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Just had 3 heart attack at age 30


New member
Apr 9, 2010

Im a new registered member however ive been reading this board for a long time. Though i would register and post this. Im not sure if i will keep this online though........

Ive just had 3 heart attacks at age 30. Ive noticed a few other threads about heart problems on here so i thought i would post this.

I train with weights 4 times per week. I usually get in 20 minutes of low intensity cardio at the end of every weights session and try to get in an hour of cardio on non training days.

Im 30, fit and healthy with no previous medical conditions.
I am currently in asia out of my home country and the plan was to be away for 6-9 months.
I do have worldwide travel insurance however it excludes asia (which i didn’t realise) so all medical expenses have had to be paid by myself. Im from the UK where all medical expenses are free on the NHS.

Last week I felt a bit under the weather for 4 days. On day 2 we went to a local island and I was bit all over my legs and arms by mosquitoes or something similar. I felt a little tired and drained and my stomach was a little off. I did not train at all due to feeling too tired to go to the gym. On the 5th day during the afternoon I felt a strange feeling. All of a sudden i felt ill, my jaw started to ache a little and so did both arms. At the time I was in the apartment just watching TV and so i lay on the sofa for 30 minutes and it passed. I then felt fine and went about my daily business as normal.

Later on that evening the same thing happened again however it was more severe. The pain in my jaw and arms was more than before and i felt worse. After about 20 minutes i got a sharp pain in my chest right in the centre of the chest bone. It felt like somebody had their fist on my chest and was pressing really hard. I started to shake a little and kept going hot and cold. I gradually got worse and told my partner to ring for the doctor because there was something definitely wrong. She got told that she couldn’t get a doctor but could get an ambulance and so i agreed and the ambulance was called. I gradually got worse while waiting for the ambulance.

I arrived at the hospital and told them it felt like i was having a heart attack. They said i was too young for a heart attack but did an ecg anyway. I was then left on the stretcher for about half an hour and doctor came to see me. He pushed on my chest to simulate the pain and i said it made it worse. He gave me an injection which he said was a pain killer. I was left again for about half an hour to an hour and the pain finally stopped. They did another ecg which they said looked fine but the earlier one did show something out of the ordinary but it was probably because i was shaking. They gave me some anti histamines, some allergy tablets and some ointment to rub on my chest if it happened again. They told me I had a viral infection or an allergic reaction to something. I was then sent home.

On day 6 the same thing happened again late on in the evening. It was not as severe as the day before but still not pleasant. My partner said we should go back to the hospital but i said there was no point because i would just get sent home again. It also cost us around $100 USD to be seen at the hospital. I know money isn’t really the issue when it comes to health but all they did the evening before was send me home. The pain lasted around 1 and a half to two hours then passed. I then went to sleep.

On day 7 i felt fine, but still a little tried. I did a search online for the symptoms of a heart attack and they were exactly what i had had. My partner made me take myself to hospital so off i went. I arrived and explained that the same thing happened to me again last night and they said i should have come back to the hospital. They did an ecg on me and i waited to see the doc. The same doc saw me and said the symptoms did sound like a heart attack but my ecg looked ok. He did another one and he said that did possibly show something wrong. He still said i was too young for a heart attack. Because i had done a search online i knew that a blood test would show a definite answer if i had had a heart attack so i asked for a blood test and they agreed. They told me i had to wait 2 to 3 hours for the results so i waited in the hospital. I went back to the blood department to get my results and they said they had been looking for me. They put me on a bed and hooked me upto an ecg. They told me that i had had a heart attack and they were keeping me in hospital.

My father had a few heart attacks about 4 years ago. He was in his late 50’s, over weight, smoked 40-60 per day for 40 years, didn’t exercise at all and ate fried food or fast food all day every day. One of my grand parents and one of my great grand parents died of a heart attack. Because of the ages the cardiologist ruled out this as anything to do with family history. He said that its only in your family history really if anything happens at a young age like mine.

My Troponin I level was 9.7. The normal range should be less than 0.03. They told me mine was very high. They also said my blood pressure was a little high but nothing to worry about.

They kept me in hospital for 5 days. I was put on aspirin, blood thinners and anti coagulants.
On the 2nd day in hospital they did a kind of ultrasound on my heart which showed my heart working normal. They could not see any problems with it.

The doctors and the cardiologist said that there were two tests that could be done to find out what was wrong with me. I could have an angiogram but it was quite invasive and carries a risk of death with it. The other test was a heart ct scan. If the ct scan showed a problem it was 70% accurate and if it showed there wasn’t a problem it was 90% accurate.

