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I just had a sperm test, man I cant beleive this

The Wolf

New member
Kilo Klub Member
Mar 7, 2006
Ok I know I have abused steroids in the past but when I decided to have a sprem test I never knew I would have 0% spermatozoon. My doctor told me not to worry as there are other ways like test tubes but he also told me to come in for another test 3 days later and he says that it could take time for my body to get back to normal, but I have so many friends that use the same amount of gear as me and they all have kids.

I cant beleive it 0%, I honestly feel like jumping off a high building. If he told me that I had at least 5 out of 20 milion, I wouldnt be as pissed off, but 0?

Im dreading this next test, Im just telling myself that this is a lie and they are only telling me that so they have more money off me so I can try for a test tube baby.

Anybody else been through what Im going through:(
Hang in there...

The Wolf said:
I cant beleive it 0%, I honestly feel like jumping off a high building. If he told me that I had at least 5 out of 20 milion, I wouldnt be as pissed off, but 0?

Yo bro, hang in there man. It may just be that you have to get your wheels back in working order. Maybe a little HCG therapy or something. You doctor may not be knowledgable of the type of life we live and the gear we take, so he may not be able to steer you in the right direction. Have you been honest with the doc about your past and present?
Yeah I told him that I took Deca, dianobol and Test buthe wasnt sure what deca nanderlone was. I asked him about Hgc and clomid and he said as my sperm count was 0% it wouldnt work at all,however he did say that I have healthy testicles . My wife just spoken with her doctor and she says that another way would be to inject the sperm out of the testicles, sounds scary:confused: She says that if its not the steroids thats the problem there are other ways and test tube is the way. Aparently there are quite a few people that has gone this route.

Wish me luck bro, I just feel like a tone of bricks landed on my head.
hang in there

Definitely hang in there. The technology in this area increases almost daily it seems. There may be other reasons beyond spermatogenesis that you recieved that low reading. I don't know the specifics but a lot has to do with sperm activity and many other factors, even anatomical.

Don't go jumping off any bridges just yet. You have options!
The Wolf said:
I asked him about Hgc and clomid and he said as my sperm count was 0% it wouldnt work at all,


Take some HCG and Clomid and watch your sperm count go through the roof!
Thanks for the moral boost guys, today I will see another uroligist and get a second opinion because Im suspicous of the last clinic that I went to, I just get the feeling that they want me to go the expensive way round. I realy got the feeling that maybe they waited too long to test the sperm and maybe they died. They told me not to worry as they have another way round.

And Big A, I always took clommid and proviron for 4 weeks after a cycle.
What is funny is I had blood work done a few months ago and I was fit as a fiddle and I never had any health problems.

Thanks again everybody

so how it ended man ??

your results are better???

I'm taking clomid for a month now also, lots of sperm is cumming :):):):)

Thats what I thought, I thought lots of sperm was comming but in actual fact it was lots of semen, the sperm in the semen is supposed to be only about 5%. In 1.5ml of semen they couldnt find a single sperm on me and they call that ( Azoospermia).
Now they say it could be a blocakage and can be fixed through artifitial insemenation or it could be a hormone problem.

I never thought that this could happen to me, but Im actually glad I had the test because I could be banging away for over a year and wondering why my wife is not getting pregnant. At least now I have a possible solution and a goal.:)

I recomend anybody thats been what I have to have a test and dont feel embarrassed about it, I couldnt even come to think how I found the courage to go through this but Im glad I did.
Hey big A, I just found this article. You might be right and my doctor might be wrong.

Fertil Steril. 2003 Jun;79 Suppl 3:141-3.

Successful treatment of anabolic steroid-induced azoospermia with human chorionic gonadotropin and human menopausal gonadotropin.

Menon DK.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

To document for the first time the successful treatment using human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and human menopausal gonadotropins (hMG) of anabolic steroid-induced azoospermia that was persistent despite 1 year of cessation from steroid use.Clinical case report.Tertiary referral center for infertility.A married couple with primary subfertility secondary to azoospermia and male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. The husband was a bodybuilder who admitted to have used the anabolic steroids testosterone cypionate, methandrostenolone, oxandrolone, testosterone propionate, oxymetholone, nandrolone decanoate, and methenolone enanthate.Twice-weekly injections of 10,000 IU of hCG (Profasi; Serono) and daily injections of 75 IU of hMG (Humegon; Organon) for 3 months.Semen analyses, pregnancy.Semen analyses returned to normal after 3 months of treatment. The couple conceived spontaneously 7 months later.Steroid-induced azoospermia that is persistent after cessation of steroid use can be treated successfully with hCG and hMG.

