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Long time user FREAKING out waiting for bloodwork results

Thanks for the encouragement and I pray you are right. I will be shocked if there isn’t some damage done. Mainly because I’ve just felt horrible for too long. Lethargic, overall malaise etc. I’m holding off on everything right now even the cardio, I’ll get the bloods back early this week so after that I will share the results and figure it all out. Best case will be a TRT dose of test gel. What do you guys think about hgh at 4iu?

For health and longevity, I'd say 2iu GH is more than enough.
You can still remain impressive with a sound diet and training with 100mg
Ish of test and a few ius of gh.

Consider all of this a blessing and a new beginning.

Good luck and remember even if your results aren’t terrible to make the changes for the best
You can still remain impressive with a sound diet and training with 100mg
Ish of test and a few ius of gh.

Consider all of this a blessing and a new beginning.

Good luck and remember even if your results aren’t terrible to make the changes for the best
Thanks man. Im making changes regardless. Need to deal with the blood results then see a cardiologist to see if there is any damage there as well. Then I can see about TRT and anything else as well as deal with the anxiety.
Btw- I’m glad you found the right drug for your anxiety. Do you have any sides and does it kill your sex drive?
No sir… The only negative with it is I suffer from DE, delayed ejaculation, and it’s made it much worse. So I only climax roughly 1 out of 6x. That sucks and creates its own set of issues with my wife, but I’ll take that over the crippling anxiety I had suffered with for so many years prior.

Prior to seeking help, I left a great job cause of anxiety issues, I couldn’t go out and enjoy myself with friends at a club/bar. I couldn’t even eat a simple lunch around people I was very familiar with. I’d take a bite of food, then my mouth would dry up, and my throat would close, leaving me unable to swallow. I could go on and on, but someone that suffers from bad anxiety totally understands what I’m talking about.

My wife prior to us meeting suffered from minor anxiety, but also severe depression. Her spouse was an asshole who didn’t believe in mental illness and would always say it’s just in your head. Suck it up and get over yourself. So when she met me , and I could relate to her issues needless to say she left the douchebag and sought help! She went through a large numbers of SSRI’s until one seemed to work the best without the negative side effects. I’m not sure what hers is though, but it’s made tremendous difference to her life!

Does Xanax help you in any way? I take it if we go out somewhere for dinner or entertainment. Or like flying on a long flight. Makes a huge difference for me alongside the Zoloft!

No- no Xanax although I have been prescribed Klonopin which I assume is order similar. It has a calming effect where I just feel mellow but it doesn’t address to overall issue. Like you said it’s good for a long flight. I can’t even go to a mall or social event without feeling as how you described- so I end up canceling. It’s like I start feeling physically I’ll abs I just need to get home. So strange because I feel perfectly fine at work. How old are you Cage?
Thanks for the encouragement and I pray you are right. I will be shocked if there isn’t some damage done. Mainly because I’ve just felt horrible for too long. Lethargic, overall malaise etc. I’m holding off on everything right now even the cardio, I’ll get the bloods back early this week so after that I will share the results and figure it all out. Best case will be a TRT dose of test gel. What do you guys think about hgh at 4iu?
You need to bring back balance to your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.
You need to bring back balance to your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.
I did a simple google search and this 100% makes sense. Mine is definitely out of whack. That’s why I am not even going to try any type of TRT and will deal with the bloodwork first. Take it from there. Do I see an endocrinologist to address that?
I think you would benefit from cognitive behavior therapy to tackle your anxiety (or at the very least lower it).

