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Kidney Damage


New member
Apr 25, 2009
My friend went to the doctor for a physical. The Doc. told him he had kidney damage that could not be reversed! He was doing heavy cycles for 2 years but is very depressed by this report! Are there any herbs that my help him now?
get a 2nd opinion, could be false high readings of bun and creatnine.
What's his blood pressure like?
He needs to see a qualified nephrologist to ensure its not something else!
Does he have diabetes (or chronic uncontrolled hyperinsulinemia) or long-term blood pressure issues? Is he well hydrated most of the time, or does he stay dehydrated and doesn't stay up on fluids....or rather "did" he?

You may not know these answers I guess.

Let us know his results, and tell him good luck. I agree on the second opinion. Also, is there a way the doctor may have stated something and he took it wrong or out of context?

Sometimes those in the health profession will throw terms around loosely (not on purpose), and say stuff like BUN or Creatinine are high....and people can take it wrong.

Standard bodybuilder kidney scare I'm guessing.
He is not diabetic. He like most men hate going to the doctor. His Bp was borderline/high most of the time! He pretty much stated he believe the Doc. but will be getting more test done soon! I will update!
The kidneys don't repair as the liver or other organs do.

Was he a tren user?
A really high protein diet will cause bad #'s for kidneys. At least that's what my doctor told me about mine
4 years ago when i was in rehab i guess you can call him the assistant doc.. did blood work on me.. he read it back to me and said "we need to get you to the er room imediatley!!!" "you are going into kidney failure!!". i felt completely fine.. he called the head the doc about the situation.. the head doc said "which guy is it?" "what does he look like?" the asstnt doc said the "short muscluar guy".. the head doc said thats normal hes a bber... hahah scared me but the head doc knew more about it then the newer rookie how to read creatnine levels..
years ago,few hours after a blood test a doc phoned a friend of mine asking if he was fine, how get his heart,his left arm and so on...he answered "it's all ok i have no heart attack". He rapidly went to this doc and she show him a whopper 3356 U/L of total CK, for the doc he probably had an heart attack...she call a nurse and ask her to do an other blood samples (at an unusual hour) because there are some important issues but the nurse looking at the big muscles of my friend told to the doc "has him a big total CK? How much?"...it was all fine, only the three days before he did 1) chest 2) back 3) legs and the nurse was a good one.
i hope your friend will find it's all ok
I've read about people who have been tested the day following a heavy training session, who were also relatively dehydrated, who have severely elevated Creatinine levels. I'm certainly not expert on this but if it were me, as was metioned earlier, I would get a second opinion. I will modify this slightly to suggest that he hydrate well and not train for a few days before the test.
He needs a 24 hr urin test. My blood test showed I have stage 2 kidney failure. I was sent to a nephrologist. Did 24 hr urin and the nephrologist said my kidneys are fine. Good luck to your friend.
The only way to tell if kidneys are truely damaged is to have a biopsy. It will tell if there are permanent lesions and how much damage has been done...if any. High protein in the urine is a sign of damage, there should be little if any excreted....200mgs tops. Regardless of how much you eat or how much muscle you have. Look for foamy pee as a sign. If so, get it checked out.

The only way to tell if kidneys are truely damaged is to have a biopsy. It will tell if there are permanent lesions and how much damage has been done...if any. High protein in the urine is a sign of damage, there should be little if any excreted....200mgs tops. Regardless of how much you eat or how much muscle you have. Look for foamy pee as a sign. If so, get it checked out.

Its the only way.............not an ultrasound..........get a biopsy and very little protein should be excreted...........
As far as protein in urine goes make sure you test after 48 hours of rest meaning no weight training. Protein in urine after intense exercise is normal for up to 80% of athletes (i just had a scare over this my self). There are many medical papers on this here is one for instance Exercise and sport science - Google Books

Creatinine levels mean little also i have had 1.5 at age 20 and in my most recent test it was 1.3 at age 24. I have always had more than normal levels of muscle and all other kidney values were normal so this cant be used for muscular athletes.
I have never been convinced that tren affects kidneys can any show proof of this? I have heard this debate for years and no solid proof on one side or the other

The kidneys don't repair as the liver or other organs do.

Was he a tren user?
I have never been convinced that tren affects kidneys can any show proof of this? I have heard this debate for years and no solid proof on one side or the other

No bro, I am in the same boat as you. Many stories and debates read over the years.
Unfortunately Tren has been studied very minimally in humans (which is enough to keep me away from it) , I think it would be more likely that any damage would be from high blood pressure.
I agree on the BP, many of us do not take BP and we all know it is the silent killer.

I know alot say foam in the urine also indicts kidney protein release but so many people do not know truly what foam looks like vs bubbles from standing and peeing....

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