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lasik eye surgery


May 6, 2006
one of my friends who is an "exercise enthusiast" :) just had lasik surgery done and when he asked the doctor when he should get back to training, his doctor told him not to weight train for 6 months. :confused: although when he asked him about intense cardio, he said it was ok 1 week after surgery.
now, my friend is not a bodybuilder or a powerlifter or whatever, i would understand if he shouldn't weight train for 6 weeks or something if he was squating 800 lbs, but the dude has a max squat of 135 lbs, benches something like 95 lbs for 10 reps... shit like that... I told him that his doc doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, but i'll ask and see if anyone on the forum ever did that surgery and when did he go back to training...


if you've ever had lasik surgery, how long did it take to get back to training?
one of my friends who is an "exercise enthusiast" :) just had lasik surgery done and when he asked the doctor when he should get back to training, his doctor told him not to weight train for 6 months. :confused: although when he asked him about intense cardio, he said it was ok 1 week after surgery.
now, my friend is not a bodybuilder or a powerlifter or whatever, i would understand if he shouldn't weight train for 6 weeks or something if he was squating 800 lbs, but the dude has a max squat of 135 lbs, benches something like 95 lbs for 10 reps... shit like that... I told him that his doc doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, but i'll ask and see if anyone on the forum ever did that surgery and when did he go back to training...


if you've ever had lasik surgery, how long did it take to get back to training?

i had it done by one of the top Docs in california...... did some players from the lakers dogders etc he told me to give it a few weeks. mainly until the top layer of where your eye was cut is properly healed. but six months is a bit much....going to the gym right away isnt smart though the last thing you want is an infection...
my girlfriend did mine, i had the bonus of living with her so she took extra special care of me during my recovery. She made me stay completely out for 2 weeks as she didnt want sweat in my eyes, and didnt want me to strain until the flaps were completely healed. 6 months is bullshit, he is just covering his ass.
She had her's done with a blade instead of a laser by the dr she worked for during a conference and wasn't even out that long from the gym.
had it done 6 years ago when I was still motorcycle stunt riding and lifting. no one told me to stop. I was told take it easy for a week or two and wear goggles when I ride. Still have great eyesight, best thing I have done.

check with your health insurance provider as a lot of them will offer discounts or pay for a portion.
had lasek done about 4 years ago when i was in the army. i couldnt do much for 30 days. the lasik on the other hand im not sure about b/c i wasnt allowed to get it. but tell your buddy not to ever go sky diving or any kind of things like that where his eyes are subjected to high wind force. the army refuses to do lasik on guys with certain job titles (ie: special ops, airborne) b/c we would run a higher risk of the flap on our eyes reopening. If i remember correctly tho, the doc did say people dont generally take very long to heal from lasik (ie; the pain is gone sooner). Your buddy should be fine to work out after about 2-4 weeks tho
I heard that the lasik eye sugery messes with your peripheral vision... did anyone notice that?
2-3 weeks

I gave it 2-3 weeks. they said my eyes were healed and the only major concern was keeping dirt/sweat from going into my eyes. which I could understand. Things like wearing U/v protection sunglasses and keeping my eyses clean was a new majr priority for me expecially after having such bad vision and then felt like having BRAND NEW EYES!.

I'm no doctor thow might take his eyes longer to heal, i'd tell him to just keep asking or bugging his doctor about it at his follow up exams which I think are required 1-2 weeks later then again 1 month later then at 6 months then at a year. They told me to just wear a head band. and sunglasses

95 pd bench and 135pd squat? dang i'd be wanting to hit the wieghts asap too.
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Not really

I heard that the lasik eye sugery messes with your peripheral vision... did anyone notice that?

