Here is my typical quad training that I perform once a week. A good warmup with streching and light weight presses and extensions. Then 2-3 sets to failure on extensions. Then 2-3 sets to failure on leg press, then 2-3 sets to failure on smith machine squats or hack squats. For the last few months I have been experiencing alot of pain right above my kneecaps (the patelar tendon I guess). I can feel it a little on the leg press, and then I squat and it hurts like hell when I hit 90 degrees. I trained with a friend who uses knee wraps all the time, so I tried them and could squat with no pain at all. I don't know if this is a good idea or not. Am I just masking the injury and going to make it worse? Or is this common? Who uses leg wraps and what are your reasons? Also I have trained legs like this without wraps for years with no problems at all. FWIW I am 24, 5'10", 225 @ 10%. This is really the first injury I've had to deal with and I want to compete this summer, so I'm a little worried. Thanks in advance.
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