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(Knee Surgery + Cycle Post Surgery)


New member
May 14, 2010
Alright heres my cycle I am wanting to do then I will go more in depth on my situation.

d-bol 30mg/day 1-4
testosterone cypionate 300-400mg/wk 1-14 (Wanting to keep decently low, more of trying to keep libido up)
eq 500mg/wk 1-14

I tore my ACL a few weeks ago. I have already started pre-hab and already have very close to 100% motion back. My surgery is Nov 5th and I am thinking right now of starting my cycle about 3 weeks after surgery (Depending on how my knee is).

I am mostly just looking for oppinions and advice from others on my situation. Cycle critiquing is much appreciated also.

age - 21
weight - 185 (9-10% bf)
height - 5'10"
training experience - 4 years
previous cycle experience - 1 cycle it was..

d-bol 30mg 1-4
test e 400mg/wk 1-12
2 things:
1. IMO you're 21 which is too young to be using. Even though you say you already have a cycle under your belt, at your age you have A LOT of natural test and don't need to be using anything to be making great gains. I'm 21 (been training for 5-6 years) and was able to put on 12 lbs. in 6 weeks last spring before i blew out my shoulder (and stay under 10% bf) just by eating better and making some changes to my training. There's no reason why you can't do the same thing.
2. If you are dead set on doing this cycle, then wait untill you are back at 100% and able to realy train hard. I had shoulder surgery back in June and am still only at 30-40% despite being told by the doc i would be at 80-100% by now. So don't jump into a cycle cause you are tired of watching your hard earned muscle disapear and think you can train enough to gain some back, be patient and wait till you are at 100% to cycle and train hard. You're the same age as me, which means you got plenty of time to recover from your surgery and a lot of years left in you to train, compete, and do whatever else you want to with your body.
Once again, this is just my opinion on the issue(s), but i hope this helps some.
Goodluck with your sugery and rehab, hope it all goes well for you,

i had acl surgery last year. be careful you dont want to overdo it and tear your graft.... doc told me at 6months my graft would be 50% strength meaning it takes time for your body to accept the repair. its been a year since my surgery and im just now feeling like i could cycle again safely. whatever you decide good luck!
Thanks guys for the replies. I actually already have my "supplies", but I won't let that sway my decision. This is to get back my muscle quicker, but also not over doing it with my knee. Without going into detail I have a promising future in baseball and would like to get back to form as quick as possible. When working my legs I will have a physical therapist watching me so I don't have to worry about over doing it.
Truthfully, while recovering from surgery, your best bet would be to start using gh. Gh is excellent for repairing soft tissue and connective tissue. Because you won't be able to lift like you normally would, and because of your young age, doing a cylce of test and dbol won't really do you any good. Your natural levels will give you all the test you can utilize given the post surgery condition you'll be in. No sense in using a bunch of gear you don't need. I recently had low back surgery ( Aug 19th) and used this time to give my body a break since I'm usually on all year round. I have stayed to a fairly strict diet, and have done what I can to keep some blood flow in the muscles and have only lost about 7 pounds which I attribute to the extra water I retain while on cycle. I didn't use any gh after surgery, but I know some guys who have and it really sped up the recovery. It's up to you, but that's my two cents.
Truthfully, while recovering from surgery, your best bet would be to start using gh. Gh is excellent for repairing soft tissue and connective tissue. Because you won't be able to lift like you normally would, and because of your young age, doing a cylce of test and dbol won't really do you any good. Your natural levels will give you all the test you can utilize given the post surgery condition you'll be in. No sense in using a bunch of gear you don't need. I recently had low back surgery ( Aug 19th) and used this time to give my body a break since I'm usually on all year round. I have stayed to a fairly strict diet, and have done what I can to keep some blood flow in the muscles and have only lost about 7 pounds which I attribute to the extra water I retain while on cycle. I didn't use any gh after surgery, but I know some guys who have and it really sped up the recovery. It's up to you, but that's my two cents.

I have definately thought of using gh. What sort of dose would I be looking at for a recovery like this? Are there some links you could point me towards for information regarding the use of it for injuries?
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A Alarming Feel

"If tight-lipped don't tell a soul finds out that I'm going to the beach, I'll be in immense trouble." I muttered to myself softly.

