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Keto Diet - Please critque


May 23, 2010
Breakfast (WAKE UP) – 5 OZ. CHICKEN [150 Calories/33 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
6 FARM FRESH EGGS [310 Calories/28 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs] (3 with yoke)
¼ AVOCADO [80 Calories/1 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs]
Totals: (540 Calories/62 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs)

SNACK (12:30 AM) – 1 SCOOP OF PRE-WRKOUT BUZZERK (50 Calories/0 grams Protein/14 grams Carbs]
8 OZ. WATER (0 Calories/0 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)
Totals: (50 Calories/0 grams Protein/14 grams Carbs)

SNACK (2:30 PM) – 2 SCOOPS OF PROTEIN POWDER [240 Calories/48 grams Protein/6 grams Carbs]
2 CUPS OF RAW MILK (220 Calories/18 grams Protein/24 grams Carbs)
Totals: (460 Calories/66 grams Protein/30 grams Carbs)

SNACK (4:30 PM) – 10 OZ. CHICKEN BREAST [310 Calories/66 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
3 OZ. OF RAW VEGETABLES [50 Calories/9 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs
Totals: (410 Calories/70 grams Protein/4 grams Carb)

LUNCH (6:30 PM) – 10 OZ. TURKEY BREAST [280 Calories/55 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
15 RAW ALMONDS [100 Calories/4 grams Protein/4 grams Carbs]
1 TBSP. OF OLIVE OIL [120 Calories/0 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
Totals: (500 Calories/59 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)

DINNER (9:00 PM) – 10 OZ. POULTRY/FISH/BEEF [580 Calories/53 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
3 OZ. OF STEAMED VEGGIES [60 Calories/7 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs]
Totals: (285 Calories/60 grams Protein/0 grams Carbs)

Total Calories/Protein/Carbs:
(2,600 Calories/317 grams Protein/56 grams Carbs)

25 percent body fat
Athletic, former walk-on at the University of Oregon football
Goal is 8 percent body fat
APEX Multi-vitamin
I think it is a pretty reasonable meal plan to accomplish what you are after. You need to listen to your body and make sure that you have enough energy to train hard enough to lose weight, gain strength and have a hormonal influence.

just research dave palumbo`s keto diet.

its something like
-1.5 x lean bodymass amount of protien
-0.5 x lean bodymass amount of healthy fats( monounsaturated fats, omega 3`s and omega 6)
- No direct sources of carbohydrate.

gluconeogenisis provides energy for high intensity low volume ( 30 to 45 mins duration) training.

find out his keto diet for 200lbs guy and then multiply it by your lean body mass and you`ll get what you exactly need ..... that way you can adjust it according to your needs.

every 7th day is last cheat meal day which causes insulin spike which is required for maximizing the conversion of T4 (inactive hormone) to T3 (active hormone which elevates the metabolism.)

drop the milk and prework carb drink stuff. those alone are putting over 30g of carbs. those are direct carbs source, the kind of stuff you want to stay away from. Indirect/Trace carbs only, ie nuts and veggies. Use water with the protein and make the first snack a protein as well, both with 1.5tablespoon all natural pb or another fat like EVOO, MacNutOil, ALmond oil or raw nuts.
Try to keep the trace carbs under 30g daily. unless you are absolutly fn huge.
dont know about the avacado, some like the fats in it.

move the olive oil away from the almonds(go with 1/3cup) and put it instead with the veggie meals.

Carb up once a week, after the first 2wks without.

or like dr intensity said look up Palumbo's keto diet.
Last edited:
Seems too low of calories for a 285lb guy. This assumes you are training hard 4-5 days a week. I guess I would assume you needed closer to 3000 calories. Too low of calories while dieting makes training and recovery difficult.
Palumbo's Keto Menu

For a 200lb+ Man

5 whole Omega-3 Eggs (with 4 additional whites)

SHAKE: 54g Whey Protein Isolate*** with 1.5 Tablespoon of All Natural PB

“Lean Protein Meal” 7oz (cooked) chicken (or Turkey, or Tuna, or tilapia, flounder, or cod) with 1/3-cup RAW almonds, cashews or walnuts

SHAKE: 54g Whey Protein Isolate with 1 ½ tablespoons of All Natural Peanut butter (no sugar added)

“Fatty Protein Meal” 7oz (cooked) Salmon, Swordfish, or 8oz RED MEAT (filet mignon, or top round cut) with a green salad (no tomatoes, carrots, or red peppers) with 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil or Macadamia nut oil and vinegar

