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Cystatin C. results - training vs. non-training


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2023
Cystatin C w/ eGFR (no break in training) 1.09 & 73

Cystatin C w/ eGFR (2 week break in training) .86 & 99

Guys do yourself a favor and take a break from training to get truly accurate test results, minimum of a week. I did 2 weeks. No special supplements were taken before, during or after. This is after 30 years of steroid use. Time, circumstance and money kept me from abusing/high dosing (stayed under 2g total at peak). Healthy kidneys and during a time where I am seeing people I have been associated with for decades fall to kidney disease and some have past on. Do your cardio, take you BP meds life goes by quick don't come out on the other end of this addiction completely fucked......it......is..........not...........worth..........it.
Cystatin C w/ eGFR (no break in training) 1.09 & 73

Cystatin C w/ eGFR (2 week break in training) .86 & 99

Guys do yourself a favor and take a break from training to get truly accurate test results, minimum of a week. I did 2 weeks. No special supplements were taken before, during or after. This is after 30 years of steroid use. Time, circumstance and money kept me from abusing/high dosing (stayed under 2g total at peak). Healthy kidneys and during a time where I am seeing people I have been associated with for decades fall to kidney disease and some have past on. Do your cardio, take you BP meds life goes by quick don't come out on the other end of this addiction completely fucked......it......is..........not...........worth..........it.
Very interesting. I didn't think Cystatin C was as impacted by recent training. 0.86 is a good result.
I strongly agree that taking time off training before a lab test is a good idea. I usually do 2-3 days off.

Here says cystatin c isn't affected by exercise so who knows what to believe https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.14814/phy2.13734#:~:text=However, serum creatinine levels increase,by exercise (Inker et al.

"However, serum creatinine levels increase during exercise due to exercise-induced muscle breakdown. In contrast, cystatin C is independent of muscle mass, age and gender, and serum levels are not influenced by exercise (Inker et al. 2012)."

More https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1114248
Just what I experienced. The only variable thats different was training. I am just glad we have this test now available that gives up a more clear picture of what is really going on. On a normal blood panel my eGFR is even worse, low 60's.
Just what I experienced. The only variable thats different was training. I am just glad we have this test now available that gives up a more clear picture of what is really going on. On a normal blood panel my eGFR is even worse, low 60's.
I think your results should be encouraging to people who want to improve their Cystatin C level. Not that yours was bad before but now it’s much better, regardless of how it happened. I was pleased with my own number so I know I am never coming off Jardiance.
So interestingly, mine was higher (.8) without training and low when training (.68). I don't think it had anything to do with training, I think that was just dumb luck/normal fluctuations. I do 100% agree with the message that you should stop training at least 2-4 days pre bloods; I think 3-4 is probably the sweet spot minimum.

I can make my creatinine bounce from 1.1 to 1.6 depending on meat consumption, creatinine supplementation, and training. When my cystatin c was .68 with no training breaks (well it was about 36 hours) my creatinine was 1.67....kidney failure on paper with creatinine, perfect kidneys using cystatin c...Two months later with a 5 day training break c-c was .8 and creatinine was 1.18. 24 hour urine screen showed my kidneys were not only "ok" but optimal combined with other bloods.

I do think creatinine over time (years) is a decent metric but I can contort my creatinine artificially like crazy and I think the best thing to do is get cystatin c done and look at the whole picture.
This should be sticky throughout, training can alter blood test results for up to 5-7 days. This is equally valid whether you are taking Peds or resting.
Cystatin C is not effected by training. You have to remember the kidneys are constantly under fluctuating levels of stress based off diet, electrolyte intake, fluid intake, overall hydration status etc. which is why you get bloods enough to see trends in these markers over the long term.

