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Lab results, I'm worried

i just had to prevent a new crit care doc from ordering high dose calcium replacement last night because no albumin had been checked in days. A little teaching moment for the new doc when the albumin came back critically low. At least it was well received.
A misdiagnosis of hypercalcemia which would be pseudohypocalcemia. Good catch!
A misdiagnose of hypercalcemia which would be pseudohypocalcemia. Good catch!
Thank ya sir! I’m just glad it was a younger doc who received it well.
UPDATE. Retested today. Everything looked great.

BUN- 26
Creatinine- 1.16
eGFR- 76. Was 49 last time.

Took a week off from the gym. Tested in the afternoon. I drank over a gallon of water in the 5 hours leading up to my test. Based on my other readings my Osmolality this time was 285. So I was hydrated unlike last time when it was 296. Very happy and feel quite relieved. Thanks for everyone's comments.
Good to hear. I don't know of drinking that much water could potentially lower the creatinine number a bit lowered than just being adequately hydrated? Did you tell the doc how much you drank? But eight way a position sign definitely keep an eye on it.
UPDATE. Retested today. Everything looked great.

BUN- 26
Creatinine- 1.16
eGFR- 76. Was 49 last time.

Took a week off from the gym. Tested in the afternoon. I drank over a gallon of water in the 5 hours leading up to my test. Based on my other readings my Osmolality this time was 285. So I was hydrated unlike last time when it was 296. Very happy and feel quite relieved. Thanks for everyone's comments.
Presumably you're consuming a higher protein diet and/or supplementing creatine?

May not be a bad idea to toss in some citrulline to help the ole urea cycle a tad- your BUN levels.
Presumably you're consuming a higher protein diet and/or supplementing creatine?

May not be a bad idea to toss in some citrulline to help the ole urea cycle a tad- your BUN levels.
Interesting. I've noticed that my BUN has been consistently high since going to a 1.5-2g of protein per pound diet. Creatinine is always fine.

I'll give this a try to see if it helps.

I see people here always mentioning Cystatin C being more useful than creatinine.

I ran Cystatin 3 times in different conditions and got wildly different results each time. All morning blood draws.

After working out/cardio with Tren/GH injections in the morning - over the reference range.

1 day off working out 1 week off Tren, GH injection the night before - near top of reference range.

Week off working out on trt no GH - mid scale

Not sure if this indicates that Cystatin C is easily skewed or if it indicates tren is particularly damaging to my kidneys. Also saw from reading that GH can skew the result.
Interesting. I've noticed that my BUN has been consistently high since going to a 1.5-2g of protein per pound diet. Creatinine is always fine.

I'll give this a try to see if it helps.

I see people here always mentioning Cystatin C being more useful than creatinine.

I ran Cystatin 3 times in different conditions and got wildly different results each time. All morning blood draws.

After working out/cardio with Tren/GH injections in the morning - over the reference range.

1 day off working out 1 week off Tren, GH injection the night before - near top of reference range.

Week off working out on trt no GH - mid scale

Not sure if this indicates that Cystatin C is easily skewed or if it indicates tren is particularly damaging to my kidneys. Also saw from reading that GH can skew the result.
did you run thyroid hormones while taking cystatin c blood work?
Cys C is highly influenced by thyroid.
did you run thyroid hormones while taking cystatin c blood work?
Cys C is highly influenced by thyroid.
Nope didn't think of that. Just assumed Cystatin would be interesting to run because everyone says it's a better market than Creatinine.

Then when it came back high I did the follow up testing and saw how much it changed. Will have to try it again with thyroid tests in the mix.

I wasn't running any exogenous thyroid meds at the time.
Also had my Cystatin C tested. Got results today. It was .77 That is within the range of .67-1.14 mg/L. So that was good also.
Presumably you're consuming a higher protein diet and/or supplementing creatine?

May not be a bad idea to toss in some citrulline to help the ole urea cycle a tad- your BUN levels.
Definitely higher protein. But oddly I don't eat a lot. More now that I am back to work on a regular schedule. I don't take Creatine. I need to though. My BUN is always elevated. In the past my blood test have always been in the morning after fasting and not really much to drink either before the test. I will look into the citrulline.
Interesting. I've noticed that my BUN has been consistently high since going to a 1.5-2g of protein per pound diet. Creatinine is always fine.

I'll give this a try to see if it helps.

I see people here always mentioning Cystatin C being more useful than creatinine.

I ran Cystatin 3 times in different conditions and got wildly different results each time. All morning blood draws.

After working out/cardio with Tren/GH injections in the morning - over the reference range.

1 day off working out 1 week off Tren, GH injection the night before - near top of reference range.

Week off working out on trt no GH - mid scale

Not sure if this indicates that Cystatin C is easily skewed or if it indicates tren is particularly damaging to my kidneys. Also saw from reading that GH can skew the result.
I didn't drop GH before my recent test. I took 2IU the night before. Nothing in the hours before the test though. Probably the Tren. That is some harsh stuff. I tried it twice sides were too much for me.
UPDATE. Retested today. Everything looked great.

BUN- 26
Creatinine- 1.16
eGFR- 76. Was 49 last time.

Took a week off from the gym. Tested in the afternoon. I drank over a gallon of water in the 5 hours leading up to my test. Based on my other readings my Osmolality this time was 285. So I was hydrated unlike last time when it was 296. Very happy and feel quite relieved. Thanks for everyone's comments.

Too funny man. Creatinine is a good indicator over time (meaning I have records from age 20 to age 42) but one off readings can be a mess. I've had the same as you where I've seen a 1.65 and within weeks it was 1.1. I had a creatinine of 1.5 at age 20 and at age 42 it's 1.15.

Some people just ignore creatinine, which is not good, but it really needs to be viewed in relation to the entire body of health markers and historical readings of creatinine.
No crap? I had no idea.
There's been some discussion on here dating back a decade or so giving interference with the use of GH and thyroid hormone levels. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone can also skew Cystatin C.
There's been some discussion on here dating back a decade or so giving interference with the use of GH and thyroid hormone levels. Corticosteroids, such as prednisone can also skew Cystatin C.
Yep, this is where I found a lot of that info. Pretty sure some of it was from you.

My initial impression was that Cystatin C was the better test because it wasn't as easily influenced by things such as muscle mass.

After getting the high reading and searching the forum I realized the people on this board are likely to be utilizing substances that can skew Cystatin C as well.

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