The doctor said there was no point in the ct scan because it would probably show a problem and i would have to have the angiogram anyway. The cardiologist said i should have the ct scan first because its less invasive. Also the cost for a ct scan was around $400 USD however the angiogram could cost upto around $9000 USD depending on what was found. I have to pay for everything myself here so obviously i opted for the ct scan first incase i didn’t need the angiogram.

I had the ct scan and the results came back the day after. Everything was fine and they could not see any problems. Both the doctors and the cardiologist were shocked and thought it would show up a problem. The cardiologist then told me i seemed to be fine and he didn’t see any point in having the angiogram now that the ct scan had showed up no problems.

He advised me not to fly for at least a week and to just take it easy for now. I asked about getting back into my normal lifestyle of weights and cardio and he said just do everything as normal but take it easy at first. I was then released.

They said i had seemed to have a heart attack. I had all the symptoms and my Toponin I levels were very high. They said that the reason was a muscle spams. Just like when you get a twitch in your leg, I had the same thing happen in my heart. It had a spasm which caused a heart attack or heart attack symptoms. They said it was just unlucky that it happened to me while i was out my home country and its just one of them things, it can happen to anybody and probably wont happen to me again. They cant find anything physically wrong with me. The other small possibilityis i got a viral infection that attacked the heart. He said there is nothing wrong with me and im fit and healthy.
This is good news, however im not quite happy with the explanation. I feel great, just like i did before however i still don’t have a definite answer. This news got around my friends quite quickly and quite a few people have told me its happened to somebody they know. They got an infection at a similar age to me, had a heart attack and have been fine since. Ive heart of around 5 different people who friends know of a similar thing happening to somebody.

Ive now been out of hospital nearly two weeks, so thats about two and half weeks since i had a heart attack. I didn’t have any problems while i was in hospital and i haven’t had a problem since. Im not on any medication however they gave me some angina tablets to take if it happens again. I put one under my tongue and let it dissolve it i get the chest pain again.

Im still in a foreign country and ive got a few options.
I can stick around for 3-5 weeks and fly back home with somebody, or I could fly home next week on my own. Ive had the all clear from the cardiologist here so im not sure what to do. Ideally id like to stay but i could be a ticking time bomb. I think its probably a good idea to get myself home and have further tests however i doubt they can do anything that hasn’t already been done here apart from the angiogram that i got advised not to have. I did ask the cardiologist if there were any other tests that could be done, or if there was any other thing it could be that would not show up on a ct scan and he said there wasn’t.

They asked me a couple of times if i had taken any drugs, coke or any Viagra in the past few weeks but i hadn’t. I don’t do drugs.

I don’t smoke and never have done. I don’t drink much, only in small quantities when out at weekends with friends. I eat very healthy, workout and do cardio. I take care of myself as much as possible. All my friends were shocked and said i was the healthiest person they all knew.

Now ill get onto gear usage. I did tell them that i have ever taken any because i felt like they were looking for an excuse to blame it on like coke or Viagra. If i had told them about gear usage im sure they would have just blamed that for the cause.

I did a light 2 week cycle of test prop 100mgs eod, and tren ace 75mg eod. This was followed by 3 weeks of pct . 4 days after pct i had the heart attacks.

I had previously done a 4 week cycle with the same dosages, and a 2 week cycle with only 35mgs tren eod and 40mgs anavar ed. The 4 week cycle was done a few months before my recent one, and the 2 week one was done about 4 months before the 4 week one or possibly even longer. I also took some sustanon and deca around 5 years ago. Ive only really dabbled with small light doses for a short period of time to see how i reacted.

I have also dabbled with ephedrine and caffeine stack without the asprin a few time for a few weeks at a time. I havent taken any for nearly a year though.

I will be going back to the uk for further tests however i haven’t quite decided when im going to go back. I have done a search online and it seems that the heart takes upto 8 week to fully recover from a heart attack so it may not be a good idea to do a long 13 hour flight just yet. On the other hand, if this is going to happen again id rather be back in the UK.

Could the gear or eph use have contributed to the heart attacks? If so what could they actually have done that would cause this? Could i have caused either temporary or permanent damage? Do i need to tell the UK about usage so they could do some other checks that haven’t already been done? Is there anything else it could be that the tests have missed?