I saw you state that your high BP is making your anxiety worse, I think it’s more a viscous circle. You’re anxious (with maybe some raised BP -> your anxiety raises BP -> you’re anxiety raises because of your high BP reading ( you’re thinking life threatening complications or death, maybe?) and so on
I had VERY similar bp and heart rate this time last year, 170-180/110-130 with a resting heart rate right out of bed at 110bpm. A home phlebotomy brought it down a bit as did some extra potassium and water as well as limiting my sodium intake to not more than 1500mg. I shoot for a 4+:1 potassium:sodium ratio. I prescribed myself inderide (80mg propranolol/25mg hydrochlorothiazide), which I take half a tab twice per day and that brought my bp down to a consistent 115/70 with a resting heart rate in the low 60's. I later talked to my doctor and he stood with my inderide and started prescribing it for me. He ordered full bloods, particularly looking at my kidneys and thyroid function, as well as ordered an echo, some kind of ultrasound of my arteries, and a calcium score. Luckily all is well, now. A side benefit of the beta blocker, propanolol is that it can help with some symptoms of anxiety, albeit it's not that drastic but it helps counter the social anxiety I sometimes get from taking adderall.
I had VERY similar bp and heart rate this time last year, 170-180/110-130 with a resting heart rate right out of bed at 110bpm. A home phlebotomy brought it down a bit as did some extra potassium and water as well as limiting my sodium intake to not more than 1500mg. I prescribed myself inderide (80mg propranolol/25mg hydrochlorothiazide), which I take half a tab twice per day and that brought my bp down to a consistent 115/70 with a resting heart rate in the low 60's. I later talked to my doctor and he stood with my inderide and started prescribing it for me. He ordered full bloods, particularly looking at my kidneys and thyroid function, as well as ordered an echo, some kind of ultrasound of my arteries, and a calcium score. Luckily all is well, now. A side benefit of the beta blocker, propanolol is that it can help with some symptoms of anxiety, albeit it's not that drastic but it helps counter the social anxiety I sometimes get from taking adderall.
Glad to hear you are in good health and managing your BP. How old are you and how many years of gear use? By home plebotomy do you mean you draw about a pint of blood at home? Yourself?

blood at home
We all make bad decisions brother...all we can do is try to do better. Prayers for you that everything works out
We all make bad decisions brother...all we can do is try to do better. Prayers for you that everything works out
Thank you so much for your prayers. It means a lot. Thanks to everyone who has responded.
Glad to hear you are in good health and managing your BP. How old are you and how many years of gear use? By home plebotomy do you mean you draw about a pint of blood at home? Yourself?

blood at home
I'm 33, and have been pinning since 21, though was using prohormones and designer steroids at 19. And yes, that is exactly what I meant by that. Used an 18ga stuck to a 5cc barrel, pulled back on the plunger until it came out of the barrel and the back pressure + my blood pressure did the rest of the work.. filled up a 2 cup measuring cup and the headaches went away fairly quickly.
I'm 33, and have been pinning since 21, though was using prohormones and designer steroids at 19. And yes, that is exactly what I meant by that. Used an 18ga stuck to a 5cc barrel, pulled back on the plunger until it came out of the barrel and the back pressure + my blood pressure did the rest of the work.. filled up a 2 cup measuring cup and the headaches went away fairly quickly.
Lol @ your blood pressure doing the work.
You are right. First I’m praying for a 2nd chance. Then I will address trt through a doctor. I’ve accepted the difference in size - I don’t even know what clicked inside of me.
Youll be ok brother. Blood work, get on legit TRT as others said. God bless
I did a simple google search and this 100% makes sense. Mine is definitely out of whack. That’s why I am not even going to try any type of TRT and will deal with the bloodwork first. Take it from there. Do I see an endocrinologist to address that?
Anxiety disorders is very hard to treat because there is not just one problem, in your situation the high use of androgens probably had a negative effect on you brain neurons (destroyed neurons) and NGF (nerve growth factors ) low levels of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) increase of developing the depression, NGF is required by neurons in order to survive. Beside the abuse of androgens, stress can adversely affect growth factor production, such as BDNF/Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, and appear to be reduced to a greater due to mental and emotional stress. Also as the body ages growth factors production becomes reduced at a greater rate then the other hormones.

The repair and replacement of a cell is under the direction of growth factors not the hormones. You can use 6mg test per day , don`t use more for now, you need the 6mg per day otherwise you will be very very depressed.
Anxiety disorders is very hard to treat because there is not just one problem, in your situation the high use of androgens probably had a negative effect on you brain neurons (destroyed neurons) and NGF (nerve growth factors ) low levels of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor ( BDNF ) increase of developing the depression, NGF is required by neurons in order to survive. Beside the abuse of androgens, stress can adversely affect growth factor production, such as BDNF/Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, and appear to be reduced to a greater due to mental and emotional stress. Also as the body ages growth factors production becomes at a greater rate the other hormones.

The repair and replacement of a cell is under the direction of growth factors not the hormones. You can use 6mg test per day , don`t use more for now, you need the 6mg per day otherwise you be very very depressed.
Thanks for the advice. I have testosterone gel packets 1% 5g which is 50mg. Do I take 1 packet eod? Or just wait a bit until I finish my tests and go see an endocrinologist?
Thanks for the advice. I have testosterone gel packets 1% 5g which is 50mg. Do I take 1 packet eod? Or just wait a bit until I finish my tests and go see an endocrinologist?
You will need the injecting version, in the main time use 1/2 packet every day.

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