SHAKE: 54g Whey with 1 ½ tablespoon all natural peanut butter OR 4 whole Omega-3 eggs 4 egg whites


***ONCE A WEEK, HAVE A CHEAT MEAL (instead of MEAL #6) – try to make it the last meal of the day (start after 2 weeks on the diet)

For a 250lb+ man:
Meal 1 6 whole Omega-3 eggs
Meal 2 8oz chicken with 1/2 cup raw almonds
Meal 3 50g whey with 2 tablespoons all natural peanutbutter
Meal 4 8oz salmon with 1 cup asparagus with 1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
Meal 5 50 g whey with 2 tablespoon PB
Meal 6 6 whole eggs

drop the milk and prework carb drink stuff. those alone are putting over 30g of carbs. those are direct carbs source, the kind of stuff you want to stay away from. Indirect/Trace carbs only, ie nuts and veggies. Use water with the protein and make the first snack a protein as well, both with 1.5tablespoon all natural pb or another fat like EVOO, MacNutOil, ALmond oil or raw nuts.
Try to keep the trace carbs under 30g daily. unless you are absolutly fn huge.
dont know about the avacado, some like the fats in it.

move the olive oil away from the almonds(go with 1/3cup) and put it instead with the veggie meals.

Carb up once a week, after the first 2wks without.

or like dr intensity said look up Palumbo's keto diet.

I agree 100% with dropping the milk and pre-workout carb drink if you want to take the keto route. You will feel like shit going into and out of ketosis on a daily basis with these included. Once in, stay in ketosis and you will avoid the highs and lows. I have mixed opinions on a cheat day every week if pure fat loss is your goal and you are over 20% bf. Maybe a re-fead every 10-14 days. Keto is not for everyone, there are other effective options you may want to consider until you get down under 14% or so and then try keto as a more extreme step to get you into the single digits. Just my thoughts and opinion. What ever you do, Best of luck to you.
For a 200lb+ Man

5 whole Omega-3 Eggs (with 4 additional whites)

SHAKE: 54g Whey Protein Isolate*** with 1.5 Tablespoon of All Natural PB

“Lean Protein Meal” 7oz (cooked) chicken (or Turkey, or Tuna, or tilapia, flounder, or cod) with 1/3-cup RAW almonds, cashews or walnuts

SHAKE: 54g Whey Protein Isolate with 1 ½ tablespoons of All Natural Peanut butter (no sugar added)

“Fatty Protein Meal” 7oz (cooked) Salmon, Swordfish, or 8oz RED MEAT (filet mignon, or top round cut) with a green salad (no tomatoes, carrots, or red peppers) with 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil or Macadamia nut oil and vinegar

SHAKE: 54g Whey with 1 ½ tablespoon all natural peanut butter OR 4 whole Omega-3 eggs 4 egg whites


***ONCE A WEEK, HAVE A CHEAT MEAL (instead of MEAL #6) – try to make it the last meal of the day (start after 2 weeks on the diet)

For a 250lb+ man:
Meal 1 6 whole Omega-3 eggs
Meal 2 8oz chicken with 1/2 cup raw almonds
Meal 3 50g whey with 2 tablespoons all natural peanutbutter
Meal 4 8oz salmon with 1 cup asparagus with 1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
Meal 5 50 g whey with 2 tablespoon PB
Meal 6 6 whole eggs

yeah thats what it is... and one can easily set up his diet by multiplying the 200 lbs diet to his own body can get your exact diet..

for example for 100lbs female
mulitpy the 200 lbs diet x 0.5 and you get the sample diet for a 100 lbs female... and so on
From the little bit that I know about proper nutrition I can tell that this diet is a bad idea.

Your ultimate goal is to drop 50lbs of body fat , thats ALOT of fat to lose and will take a little while , too long to stay on a keto diet in my oppinion.

I would get a good meal plan with balanced macros that work for your body type then simply reduce the calories accross the board. This is the tricky part if your not knowledeable on nutrition , thats where paying a few hundred buck for a trainer makes afor the best investment you can make:lightbulb:

What kind of training are you doing??
I think it depends on the person. I feel great on keto. I fell like I have a real consistent energy not lethargic like some people report. Although I do feel totally drunk when carbing up.

Just sayin, he might do just fine trying to lose all that fat if it works well for him.

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