ya bro the glycerin is cheap, like 5 bucks a bottle for 20oz or so, i just started taking the LBA's yes they work well, the glycerin helps with the pump as well... i have used glycerin on iits own befor and used it with aa powder(simular to the LBA) the effects are different though... with the LBA i get tired as hell when i take em the way phil explained it they contain high levels of igf as well, this i think is causing my tiredness, and i do notice more of an "anabolic" effect if you will, when i take them.. i am takin a bottle a day now... the formulation seems to be a trade secret as they dont put the exact aa profile on the bottle (whick i dont blame them) just a tyupical one.. i dont know how much glycerin is in the bottle, but i would guess a good amount judging by the strong taste...
i have been using for 5-6 days, i would say i am noticing a good effect from them.some things i have noticed
increased recover time from workouts
deeper sleep at night( i take about 1/3 to 1/2 of a bottle through the night when i wake up to use the bathroom)...
a fuller more vascular feeling through out the day...
yes they are a little pricey but when considering where they come from and the process that is used to extract the serum it is quit cost effective imo...