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Kidney Tests - Cystatin C and Creatinine


Nov 12, 2011
I’ve done bloodwork probably 20+ times over the last 10 years and my creatinine has always been elevated just above range. My attitude was kind of if it got worse I would worry (probably not the best attitude just being honest) but as I get older 47 maybe I am feeling a little different. I always use privatemdlabs and they don’t offer the Cystatin C so I found another company Ulta for $40. It’s definitely a relief to see I’m well within the acceptable range. There’s lots of info on muscle mass, high protein diet (300+g per day) and creatine supplementation all adding to the creatinine ready regardless of kidney health. C3762F56-C6E2-4128-A2F0-DF0B482FA170.jpeg 53DD2DE7-57D7-4AEA-9A46-507C4B0E8D20.jpeg
good stuff dude, I really love Kindey Assist XT by SNS for keeping Kidneys healthy. I have no affiliation with them, but it is my go-to recommendation for any and all kidney stuff. Love it. Also, you can add Cayenne pepper to your routine for added kidney health benefits, either in caps or even powdered in the cooking herbs sections


  • Kidney-Assist-XT-print-360caps-SUPP-FACTS.png
    304.8 KB · Views: 50
Yep. General rule of thumb; if normal eGFR is good, then cool. Roll on. If it’s shit? Check cystatin C and get a better picture. Lots of aspects of our lifestyle can negatively skew standard eGFR.
Additionally, GFR tests give you a range where a greater than 60(I believe) variable is used. Once you're under that, you're in trouble. What if you are in the low to mid 60s for years prior to it being flagged? Why can't you account for a direct figure and address it appropriate BEFORE there is an issue. It makes no sense to me to rely on gfr when you can get a clearer picture with cystatin-c. Same philosophy with ggt and apo-b regarding liver and lipids..
I need to restock on kidney assist xt. I kind of want to run it right after I do bloodwork and then go back for more bloodwork to see if my numbers are better afterwards.

I am in the same boat as the OP.

With serum Creatinine my EGFR is in the low 60s which scares me. But then when I do Cystatin C my EGFR is in the upper 120s lol.

I dont know why my serum creatinine is so high other than I have a decent ammount of muscle (nothing impressive) and I eat 250-280 grams of protein per day from meat sources.

Additionally I have done a 24 hour urine test that has shown my actual GFR to be quite good a few years back, soo..
good stuff dude, I really love Kindey Assist XT by SNS for keeping Kidneys healthy. I have no affiliation with them, but it is my go-to recommendation for any and all kidney stuff. Love it. Also, you can add Cayenne pepper to your routine for added kidney health benefits, either in caps or even powdered in the cooking herbs sections
Looks like a good formula but I would also take a look at Leviathan Nutrition's kidney products..and also all of his products. He is a scientist and a real innovator.
I am in the same boat as the OP.

With serum Creatinine my EGFR is in the low 60s which scares me. But then when I do Cystatin C my EGFR is in the upper 120s lol.

I dont know why my serum creatinine is so high other than I have a decent ammount of muscle (nothing impressive) and I eat 250-280 grams of protein per day from meat sources.

Additionally I have done a 24 hour urine test that has shown my actual GFR to be quite good a few years back, soo..
A lot of muscle mass will raise your crt, i would trust in the other labs, as the others pointed out. 24 hr urine tests are pretty definitive
Hello Everyone, my kidneys recently took a shit! Egfr in the high 40s low 50s and cystatin in the 150s for the last 6 months. What do you guys recommend? I'm 51 years old btw.
Hello Everyone, my kidneys recently took a shit! Egfr in the high 40s low 50s and cystatin in the 150s for the last 6 months. What do you guys recommend? I'm 51 years old btw.
As a rule for kidney health I run 2g of astragalus per day when on cycle.

I’m also a big fan of chanca piedra for active kidney issues.

Obviously with numbers off, adjust your cycle and lifestyle accordingly.
As a rule for kidney health I run 2g of astragalus per day when on cycle.

I’m also a big fan of chanca piedra for active kidney issues.

Obviously with numbers off, adjust your cycle and lifestyle accordingly.
Ok. Thanks. I've been reading about astragalus.
absolutely fantastic Kidney product

Thank you. I've been looking at that also. Was thinking of using 6 of those daily and adding some astragalus to get up to 4-6 grams to save a little money
My Cystatin-C was 0.65 when I measured it, so I was thrilled.

You guys can talk about Astragalus all you want and I agree it seems good, but any serious kidney health protocol must include an SGLT2 inhibitor like Empagliflozin/Jardiance. If you aren’t taking this, you’re not taking your kidney health seriously enough as a bodybuilder.

It is one of the biggest breakthroughs for kidney health in 30 years, as the author of the below study said.

This brand new study here included Empagliflozin, an ARB/ACE BP med, and an aldosterone inhibitor
My Cystatin-C was 0.65 when I measured it, so I was thrilled.

You guys can talk about Astragalus all you want and I agree it seems good, but any serious kidney health protocol must include an SGLT2 inhibitor like Empagliflozin/Jardiance. If you aren’t taking this, you’re not taking your kidney health seriously enough as a bodybuilder.

It is one of the biggest breakthroughs for kidney health in 30 years, as the author of the below study said.

This brand new study here included Empagliflozin, an ARB/ACE BP med, and an aldosterone inhibitor
Thanks for the info. I'm already on jaurdiance 25mg now for blood sugar.

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