’s been a minute. So when I’m doing my typical morning cardio and not a fat piece of shit my RHR would typically be in the high 50s low 60s. On around 5iu it gets to the low 70s. Don’t remember the exact dose but I’m confident in saying anything over 10iu a day ED I’m def in the low to mid 80s.
10iu MWF was comfortable for me and gave great results. I'd probably do 10iu daily if it was free.
Hmmm I’m gonna have to guesstimate a little here since it’s been a minute. So when I’m doing my typical morning cardio and not a fat piece of shit my RHR would typically be in the high 50s low 60s. On around 5iu it gets to the low 70s. Don’t remember the exact dose but I’m confident in saying anything over 10iu a day ED I’m def in the low to mid 80s.
I’m a little surprised percentage wise it jumped that much. Tbh all your rhr #s are good, at-least for me.
Mine unfortunately has always been high even as a kid so I just assumed my increase was more pronounced than most.
Ive gone as high as 10iu a day and never noticed sides. These are from the provider. I will try 15iu then 20iu (likely more than 20 since theyre overdosed) just to see what benefit there is to doing it if any at all. I dont imagine much if anything but extra sides. I am curious to find out though. I wouldnt pay for it long term though unless the results are so overwhelming I cant deny it.

The only gh I ever had that gave me sides was my very first kit many moons ago (non provider...some generic kit I got from south america). I could barely make a fist on 4iu. I have no idea how some people are getting the sides they do off the providers GH at lesser doses than 10iu but it happens.

I think if your GH experience is measured in the hundreds...that might explain it.
I've done all dosages, from 2iu - 30iu and from my experience, the sweet spot for BODYBUILDING is 10-15.....if I was just gonna chill out and do some test and gh...5iu/day is a nice number

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