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Jordan Peters to TRT

I’m pretty heavy at the moment

Can’t imagine being 290+ at 5’5 or whatever height he is

Putting socks on in the morning is the hardest part of my day.. I guess that’s why he tends to wear slides
Fuck, I hate being 220lbs at 5ft5 I can't even imagine 290! 250 was my all time high and I felt horrible, joints hurt, was miserable from constantly choking down food, full belly always.... FUCK THAT! 290 must be living hell.
Fuck, I hate being 220lbs at 5ft5 I can't even imagine 290! 250 was my all time high and I felt horrible, joints hurt, was miserable from constantly choking down food, full belly always.... FUCK THAT! 290 must be living hell.
Lol on the other hand I know how thick I looked at 250, so I can't even imagine what he looks like in person at 290.....holy shit balls!
I’m pretty heavy at the moment

Can’t imagine being 290+ at 5’5 or whatever height he is

Putting socks on in the morning is the hardest part of my day.. I guess that’s why he tends to wear slides

Jordan is 5’5?
Hes 5ft 6.
Fuck, I hate being 220lbs at 5ft5 I can't even imagine 290! 250 was my all time high and I felt horrible, joints hurt, was miserable from constantly choking down food, full belly always.... FUCK THAT! 290 must be living hell.

5’5 at 250 lbs is crazy big. Can’t even imagine 290 lol.
Good stuff here Lats. I have only been a TRT guy at 200mg per week. I went to the dark side and added 400mg of primo and started getting very fatigued with terrible joint pain so I dropped it to 300mg and eventually 200mg. My gains were minimal at best. Prior to the primo I had a great lipid profile. Afterward my HDL tanked from 60+ to the 20's and my estro was undetectable. Zero. I was not taking anything else and no AI. If I had a "do over" I wish I would have just doubled up on the test to 400 per week for 10 weeks or so and called that my "blast."
I think the problem is that you had the primo higher than test. I've never run primo, but I really like 250 test and 200 masteron.
My problem on TRT is that even 200 test gets my estrogen too high and I don't like taking the anastrozole the clinic gives me. The masteron keeps my estrogen low, improves the look of my physique, and add strength.
I heard Jordan is back to blasting and being 300 lb again to try to get that card. Can anyone confirm?
Hard to stay away forever. Seems like a good idea for a while until you get bored of no longer making progress.
Lol on the other hand I know how thick I looked at 250, so I can't even imagine what he looks like in person at 290.....holy shit balls!
im also 5,5" and got to 240lbs at my biggest and fuck me it was tough, cant imagine being 300lbs pure hell, but what a fuckin beast!!
I heard Jordan is back to blasting and being 300 lb again to try to get that card. Can anyone confirm?
Yep he’s back. He was at 270 a couple months ago and is back into the high 290s now.

I was wondering if anyone else noticed this or was going to mention it. I casually follow him on Insta, I'm not on his forums or anything like that. I remember last year when he said he was going to go on TRT and started doing all this HIIT cardio and BJJ and shit, and damn if he still didn't look awesome even after trimming down, then it seemed like all oF a sudden I saw a reel on IG and I was like WTF? He was massive and probably as strong as Id ever seen him on some og those pulls. I didn't really think it was my place to bring it up and thought some of you guys who followed him more closely knew what was going on. Every man has got to go what they have got to do. If anyone here also has ever been over to intensemuscle, I remember some years ago Skip attempted to do the same thing, then a few months (or maybe years) later he was like, yeah Im blasting again, I couldn't stay away from the look and the lifestyle. I totally understand not wanting to "not be your best" if that makes sense. I think that is why a lot og guys are saying Iain probably wont stay away long, idk, maybe he can.
I was wondering if anyone else noticed this or was going to mention it. I casually follow him on Insta, I'm not on his forums or anything like that. I remember last year when he said he was going to go on TRT and started doing all this HIIT cardio and BJJ and shit, and damn if he still didn't look awesome even after trimming down, then it seemed like all oF a sudden I saw a reel on IG and I was like WTF? He was massive and probably as strong as Id ever seen him on some og those pulls. I didn't really think it was my place to bring it up and thought some of you guys who followed him more closely knew what was going on. Every man has got to go what they have got to do. If anyone here also has ever been over to intensemuscle, I remember some years ago Skip attempted to do the same thing, then a few months (or maybe years) later he was like, yeah Im blasting again, I couldn't stay away from the look and the lifestyle. I totally understand not wanting to "not be your best" if that makes sense. I think that is why a lot og guys are saying Iain probably wont stay away long, idk, maybe he can.
He’s casually explained it on his log. He got lean and got athletic and thought that would check his box for happiness…it didn’t. He just said he wasn’t passionate about that and missed his drive for BBing. I’m not sure how lonnngg he wants to keep going, but I love following him when he’s pushing the limits of strength. Honestly, his cycles aren’t thaaat nuts anymore. Large but not insane. He’s stated many times that GROWING to that size was the insane dosage push, now the fine tuning stuff he doesn’t need as much. I was surprised he didn’t fully dive into coaching or judging or something like that. I DO think he stills desperately wants that pro card too. One last chase.
great post