The Wolf said:
Hey big A, I just found this article. You might be right and my doctor might be wrong.

Yes, well, I used to lecture doctors and pharmacists on this subject.
Are you sure you didnt always have this problem? I have a friend that never used gear and he had 0%. I also have a friend that didnt come off for several years and he has 8 kids. He just had twins this year and has 20 years gear use bihind him.
Did you cycle your gear or was there a period that you were on for years, and what ind of doses did you run. Thanks
"Are you sure you didnt always have this problem? I have a friend that never used gear and he had 0%. I also have a friend that didnt come off for several years and he has 8 kids. He just had twins this year and has 20 years gear use bihind him."

Im not sure if I had this problem before or not as this is the first time I tried for a family, however the doctor I saw yesterday told me that it could be only two things, either my hormones have shut down and stopped producing sperm because of the gear I was using or there could be a blockage on the tubes of the testicles which is stopping the sperm from comming out with the semen. He said that there is a solution for both of them. He told me to come back in two weeks for another sperm test and also a blood test and not to worry as medicen has advaced rapidly.

"Did you cycle your gear or was there a period that you were on for years, and what ind of doses did you run. Thanks"

Ive just come off gear about a month and half ago, which was high amounts of dianobol,deca and some sus. I also injected primo about 3 days before my sperm test, maybe that was not a clever thing to do. Anyway I took 10 dianobol tablets a day for 2 months before.

The funny thing is, Im dieting now and getting ready for a competion in july and I would like to get this sorted out asap. This has been a crazy week, I was in prison last week for a few days because I riduculed a Turkish court for not being fair, they fined me 1600ytl for protecing my father from getting a beating from a local bully. I ruffed him up a bit and my lawyer told me I was inocent and he sold me out. Man always be carefull when in a such a country, it realy is who you know not what you know.

Anyway what a crazy week, I just need to saty focused. My wife has been very understanding, shes a nurse and is good at her job and is very good with kids, she has every right to be a mother. If worse came to worse I would go to a sperm bank and pay good money to get a sperm, at least the kids might even have better genetics as I hear all those donors have to have a very high IQ, lol got forbid if I have to go that route but Im optimistic I can get this sorted out.
Me Neither..!

Well I'm almost 48 and I have no sperm either...But I did have a vasectomy 5 weeks ago and a knee operation the week before...

Get this I had my gall bladder removed 2 days ago I was loaded with stones and polyps..The point is I've had 3 surgeries in 6 weeks...and you think you feel bad....gees..HCG,proviron will help you..
Well I'm almost 48 and I have no sperm either...But I did have a vasectomy 5 weeks ago and a knee operation the week before...

Damm, I wish you a speedy recovery bro. I guess you never know whats around the corner in life. 3 surgeries is tough, I admire you courage for going through that.
Good luck on your plans for a family. I wish you all the best. :)

Oh, and Big smart bastage! :D
Big_O said:
Well I'm almost 48 and I have no sperm either...But I did have a vasectomy 5 weeks ago and a knee operation the week before...

Get this I had my gall bladder removed 2 days ago I was loaded with stones and polyps..The point is I've had 3 surgeries in 6 weeks...and you think you feel bad....gees..HCG,proviron will help you..

I stubbed my toe in the gym, beat that! :D
Thanks alot Lynx:) you guys have defenetly been a great help and given me a great moral boost. Man this internet is sure usefull, every home has to have one.
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I am no expert but the blockage sounds more real. My one friend had that and a sergery fixed it. ussually gear will lower the count but not take it to 0%.
I agree with you bro, I think that its either a blockage on the tubes near the scrotun or the blockage can be caused by the local nerves. If it is the former, then maybe a small operation can fix it, if its the latter then the sperm will have to get injected out of the scrotum and then it will need artifitcial insemenation. Either way Im pretty optimistic about the outcome. However there have been cases that Azoospermia has been caused by the juice so I cant rule that one out either.

I will keep you guys informed about the outcome:)

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