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- Jun 5, 2002
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Hey Bros I am a newbie to the aas world, and have been reading all of your informative post for about 4 month. I am a network engineer, and also a personal trainer,I am interested mostly in incresed athletice performance. This sunday I decided to give a runners carb loading method a try in reguarde=s to bodybuilding type training. My history is I have done 2 cycles, 1 fina only, for 8 weeks and got good results, and also a dball winny cycle. I am off cycle about 4 weeks now, I use Kre akalyn
creatine, 30 grams glutamine aday, 5grams vitamin c and 3000 iu vitamin e, 2 grams tribulus, 800 mgs magnesium, 1000mg zinc everyday, sinse being off cycle,and My current stats are 6 feet 2 inches 285 lbs and 11% bodyfat. I am 35 years old. Now the carb loading method is this, for marathon runners, body weigtht
times 4 equals carbs. so 285 *4=1140 carbs over a16 hour period
and then i added this portion, 300 grams of protien overthe same time. Now at every meal I used a gram of ala, I began loading satudy afternoon at 6 pm, I ate on average 200-250 carbs permeal, the carbs were basically pancakes, pizza, spagetti, rice, icecream, and a feew oreos from time to time {ha} forgive me
. Now a critical formula to this before you begin to load is this .The writer said you must try for 130 seconds to deplete your glycogen store. I did not think this was enought time so I did 1 set of basket ball suiceds the length of the parking lot, 1 set of hacks reps 39 with 70% of my max, and then 1 sett dips till failure, andthen I began to load. the protien was space over all my meal a total of 300 grams.
Results. they are shocking. I Use hit as prescribe , by{BIG A yeasterday was back and arms, you compare
usuall yesterday after load
dead lift 1 set 375 14 1set 450 died at 16
one note i reasione that 450 was good because everyother selections felt light. And the back and trap and forearm pump was massive
bent rows
275- 17 340 12
lat pulls
160 23 190 17
cable row
180 20 230 17
Barbell culrs
135 13 155 14
Preacher curls
120 20 160 13
the results were for me awsome I felt good but the pump was almost unbearable my recovery meal was 60 grams whey 150 gram fructose/malto, and a can of tuna, and then repeated 2 hours later, I checked my bodyfat this morning and it was 1 % less fucking blows me away. thank
creatine, 30 grams glutamine aday, 5grams vitamin c and 3000 iu vitamin e, 2 grams tribulus, 800 mgs magnesium, 1000mg zinc everyday, sinse being off cycle,and My current stats are 6 feet 2 inches 285 lbs and 11% bodyfat. I am 35 years old. Now the carb loading method is this, for marathon runners, body weigtht
times 4 equals carbs. so 285 *4=1140 carbs over a16 hour period
and then i added this portion, 300 grams of protien overthe same time. Now at every meal I used a gram of ala, I began loading satudy afternoon at 6 pm, I ate on average 200-250 carbs permeal, the carbs were basically pancakes, pizza, spagetti, rice, icecream, and a feew oreos from time to time {ha} forgive me
Results. they are shocking. I Use hit as prescribe , by{BIG A yeasterday was back and arms, you compare
usuall yesterday after load
dead lift 1 set 375 14 1set 450 died at 16
one note i reasione that 450 was good because everyother selections felt light. And the back and trap and forearm pump was massive
bent rows
275- 17 340 12
lat pulls
160 23 190 17
cable row
180 20 230 17
Barbell culrs
135 13 155 14
Preacher curls
120 20 160 13
the results were for me awsome I felt good but the pump was almost unbearable my recovery meal was 60 grams whey 150 gram fructose/malto, and a can of tuna, and then repeated 2 hours later, I checked my bodyfat this morning and it was 1 % less fucking blows me away. thank