I crept slowly down the stairs and tried to move casually into the kitchen. As I was walking towards the backside door, close-mouthed asked without looking up from her "dish-washing", "Where are you going?" I answered endorse without hesitation, "I'm going to the garden to play." After I got in of the kitchen, I breathed a sign of relief. My design had worked not at home fine so far. I scaled the fence and jumped onto the squelchy field next to my lodge and started game assisting the bus-stop at tip speed.

After half-an-hour, I was at the lido scanning the group in the direction of my friends, Jimmy and Bobby. After a while, I spotted them near a coconut tree. I ran near them and got into my swimming trunk. To go to about an hour, we played volleyball happily.

Instantaneously, Bobby strike the ball too tough and the ball fell into the sea. Principled as Bobby was effective to pick up the ball, the tide came in and carried the ball what is more and further away from the shore. I wanted to escort off my swimming skills so I unquestioned to hit it off with b manage the ball in the direction of them.

I dived into the tap water and started swimming at a relentless pace. After swimming for the benefit of about ten minutes, I became tired but when I apothegm that the ball was at most a not many feet away from me, I restore a record in an extra bust of speed. However, hardly as I was affluent to snatch the ball, a completely steadfast contemporary swept the ball additional away from me. At that shake, a lynch of weed tangled up with my feet and I could not swim properly.

I struggled to keep to afloat but it was no use. "If I had listened to silent and dad, this would not be undergoing happened," I musing silently.

Finally, after struggling for a minute or two, I had no more might and got pulled underwater. I tugged at the weed which in the long run broke. I swam retire from to the pop up, gasping because of breath. I saw two young men in canoes, racing each other. I was enervated but I shouted to the men in return help. The two men, rather than of portion me, ignored me and raced on. By means of the time, a lifeguard who was holding a animation mooring-buoy reached me, I had already fainted.

When I woke up, I was in an untenanted reside mendaciousness on a bed. It was not until a doctor came into the room that I realised that I was in a hospital. After a few minutes, my parents with half wroth and half worried faces walked in. My parents scolded me for lurking out of the dynasty but were also chuffed that I was not truly injured.

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I resolve on no account ignore that frightening experience. Neither liking I in any case shortage to register off again.
I have definately thought of using gh. What sort of dose would I be looking at for a recovery like this? Are there some links you could point me towards for information regarding the use of it for injuries?

Honestly, I'm not the guy to ask about gh. From what I know, at least 4iu's a day would be minimum. I suggest getting into the gh forum and pm one of the members that seems pretty knowledgeable. Or hopefully someone will chime in here.
Honestly, I'm not the guy to ask about gh. From what I know, at least 4iu's a day would be minimum. I suggest getting into the gh forum and pm one of the members that seems pretty knowledgeable. Or hopefully someone will chime in here.

Thanks for the help. I genuinly appreciate it.
Not trying to argue with you B Dog, but at 21 years old GH probably isn't the best idea. I completely agree that GH is great for recovery after surgery, i even looked at using gh for my shoulder but since im young and natural so far, decided against it. but imo PRP injections would be a much better post-surgery idea, that way the OP would off any type of gear and have time to let his body rest. like i said in my other post, at 21 there is plenty of time for recovery and training in the future, so why rush it and risk further injuries or other health problems.
Aloha jag,

The use AAS for recovery from injuries and or surgery is a completely different protocol dosing wise. Deca at 150-200 mg/ml per week will expedite the healing process. Low doses of TC/ TE at a similar dose and frequency would be advised. HGH at 4-6 iu's per day would be the optimum dose, broken up throughout the day, with the last shot 2- 3 hours before bed, so your endogenous production of hgh is not suppressed.

Nutrition and proper supplementation are 2 very important factors as well.

Recovering from a 'Hip Revision with significant bone grafting 11 days ago. Started my 'pre surgery protocol 2 months ago, now on my 'post surgery protocol'. Healing at a very accelerated rate, PT's are amazed at my recovery.

Any further questions shoot me a pm.

A hui ho,

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