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IPL World Cup Invitational (Sponsored by UKgear)

Bench night.
365x3 with 3 count pause, 385x2 with 3 count pause. 405x1 to a softpad.
Bamboo Bench
Biceps and Triceps to finish off.

Pinned the Deca and it's unreal smooth. I was telling my training partner I'm really fighting getting into the Superdrol and just running it now. Lol

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Bench night.
365x3 with 3 count pause, 385x2 with 3 count pause. 405x1 to a softpad.
Bamboo Bench
Biceps and Triceps to finish off.

Pinned the Deca and it's unreal smooth. I was telling my training partner I'm really fighting getting into the Superdrol and just running it now. Lol

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YES!! DO IT NOW!!! (Superdrol) lol
Did a bodybuilding day. Just got a good upper body pump and then hit the hot tub.
I'm thinking I'm gonna start up the Superdrol on Monday. Start at 20mg a day for a week and move to 30mg for the rest of January. I'm still pretty far out, but I would love to put on some mass now so I can move more in training leading up to the meet

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Squats today and the back pumps from the Superdrol were a motherfucker. The strength was real though. Shit moved really fast and I was killing it with quality work.
Work sets-
525x3, 565x3. Had another 3 in me on that top set but that's what my program called for.
Deadlifts 315 2x5
Bentover Rows 315 3x10
Shrugs 315 3x10
The back pumps became unbearable so I called it and was uncomfortable the whole way home. Superdrol does this to me harder than any other oral. So this shit is good!

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Squats today and the back pumps from the Superdrol were a motherfucker. The strength was real though. Shit moved really fast and I was killing it with quality work.
Work sets-
525x3, 565x3. Had another 3 in me on that top set but that's what my program called for.
Deadlifts 315 2x5
Bentover Rows 315 3x10
Shrugs 315 3x10
The back pumps became unbearable so I called it and was uncomfortable the whole way home. Superdrol does this to me harder than any other oral. So this shit is good!

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Id like to try superdrol again. Orals always give me crazy back pumps. The strength from superdrol is nuts though.

Great squat numbers.

Sent from my SM-G530P using Professional Muscle mobile app
Been feeling sick the past few days. Pretty sure it's the flu. I was supposed to bench last night but waited til today.
Close Grip Bench Press
325 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x15
Face Pulls 3x20
Dips 2x8
Felt like shit so I called it there.

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Lower Body Assistance Day
Hatfield Squat 3x5 425
Leg Extensions Rest Pause set
Leg Curls Rest Pause set
Cable Crunches 3x10
DB Calf Raises 3x20

I'm still getting over the flu so I just wanted to get in and do something. Took SD in the AM and pre-workout 10mg and it seems to be easier to handle. Although my head felt like it was going to pop off while doing Hatfield Squats. Those are a very fun movement. If you haven't seen them, it's a safety bar squat while hanging on to the rack. If you have an SSB give them a shot.

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Deadlifts tonight. Superdrol 20mg an hour before training and hit just right. I'm still getting the rush, but bp seems to not be an issue anymore. Weights were moving really really well.
Work sets 585x3 touch and go, 635x3 dead stop. Really pleased with the speed.
SSB Squat 3x5 335
Lat Pulldowns 3x12
Cable Upright Rows 3x12
Reverse Hypers 3x20
Cable Crunches 100 reps

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Somehow this bug I had took some weight off me. Calories have been steady so I don't know what's going on. 323 is what I weighed a couple weeks ago...306 this morning. But my strength is still decent.
Bench tonight-
Work sets- 385x3 paused, 405x1 paused and slow. 315x10 touch and go.
Bamboo bar 3x20
Lat Pulldowns 3x12
Face Pulls 3x15
Cable rows for a ridiculous pump
Cable Curls for more
Triceps Pushdowns to finish off and my hoodie was really tight when I put it on.
Took 20mg Superdrol on a full stomach about an hour before training. I should've eaten earlier but the strength and pump was there. Now I need to eat my way back into the superheavies.

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Did some Deadlifts from 3 inch mats tonight. This is my biggest weak point as I'm much faster and stronger when pulling from the floor and this movement essentially takes my legs out of the movement.
Work sets- 585x1, 635x1, 675x1.
Pretty excited about this because it shows I'm good for a little over 700 on my normal deadlift, but it'll be a 4-6 weeks before I take that. Followed that up with leg presses, leg curls and extentions. Then kettlebell side bends and reverse hypers til my back pump was unbearable and I had to lay on a foam roller for 20 minutes.
My nipples are starting to act up from the test and deca. Most people get bummed about that but I like sides because it means it's good shit. Lol but strength is moving up and muscle is being built. People comment that I'm looking bigger even though my body weight is down a bit. Pretty stoked on that.

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Upper Body Assistance Day-
DB Bench Press worked up to the 120s 2x20
Smith Machine Seated Overhead 2 plates for rest pause set. 10,5,3.
Lat Pulldowns and Cable Rows for burning pump.
Biceps and Triceps to finish it up.
I was tired as hell after this workout. The pump from the SD was awesome though.

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Rough Squat session tonight. I couldn't seem to get my head in the game. I was trying out new wraps too and those things were a bitch. Lol
Work sets-
505x3, 555x3, 595x1.

That's it. I felt like shit and beat up so I went home and ate. I wanted 595x3 but it just wasn't happening today. There's always another workout.

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Something's it best to just shut it down and save it for another day. Mon I was should to squat, but I pulled on sat and that would have been 4 days in a roll for me and my left I.T. Band was hurting so I just took to day off. I'll just squat wed. I didn't see a point in going with my I.T. hurting and my hamstrings sore as hell.
Something's it best to just shut it down and save it for another day. Mon I was should to squat, but I pulled on sat and that would have been 4 days in a roll for me and my left I.T. Band was hurting so I just took to day off. I'll just squat wed. I didn't see a point in going with my I.T. hurting and my hamstrings sore as hell.
You're right man. Gotta know when to not push it to avoid injury. I'll work my accessories hard tomorrow for sure.

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Bench today was awesome. My arms and shoulders were flared up this morning so I figured it'd just be light close grip. But when I got to the gym I rolled my arms and chest with kettlebell and flossed them and they felt a little better. Wound up hitting a couple PRs that I wasn't planning but it was feeling good.
Work sets-
365x3, 405x2, 415x1. All paused.
Cable rows
Cable Flys
Face Pulls
Triceps Pushdowns
Huge pump and that Superdrol made me feel unbreakable today.

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Deadlifts tonight went pretty damn well. I took my Superdrol in my car on the way and I can't be sure both tabs landed in my mouth. But I digress. The pump and explosion off the floor were awesome tonight.
Work sets-
585x3, 635x2, 675 for 2 singles. Really fast off the floor so I'm stoked on it.
Chin Ups 5x5(yeah, I'm over 300 and do chins. People tend to stare.)
DB Rows 2x20
Shrugs 2x15
Reverse Hypers 3x10

I kinda regret not taking 705 for my second top set, but best to stay sure than miss a lift. 13 weeks out and my bench and deadlift are very strong for this far out. My squat will get figured out by then. The test, Deca and Superdrol are really helping me smash weights and my joints feel good. That's a huge deal in the powerlifting game. If I'm feeling healthy, it's gonna be a great meet.

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You've made some good progress. Its gonna be impressive in 13 weeks, especially with you being injury free. I've honestly never made it to a meet without at least one nagging injury. Keep it going. Hey I had one question? When you use the slingshot do you keep high reps to the blue and alternative heavy with red, or do you play with percentages to determine which sling you use?

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