If anything it helped mine out seeing I was blind as a bat before, and now I use my peripheral's all the time to look at nice tits and ass at the gym.
had it done about 4 years ago and I have nothing but great things to say about it. (well, the rest of the day after it was done sucked horribly but other than that). I don't remember a lay off really. I'm sure there was but it would have been 2 weeks at most.
Get the "PRK". It's a diff technique, they put a contact lens on for a few days which is very uncomfortable, but when they take it off you have NO restrictions. With lasik if you get poked in the eye you risk damage, with PRK your eye is close to normal. I had the PRK because I was involved with contact sports at the time; I think the military only does PRK. I had mine done 5 years ago, vision has faded a little, but my night vision SUCKS!. Over all it was worth it for $4k
Get the "PRK". It's a diff technique, they put a contact lens on for a few days which is very uncomfortable, but when they take it off you have NO restrictions. With lasik if you get poked in the eye you risk damage, with PRK your eye is close to normal. I had the PRK because I was involved with contact sports at the time; I think the military only does PRK. I had mine done 5 years ago, vision has faded a little, but my night vision SUCKS!. Over all it was worth it for $4k

Any good links or more info on this? never heard of it but i see it looks to be the cheaper route by far
I couldn't get the PRK when I was in the Army b/c my vision was so bad, so i had to get the LASEK. I think my vision was like 20/420...i know, thats pretty bad. They said if i got PRK there was a higher chance that there would be more scar tissue build up. My vision is 20/15 now so im happy, but my eyes have been way more sensitive to light since then and my night vision is pretty crap since i had the surgery about 4 1/2 yrs ago
Any good links or more info on this? never heard of it but i see it looks to be the cheaper route by far

You'll have to go to your eye doc, only he/she can tell which one u can get, whether it is LASEK, LASIK, or PRK

I went to Montreal to get mine done. One of the best things I ever did. Perfect eyesight. I felt fine almost the next day. No one told me not to lift or exercise. I may have taken a week off and took the drops after but thats it. I was nervious before but afterwards I was thinking that was the easiest surgery one can have. So glad i did it. Wore disposables for years and was sick of it. My only regret is that i did not do it sooner. It was cheap too like $600 per eye about 3 years ago.
I was back in 3 or 4 weeks. I can't remember because it's been a few years.

My peripheral vision increased significantly.

My only regret was not getting it done sooner. It's a life changing event. I was legally blind when I wore glasses/contacts. It freaking sucks going in the water without glasses. I can remember loosing a both pairs of glasses and I was out of commission for two days while the lab rushed my new glasses.

My doctor told me I could get the PRK or Lasik. I chose Lasik because the recovery time was faster. The way my doctor described it PRK is less invasive/damaging but it a slower recovery.
^ BUMP THIS..i FINALLY have health insurance and am really considering the surgery:confused:
My Girlfriend had it done last June, so almost 1 year now, and it was the best thing she said she ever done. They are so good with this surgery these days, that if you qualify, it is imo, a no-brainer.

She was training in the gym at least by october, but could have been back much sooner than that. She isn't into lifting like most other people. She healed up very quickly.

I had mine done almost 8 years ago, just after I turned 18. The guy who did mine was one of the ones who actually developed the surgery and goes around the world teaching people and designing new equipment.

Without my contacts, I could only see maybe 3-4" in front of my face and beyond that, nothing. It was horrible. Couldn't even read a book without contacts! Everything I did required some form of corrective eye wear.

I walked into the place, took my contacts out, and sat on the table.

Nurse: "Can you see the clock on the wall in front of you?"

Me: "What clock?"

Nurse: "Just lay back and I'll ask you that in a few minutes."

*Doctor cuts eyes, fires the laser, air smells funky, flips my lid back down, repeats*

Nurse: "Don't blink too hard but can you see the clock now?"

Me: "Holy f*cking sh*t! I can see it perfectly!"

Less than 10 minutes later they checked my vision and it was dead on 20/20. It still is to this day, about 8 years later.

Worst side effects was that car headlights at night were much brighter. The starburst effect was really bad. But as time goes on, it gets better and better. I had really dry eyes for maybe the first two years afterward.

I went back to training for track about a month after my surgery. Doctor told me give it two or three weeks before doing anything strenuous. I think that was mainly to keep sweat and stuff out of my eyes.

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