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Judge Strikes Down Ephedra Ban!


Jun 10, 2002
Judge Strikes Down FDA Ban on Ephedra

26 minutes ago Health - AP

By MARK THIESSEN, Associated Press Writer

SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths.

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The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years.

Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have linked to 155 deaths, including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004.

Judge Tena Campbell's ruling sends the matter back to the FDA "for further rulemaking consistent with the court's opinion" and keeps the agency from enforcement action against the companies.

FDA officials did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Company president Bruce Hough said the decision is about "protecting the public's access to safe and effective dietary supplements."
Maybe we can start a trend here!
Yeah, maybe this judge will have lots of kids and they will all become judges or politicians.
What the hell? A government official who is an advocate of the people? This could confuse JJinsane's whole belief system. ;)
BigBoyJ said:
What the hell? A government official who is an advocate of the people? This could confuse JJinsane's whole belief system. ;)

lol yes this would fuck things up with JJ :p
bout fucking time...sick of 50-60 year old, living in the past, conservatives, tellling me what to do with my time and money. and then invading my privacy on top of it...

with all the bad press on the fda these days, i am sure that had something to do with it too....bextra is their latest goof

I'd love to see what "studies" the FDA comes up with now to prove the ephedra is a killer.

Hopefully this is the start of something good.

Now if we could only get Renutritent back on the market. LOL
Jrflex10er said:
lol yes this would fuck things up with JJ :p

Awww come one now - You know that judge is thinking the same way I think - FUCK the government - FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE!
She is a SHEEP that got away!


How thoughtful of you guys to think of lil ol me on this thread!

JJ Insane1
JJ INSANE1 said:
Awww come one now - You know that judge is thinking the same way I think - FUCK the government - FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE!
She is a SHEEP that got away!


How thoughtful of you guys to think of lil ol me on this thread!

JJ Insane1

JJ you know we love you :D :p
Jrflex10er said:
JJ you know we love you :D :p

Oh .. how sweet :eek:

You guys know its always mutual - JJ loves his anabolic brothers as well!

Yeah - we sometimes do not agree on politics but ... hell who does?

Seriously - I would love to be able to go grab me some good old school Xenadrine !!
I read this info to my wife and i think she is on cloud 9 !
She loved the REAL Xenadrine ... with the good stuff added.

Lets all hope this is a sign of more good things to come.
JJ Insane1
lets not blow this out of proportion. its a small win, but a win none the less. if you think the fed. govt will ever see our side of anabolics use, you my friend are living in never-never land...its not going to happen...too much media coverage etc
Read This, Its was on FoxNews.com

Judge Strikes Down Ephedra Ban
Thursday, April 14, 2005

•Supplements Can Increase Arthritis Drug Dangers•Panel Wants Tougher Supplement Standards•FDA Tightens Scrutiny of Supplements
SALT LAKE CITY — A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on supplements containing ephedra (search), the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths.

The judge ruled in favor of a Utah supplement company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Nutraceutical (search) claimed that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years, and that ephedra was wrongly being regulated by the FDA as a drug and not a food.

Judge Tena Campbell agreed, saying federal law places more restrictive rules on the FDA in determining whether to ban foods as opposed to drugs. The judge said the law requires the FDA to prove that a dietary supplement is harmful, rather than having the manufacturer prove it is safe, as is required with drugs.

Nutraceutical President Bruce Hough (search) said the lawsuit had little to do with ephedra and more to do with forcing the FDA to follow the rules Congress set down for it.

He said Nutraceutical interprets the ruling to mean that the company is allowed to start selling ephedra supplements again, but added that it is too soon to say whether it will put the products back on the market.

"This is a great affirmation for the system, that the court goes back and says, 'This is Congress' intent,' and follow it," he said.

FDA spokeswoman Kimberly Rawlings said the agency is "evaluating the decision."

Supplements that included ephedra were once widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, with industry groups claiming at least 12 million users. The amphetamine-like stimulant, which speeds the heart rate and constricts blood vessels, has been linked to 155 deaths, including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. The federal government banned it one year ago.

Campbell's sends the matter back to the FDA "for further rulemaking consistent with the court's opinion" and keeps the agency from enforcement action against the companies.
geez JJ your special!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


JJ INSANE1 said:
Awww come one now - You know that judge is thinking the same way I think - FUCK the government - FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE!
She is a SHEEP that got away!


How thoughtful of you guys to think of lil ol me on this thread!

JJ Insane1
Ive been hearing alot about this out on the streets too-and heard its on the news. For real?!? Boy would that be a step in the right direction. That judge needs to be on the Supreme Court.
About Time!!!

Just make the agencies follow the EXISTING rules, not make up new ones so they can manipulate us even more!
I'm really with JJ on alot of his issues, although I do think he can get carried away at times in his rants. lol.
Write your Congressman NOW!

I've already written to my Congressman. Will it help? My one letter? No. But if all of us write to our congressmen it will send a voice to Washington that they are fvking with their constituency. If we care enough to write, then they might actually believe that we care enough to vote...them out.

Here's where to get started:

heres my take on this and its negative....sorry...but i work in healthcare so i see the shit day in and out...basically the fda will go to congress and ask for more power. based on the current steroid scandals,etc chances are they will get it. republicans are big on this issue and control of the govt has a lot to play on things. so will the fda get more power, probably...will it happen soon, yes probably...drug companies are pushing for the same regulation of supplements as fda approved drugs...who has more money in washington, you or drug companies, you see my point...

writing you local congressman is a good first step. but other people need to be educated on this topic as well. it is simply a numbers game. there are not enough athletes or people with our views to affect anyones position in the senate,etc...basically 2% of american males use steroids, maybe 10% use supplements. now divide that by 50 states and you see how the numbers dwindle. i am all for the education of the masses on issues like this etc. that is the best approach. i know this seems negative but its the truth. ric and mike have done great work so far. anything we can get into the media,etc showing the positives or education is great...
Hey Mike! Nothing wrong with the truth and you've made an excellent observation. You say it's "negative" but you're only telling it like it is. Like I stated earlier, one person writing to their congressman isn't going to make a dent and you've pointed out that together, we hardly make a dent as well. But to sit back and do nothing is also wrong. Most everyone on this board is an honest and decent citizen and only guilty of breaking laws that shouldn't be laws anyway.

Our politicians are influenced by two factors: 1. Votes 2. Bribes. One follows the other since, if they don't get votes, they can't accept bribes. We MUST let them know that we do exist. As bodybuilders, we are mostly positive people; people of action who do things for themselves rather than waiting for someone else to do it for us. Am I right? Trying to educate the masses is like trying to eradicate prejudice; one day it will happen but it won't be tommorrow!

So, we do what we can do today. Again, I urge everyone on this board to write your congressman and/or senator today!


**broken link removed**
i totally agree with the above, thats why when people ask me this or that, i educate them as much as possible. this way maybe they can educate a friend and then a few more, etc...see the ball gets rolling. it will be a long hard fight, but i will always help in whatever way i can

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