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Im shocked


Mar 23, 2003
Im shocked about the amount of people on this board who want to take bodybuilding seriously but take advice from some muppet who they dont know just cause he might have bigguy25 or something for his name, there are some top pro trainniers on this board phill for one pay the money and you are well on your way and not to mention a great opertunity to talk to a top level guy.
Im shocked about the amount of people on this board who want to take bodybuilding seriously but take advice from some muppet who they dont know just cause he might have bigguy25 or something for his name, there are some top pro trainniers on this board phill for one pay the money and you are well on your way and not to mention a great opertunity to talk to a top level guy.

i think sometimes, or a lot of times, people only listen to what they want to hear. like if they were set on running 1g of test e per week and bigguy25 says go for it, it worked for me, they listen. then a vet says dont do it.. selective deafness or illiteracy in this example hahah

Im shocked about the amount of people on this board who want to take bodybuilding seriously but take advice from some muppet who they dont know just cause he might have bigguy25 or something for his name, there are some top pro trainniers on this board phill for one pay the money and you are well on your way and not to mention a great opertunity to talk to a top level guy.

Good point......its actually humorous. Then the guys who jump from "guru" to "guru"......then listen to bigblowhardshow999 because he is a long standing member, tatted out, and curses a lot.........haahhhha
I had a friend who paid 2K for a very "professional" guy to prep him. He screwed up his conditioning going into the show because he listened to some kid who told him he'd be better up "fattening" up instead of carbing up! :banghead:
I can pretty much guarantee that a time will come when I'll hit a plateau and hire Phil or one of the other guys.

But in the mean time, I honestly believe there is some great information coming from some really knowledgeable guys on this board, as long as you know who to listen to.

Just a quick example from my own experiences.

Oldfella - Has answered a bunch of questions for me that I wasn't comfortable posting in an open forum. Always very courteous and looking out for my well being.

Tenny - As everyone knows, he'll be the first guy to jump down your throat if you post something dumb, but he's also the first guy to help you out if you have a legit question.

There are many more bro's worth listening to, but you get my point.
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you know who you should listen to the most??? YOUR BODY
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This is why i chose the name Mad Matt, who would ask someone who's Mad for advice??:p
Im shocked about the amount of people on this board who want to take bodybuilding seriously but take advice from some muppet who they dont know just cause he might have bigguy25 or something for his name, there are some top pro trainniers on this board phill for one pay the money and you are well on your way and not to mention a great opertunity to talk to a top level guy.

x 2. really agree with this!
you know who you should listen to the most??? YOUR BODY

I was going to say something but thought "never mind"! b-boy YOU SAID IT THE BEST!
I put up a warning last week showing a 19 year old kid who has never done a cycle who had been gving drug advice on and about every pharmaceutical available.Always remember it's the internet!!

Also be aware that even some of the guys with the most impressive physiques have gotten to that level despite themselves,lol,they strongly lack intelligence and knowlege,but have superior genetics.

When you truly understand the body from higher education or lots of self research and listen to some recent rants it is truly emberassing for them,but I guess ignorance is bliss.I guess some members are influenced by a strong opinion, cussing and the belittling of others methods or peoples search for knowlege.It appears if you don't have the mental capacity to understand how truly amazing and complicated the human body truly is, believing it is simple makes some feel better about their own SIMPLE minds,lol.
This is all truth. At the end of the day, advice only goes so far since everyone's physiological response to agents is so ridiculously different. As long as you complete diligence into your research, apply critical thinking to your decision making, and take baby steps into the use of anything new then you should be fine.

This is all truth. At the end of the day, advice only goes so far since everyone's physiological response to agents is so ridiculously different. As long as you complete diligence into your research, apply critical thinking to your decision making, and take baby steps into the use of anything new then you should be fine.

I honestly do not subscribe to this thinking........I think each agent pretty much does as advertised to each person........the proble mwith complete diligence t oresearch sometimes takes 20 years of experience mixed in to truly unleash the potential......experience, experiment, then you know much more about yourself AND can help others.
I honestly do not subscribe to this thinking........I think each agent pretty much does as advertised to each person........the proble mwith complete diligence t oresearch sometimes takes 20 years of experience mixed in to truly unleash the potential......experience, experiment, then you know much more about yourself AND can help others.
quoted for truth ^^^^
I honestly do not subscribe to this thinking........I think each agent pretty much does as advertised to each person........the proble mwith complete diligence t oresearch sometimes takes 20 years of experience mixed in to truly unleash the potential......experience, experiment, then you know much more about yourself AND can help others.

Well, let's talk about variance in response. Can you honestly say that everyone reacts the same to Test? No way! Some have enormous amounts of water retention and other sides even at 400mg/wk; others can take in 1g+/wk without any issues (each with similar amounts of AAS exposure). How about prami? Some get incredibly sick with the smallest of doses while others can use the upper daily range and love the effects. And why are they using prami? Perhaps because some are predisposed to prolactin induced gyno with Tren use while others don't have the issue at all. Proviron? Screwed if you have MPB, but if not, not as much worry about hair loss.

Obviously you get my point here. My reference was simply that everyone is absolutely different. And what agents/dosages work for some will def not work for others. You can at least agree to that. The 'baby steps' into new usage is synonymous to 'experience/experiment'.

Well, let's talk about variance in response. Can you honestly say that everyone reacts the same to Test? No way! Some have enormous amounts of water retention and other sides even at 400mg/wk; others can take in 1g+/wk without any issues (each with similar amounts of AAS exposure). How about prami? Some get incredibly sick with the smallest of doses while others can use the upper daily range and love the effects. And why are they using prami? Perhaps because some are predisposed to prolactin induced gyno with Tren use while others don't have the issue at all. Proviron? Screwed if you have MPB, but if not, not as much worry about hair loss.

Obviously you get my point here. My reference was simply that everyone is absolutely different. And whagents/dosages work for some will def not work for others. You can at least agree to that. The 'baby steps' into new usage is synonymous to 'experience/experiment'.

Again, I do not agree. You said agents respond " ridiculously different" ......I do not see it. I KNOW what happens when someone goes on 10iu gh that has never been on before......I know what will happen with 1000mg test to people on the same diet and training that are natural.......I KNOW what will happen to 10 people that take 100cc of humalog........
Again, I do not agree. You said agents respond " ridiculously different" ......I do not see it. I KNOW what happens when someone goes on 10iu gh that has never been on before......I know what will happen with 1000mg test to people on the same diet and training that are natural.......I KNOW what will happen to 10 people that take 100cc of humalog........

Fair enough Phil. I guess I was focusing on the sides aspect from my personal experience.
I just need to hire Phil.
Again, I do not agree. You said agents respond " ridiculously different" ......I do not see it. I KNOW what happens when someone goes on 10iu gh that has never been on before......I know what will happen with 1000mg test to people on the same diet and training that are natural.......I KNOW what will happen to 10 people that take 100cc of humalog........

HaHa! I know what cha mean! Physics!


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