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I’m definitely not an expert either 😂 I don’t think there is a right or wrong way. I always advocate to what is fun, get stronger at it and try not and get hurt. You keep showing up and doing those 3 things you will make way more progress long term then someone with the Perfect “Optimal” programming who is only consistent 6 months out of the year. Here’s a video from last year. I’m a little lighter bodyweight for sure and just going for max reps. I realize none of my lifts are really impressive just wanted to engage in some other discussion on this board.

Way to grind Bro!! I think I counted 13. I loved the spit too!Lol I do the same(spit) when I'm working. Before I hurt my back I used to love deads and rack deads. I think the most I got with 4 plates was 11 and then a back off set with 3 plates for 20. You and 3bills are inspiring to try to get back to where I used to be on these lifts but I'm trying to get over back weakness due the injuries(disc slipped 3 times over the years working out) and my back hasn't fully recovered. Thank you for this thread. Maybe when I get my strength back I will post. Keep up the hard work and posting!
Nice!! I love me some heavy hammer curls.
@scmtnboy ...love you and son videos working out together.
With hammer curls, better to go cross body like the video shown, or on the side hammer curling up like a regular curl?
Another question of curiosity, if you started noticing your son started getting that "jacked" look, would you question him or talk with him and guide his progress with the super supplements.

3rd time deadlifting for son. He did 265x3 last week today 295x3.

I can do a lot more reps/weight if I drop it on the eccentric but trying to control it more and get a little more stimulation. Probably more fun just to grip it and rip it though 😂

Your son is killing it bro!You should be very proud 💪
@scmtnboy ...love you and son videos working out together.
With hammer curls, better to go cross body like the video shown, or on the side hammer curling up like a regular curl?
Another question of curiosity, if you started noticing your son started getting that "jacked" look, would you question him or talk with him and guide his progress with the super supplements.

I’m far from an expert on exercise execution. I am really an advocate of doing things the way they work for your body. I don’t really do much direct arm work at all. Really hadn’t done any for a few years but added a little back in when my son started training with me. When I’ve done hammer curls I do them very similar as the video biggerp73 posted.

As far as my kid it’s funny because multiple people have made comments (I think just joking) like, “what are you sprinkling in his food?” - His mom (who I’m not with since he was 8) asked him too? I think she was just joking.

I don’t see him going down that path but it will be interesting when we have any conversation about it. He’s never asked me but he’s smart and I know most people at my gym (where he has worked for over 2 years) have always assumed I must do way more than I even do so I’m sure other people have talked about it with him.

I’ve always been a pretty strong advocate for young guys waiting to start PED. The only exception I say is if somehow you are legit making a 6 figure income off your physique. There are lots of reasons to wait but most of all just there is so much progress possible naturally for someone like him. Like 10 years of progress easy and if done right lots and lots of years to then progress with PED. I really believe and I know I’m not speaking to the people on this board or someone who wants to be an open IFBB pro by the age of 30 that the greater foundation you have naturally the better and less PED will work for you. The less you can take at the start the more room you have to raise the dose and response as you get older if you want to continue to grow.
I told my kid we were jumping to 190 on his pulldown. He said he didn’t think he was ready but after the set you can’t see it but he had a big grin on his face and was super happy how it moved. Made me super happy seeing his confidence growing.

I told my kid we were jumping to 190 on his pulldown. He said he didn’t think he was ready but after the set you can’t see it but he had a big grin on his face and was super happy how it moved. Made me super happy seeing his confidence growing.

I love to see this. Good stuff man. Props to you.
6 plates x 12 counts in my book - much more than the 6" ROM sumos I see young guys doing in the gym all the time. :)

Respect dude - that's some power AND stamina!
Appreciate that bro. I just like to train 💪
I was a shit competitor for my BW class but it seems like you should be competing.

I was more into bodybuilding then powerlifting. Mad respect for powerlifting though. Getting old. As mentioned I just like to lift 💪

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