I did hear him say in one og the interviews, maybe it was with Fuoad, that he regretted what he called "blowing out and destroying his midsection" and likely attributed it to pushing good, and extremely heavy bracing for his heavy lifts. He also attributes his mid-section being "destroyed" as the reason he either couldn't win or stopped competing knowing he couldn't win. That said I know what it is like to have regret with regard to training and physique, and also to be extremely critical og myself. I hope he, in his decision to make a run, means he corrected it enough or has found enough solace/comfort in his look now. It sounded as if he really regretted and was upset by what he had "done to himself"
great post

I did hear him say in one og the interviews, maybe it was with Fuoad, that he regretted what he called "blowing out and destroying his midsection" and likely attributed it to pushing good, and extremely heavy bracing for his heavy lifts. He also attributes his mid-section being "destroyed" as the reason he either couldn't win or stopped competing knowing he couldn't win.

In the comments of one of his IG posts, when asked what destroyed his stomach, his one word answer was "insulin." I think he said when he was coached by Milos in person he was doing 100iu's daily and actually felt like he was dying, like he couldn't breathe at night. If you are eating 10 grams of carbs per IU or more you will probably feel bad just from the food, that would be 4000 calories just from carbs.

When he quit last time he said the gf asked him, "are you going to die?" I assume because he looked like he was in distress. Now he says he is sure he will escape with his health intact, he had no problem losing weight quickly last time.
In the comments of one of his IG posts, when asked what destroyed his stomach, his one word answer was "insulin." I think he said when he was coached by Milos in person he was doing 100iu's daily and actually felt like he was dying, like he couldn't breathe at night. If you are eating 10 grams of carbs per IU or more you will probably feel bad just from the food, that would be 4000 calories just from carbs.

When he quit last time he said the gf asked him, "are you going to die?" I assume because he looked like he was in distress. Now he says he is sure he will escape with his health intact, he had no problem losing weight quickly last time.
thanks for that insight, and information man
Dudes as ugly as the day is long, serious mental issues...
Yea he ain't going to win GQ modeling contract....but saying he has mental issues is out of line on a board like this where we are all doing the same thing just on a smaller scale...
Jordan is doing more to keep his cardio going this time around and overall he is feeling more healthy etc
the guy does what he wants to do and well its his life so who are anybody to tell him different ?
Jordan is doing more to keep his cardio going this time around and overall he is feeling more healthy etc
the guy does what he wants to do and well its his life so who are anybody to tell him different ?
All I can say is I love to see this guy train. Damn heavy ass spine splitting deads and tons of plate clanging music to my ears. I wish he made high quality videos like some of the other pros. Love Brett Wilkin and Martin Fitzwater hardcore vids.
All I can say is I love to see this guy train. Damn heavy ass spine splitting deads and tons of plate clanging music to my ears. I wish he made high quality videos like some of the other pros. Love Brett Wilkin and Martin Fitzwater hardcore vids.
Same here man, been following Jordan since his early days and love his hardcore trainning, the way he just grinds away i wish i had the mind set he has.
I have always loved the freaks Rühl, Branch Warren, Yates etc

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