Anybody got any other ideas?
hi, thats what we thought, however im not sure if it came across properly in the post. I actually started to feel "off" on the saturday. I was at the beech and had to order a coffe to have a little "pick me up" because i didnt feel the best. Then on the way home i called into a public toilet because i felt like i was going to be sick, but wasnt. I had a nap when i got home and felt a little better.

It was on the sunday when i got bit by the mossys. Obviously that probably didnt help and contributed to me feeling sick however i did start to feel sick the day before i got the bited. I had close to 30 huge bited on my arms and legs that swelled up quite big and were very itchy. I never normally get bit. I didnt have any before this and havent had any since so it could have been something else that bit me. We did treck through a sort of jungle area of a desolate island.

Just to add, i feel great and 100%, even though i might not be inside.
Wow, that's quite a story, at least your still here to talk about it. I really don't think what you took could've brought that on, that's just my opinion, I'm sure some of the other guys will offer much more. You could've had a pre-existing condition, again, I don't know too much in this area so I don't feel too free talking about it, just take care of yourself and keep an eye on things, I would get back state side though. Good luck.
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It would have actually been better if you could have blamed it on the bug bites. Now you will never really know whats wrong until you go to a doc in the UK and get checked. Its scarey and you can ask many members here and they will tell you to take it seriously because it is very serious. Good luck bro.
yes i agree, if i could have said it was the bugs i would be a lot happier.
i do need to get back to the UK for more tests, however ive had the two main ones which are a heart ultrasound and a ct scan which both showed everything as normal and the cardiologist also said there were not any more tests to do. I dont see what extra the UK can do for me which hasnt already been done, but i will still get checked out because i would like to know exactly what caused it.

i just wanted some more oppinions from some people on here as i have seen quite a few posts regarding heart problems. ive done all the searching i can on google so maybe a few more ideas and/or advice can be thrown around here.
Although your dosages and time on were low, there is always a small chance it was the gear or the procedure you used to administer it. If it was contaminated you could very well have injected poison directly into your body/bloodstream. Its as simple as not using aseptic techniques.
I hope things will keep improving for you...thats sounds very scary....

once my daughter caught the flu, then with a weak immune system caught a rare illness, blod clots appeared all over her body, really sick and in alot of pain..... a night time medical center asked if she had had sex???, she was young...then said it was viral infection, allergic reaction to something......all wrong......

went to her Pediatrician next morning, who immediately did some test and grab his text books....called it right away and had me rush her to the hospital where she stayed for 5 days...she lost alot of weight in a few days...very scarry....ever since perfectly healthy.... thank God.

Take care.
Ive heard of those vasospasms. It can happen to just about anyone, and its the most likely explaination for what happend to you. For some reason the arteries in your heart constrict to the point that it temporarily cuts off blood supply or at least causes ischemia ( low blod flow but still get some). It sounds like you just had bad ischemia and that you didnt lose any heart muscle so thats awesome news. I do believe though that the condition can cause a total lack of blood flow and a heart attack. So since your heart is functioning "normal" and you probably didnt lose any heart tissue, you probably didnt even have a true heart attack. A true heart attack happens when the blood flow is cut off completely and the heart muscle supplied by that artery dies. thats what happend to me 2 years ago when I had a blood clot in my left coronary artery.

I would be worried that it might happen again, since you dont know what brought it on. To me it wouldnt matter if you go home alone or not. The main risk is you being on the plane for 13 hours and if you happen to have a true heart attack while on the plane. Ive heard of planes making emergency stops because of this. You might call an airline and ask about their policy. I cant imagine they would keep flying if there was somewhere they could touch down.

As far as blame on the incident, youll never know. Ive never heard of mosquito bites causing vasospams in the heart. Look it up on the net and see what you can find. My ex wife's father did get meningitis from a bite though. Thats an infection in the brain. His symptoms came and went over a period of many years. Now that I think of it, I think he was getting vasospasms too, but his were in his brain rather than his heart. he had a series of strokes because of it. He eventually died about 7 years after that intial bite after suffering "brain attacks" for years. So the symptoms would come and go.

Wonder if they ran any kind of tests that would show an infection. Im sure they did.