Standard eGFR however on a CMP is effected by training.
Cystatin C w/ eGFR (no break in training) 1.09 & 73

Cystatin C w/ eGFR (2 week break in training) .86 & 99

Guys do yourself a favor and take a break from training to get truly accurate test results, minimum of a week. I did 2 weeks. No special supplements were taken before, during or after. This is after 30 years of steroid use. Time, circumstance and money kept me from abusing/high dosing (stayed under 2g total at peak). Healthy kidneys and during a time where I am seeing people I have been associated with for decades fall to kidney disease and some have past on. Do your cardio, take you BP meds life goes by quick don't come out on the other end of this addiction completely fucked......it......is..........not...........worth..........it.
Were you juiced to the same level at both blood draws?
As I get older, my creatinine levels lower my eGFR more and more due to the calculation. I don't ever take a week off for labs, so I requested a cystatin C. I think mine was 0.6 something. Doctor still went by the creatinine calculation only, and started a conversation about kidney issues. My eGFR without cystatin C is right at 60 with no break in training, but with the cystatin C calculation on kidney.org it is in the 90's, if you use lean bodymass in the equation it is in the 130s. I explained this. I look on the visit report after and he put the diagnosis of stage 3 kidney disease lol.
I posted this before but I'll do it again. We have some great data that Cystatin C is strongly correlated with lower all cause mortality risk.

As I get older, my creatinine levels lower my eGFR more and more due to the calculation. I don't ever take a week off for labs, so I requested a cystatin C. I think mine was 0.6 something. Doctor still went by the creatinine calculation only, and started a conversation about kidney issues. My eGFR without cystatin C is right at 60 with no break in training, but with the cystatin C calculation on kidney.org it is in the 90's, if you use lean bodymass in the equation it is in the 130s. I explained this. I look on the visit report after and he put the diagnosis of stage 3 kidney disease lol.
This doctor sounds like a dipshit who won't evolve his practice around new data
Any use of corticosteroids, GH or thyroid hormones during either test? HS-CRP would be useful alongside Cystatin-C.
Cystatin C w/ eGFR (no break in training) 1.09 & 73

Cystatin C w/ eGFR (2 week break in training) .86 & 99

Guys do yourself a favor and take a break from training to get truly accurate test results, minimum of a week. I did 2 weeks. No special supplements were taken before, during or after. This is after 30 years of steroid use. Time, circumstance and money kept me from abusing/high dosing (stayed under 2g total at peak). Healthy kidneys and during a time where I am seeing people I have been associated with for decades fall to kidney disease and some have past on. Do your cardio, take you BP meds life goes by quick don't come out on the other end of this addiction completely fucked......it......is..........not...........worth..........it.
Man I have seen photos of you, you look like you took more than 2 grams so hats off to you. Personally, I would argue against this simply because everyone should be focusing on how their body is functioning under normal conditions. If you can take 2 weeks off to get your numbers up that's great but are they bad as soon as you start and stay training. Is it really beneficial to know your numbers in a state your body is never in? To each their own of course but this is my thoughts on the matter.
Is it really beneficial to know your numbers in a state your body is never in?
That seems like an excellent question and a way of looking at it that I hadn't thought of. I'd certainly be curious to hear other's opinions...
Man I have seen photos of you, you look like you took more than 2 grams so hats off to you. Personally, I would argue against this simply because everyone should be focusing on how their body is functioning under normal conditions. If you can take 2 weeks off to get your numbers up that's great but are they bad as soon as you start and stay training. Is it really beneficial to know your numbers in a state your body is never in? To each their own of course but this is my thoughts on the matter.

I completely understand your angle. My thoughts are this.....If my kidneys were impaired/damaged there would NOT be a change in results and I would have to make lifestyle changes. If your theory held weight and you trained legs with high intensity and the next morning checked your creatinine levels then the conclusion would be you have kidney damage and should seek out a nephrologist immediately based on the findings of the test.
for clarification my training style is low volume/high intensity. no reps in reserve.
I completely understand your angle. My thoughts are this.....If my kidneys were impaired/damaged there would NOT be a change in results and I would have to make lifestyle changes. If your theory held weighty and you trained legs with high intensity and the next morning checked your creatinine levels then the conclusion would be you have kidney damage and should seek out a nephrologist immediately based on the findings of the test.
I been up all night and am winding down but this requires too much CPU currently then my mind can handle, but I will get back to this later today.
I just remembered I forgot this but I see the flaw in my logic and the way you suggest is better imo.

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