Hey guys.. I just read an article that was forwarded to me earlier about bromo. I had seen this a while back.. but really did not pay much attention to it until I had started dieting for the summer recently. We all know bromo is usually taken for progestrone gyno, but in this article which I know some of you have prob. seen.. it talks about resetting your biological bodyweight setpoint in the brain. Now my understanding is that Lyle McDonald has a e-book out about this, but I have not read that. My question is there any truth to this? Has anyone experianced it? If this was fact... then everyone of us could loose down to 7% bodyfat and maintain that % pretty easily with bromo since you dont have all the hormone crashing and leptin issues. Does it only work when taking bromo? What happens once you come off? Does the body still want to stay at that weight setpoint or do the genetic hormones take over and the body starts trying to gain back its bodyfat. I once read that it takes 9 to 12 months after a person has lost weight and has to maintain that current weight for that long before the body starts reconigizing the new weight setpoint and quits trying to store bodyfat. One of the reasons its so easy to gain back the fat and one reason the hunger and tiredness sets in after dieting. Very interested to hear feedback on this topic because if true.. then it would be possible to stay leaner in the offseason.