You may also know that mosquitos can be the vector or what spreads a parasite from an intermediate host to the definitive host. It is highly unlikely, but you could have some sort of parasitic infestation in you that would not show up on blood tests. Im rather full of cob webs when it comes to this subject though since I only took one parasitology class in undergraduate school and that was back in 1991. Its just another possiblity, however remote. Your reaction could be some sort of autoimmune reaction to the parasite. I doubt it is this though.
If it's me, I take the nitro in my carry-on, and get the hell back to the UK where they will perform a battery of tests, and then you'll know what's up. Unless your traveling companion is a cardio-thoracic surgeon, having them along is of no use anyways other than companionship. I wouldn't be able to enjoy my time abroad worrying that if it happens again that the medical care doesn't sound particularly top notch. You have another 50 years to travel, I'd want to make sure I wasn't in a location that took a cavalier attitude towards a 30 year old with a "maybe" heart attack. I've known 3 guys to die of heart attacks at 30 and below who were otherwise healthy, didn't use gear or narcotics.
If this were me there is one thing that I would want to know for sure, do I have any blockages!!! At 30 you are not likely to, but it is very possible.
If this were me there is one thing that I would want to know for sure, do I have any blockages!!! At 30 you are not likely to, but it is very possible.

Yeah, I think they should check things out more closely. There could be some occlusions in the some of the coronary arteries, just to the point of ischemia. Ischemia should show up on an ekg though.
just to add, the main thing that worried them was my Troponin I level. when its in normal range its below 0.03 but mine was 9.7 which they said was very high.

as far as i know, when you have a heart attack or the heart suffers some damage, troponin I is released into the blood (or something causes troponin i levels to raise) and it can easily be detected with a blood test.

also wouldnt a ct scan show up any blockages or occlusions?

looks like ill be getting myself back home quite soon.
just to add, the main thing that worried them was my Troponin I level. when its in normal range its below 0.03 but mine was 9.7 which they said was very high.

as far as i know, when you have a heart attack or the heart suffers some damage, troponin I is released into the blood (or something causes troponin i levels to raise) and it can easily be detected with a blood test.

also wouldnt a ct scan show up any blockages or occlusions?

looks like ill be getting myself back home quite soon.

Check and see if you can find a place that will do an EBT Scan. Non invasive and will show if any blockages. If it were me, I would not do a stress test.
just to add, the main thing that worried them was my Troponin I level. when its in normal range its below 0.03 but mine was 9.7 which they said was very high.

as far as i know, when you have a heart attack or the heart suffers some damage, troponin I is released into the blood (or something causes troponin i levels to raise) and it can easily be detected with a blood test.

also wouldnt a ct scan show up any blockages or occlusions?

looks like ill be getting myself back home quite soon.

YEah, get home and get it evaluated. i just dont see how you could have had a heart attack and your heart is functioning normal. They did an echocardiogram and your heart's motion was normal and the ejection fraction was normal 55-60% or so? I didnt see any mention anywhere of getting an echo of your heart, did they even do one? AN echo is going to give you an answer to if you have heart damage. AS far as blockages go, I am convinced that the best way to tell is the angiogram. thats about all I would trust personally. A muga scan, catscan like process using a radioactive tracer, will show lack of blood flow to heart and dead tissues.
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thanks for the replies guys

magnum - why would you not do a stress test?

maldorf - im not sure on the exact names of the tests i had. i had what i think is called a sonogram or ultrasound on my heart. this is similar to what they use on pregnant women to see the baby. this lasted around 10 -20 minutes and they moved it around quite a lot. the guy who did it said my heart was functioning fine and couldnt see a problem. i dont know what the ejection francion was they never told me

the other one i had done is knows as a ct scan, or ct angiogram. They injected me with the radioactive solution, i had to hold my breath while my upper body passed through a big scanning device and then let the air out when i was through. i did this a few times. the results from this came back ok with no problems found.

ill see what the uk cardiologist has to say, maybe they will suggest an angiogram. as far as i know there is a long waiting list for this in the UK unless you go private. i think its around 3 months but im not sure.

maldorf - in understand what you are saying about having a heart attack but yet my heart is functioning normal. i had all the symptoms, the ecg and the troponin i all confirmed it. im not sure if im correct here, but if i did have a muscle spams which contracted the heart or surrounding areas somehow, or if i had an infection that attacked the heart - this may have been the cause and my heart is actually functioning fine because there was nothing wrong with my heart in the first place it was something else that attacked the heart? i supose we are all guessing anyway until more tests are done.....

but with the high troponin i levels, i dont think there is any other explanation for them to be high appart from some sort of heart attack, heart damage, or a period of time with restricted/no blood flow to the heart.
thanks for the replies guys

magnum - why would you not do a stress test?

If I had the same symptoms that you are having I personally think that the benefit to risk ratio would be too high as far as having a heart attack from pushing yourself too hard on a treadmill. There are less invasive tests that can find out if you have some clogged arteries such as the EBT Scan that I mentioned.

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