man i wouldnt doubt it one bit.. the us government basically has access to any day thing they want anymore.. heres what the do... " we need access to all womens underwear drawers to help fight terrorism. Al-Quadea and Al Zhaqwiri have been konw to harbor other terrorist in pant drawers"
american public freaks out, OK OK , let them in the panty drawer, im too afraid of terrorist.. oh they need in my bank account and to monitor my phone calls? OK OK, let them have access, i dont want any terrorist in my country.. im so damn sick and tired of the american govt taking all our rights away, but as they claim they are only doing us a favor..
at what point do you have to say fuck terrorism, i would rather have my god damn freedom... arent we supposed to be spreading democracy and freedom in other countries? why are we taking 2 steps back here?