I am currently going through seperation with my fiance' (SP?). We have been together five years, have a 3 year old son, and were supposed to be married may 21st. I have had some anger issues my whole life, this was the main thing i would say drove a wedge between us, she says she still loves me but i have hurt her so many times she doesnt believe i will ever change. To say the least i have been VERY torn up about all of this, but as of last week i decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and show her im gonna make a change, I have joined an anger management class, and went to see doctor about the strait up RAGE i feel out of no where, he put me on LEXAPRO which is a very popular SSRI. WOW I can say i actually feel 100% better, and i think this is something that will make a huge difference that she will notice. BUT i have noticed my workouts have fallen flat, i used to be very intense where now i can barley stand to go in the gym at all! I am taking N.O. Shotgun, Animal M-Stak, and Protein and was wondering if anyone else is on a SSRI medication and still take your supplements?