Thanks for the suggestions.
Wellbutrin was one of the few things
on my list that seems promising, at least on paper/mechanistically.
As for thyroid, that is not the issue. I've had recent labs (for the standard stuff) and nearly everything was normal. Thyroid (T3, T4 TSH, free/bound/bioavailable) were all right in the middle of the normal range and/or slightly above the middle of the normal range listed).
I was given topical, naturally compounded hormonal preparations to address the few abnormalities, which included low sex steroids (progesterone, estrogen, and test) and mild adrenal burnout (low cortisol, pregnenolone, and DHEA). I've been on these meds for several months now, but they made no difference.
I'm not post-menopausal, per say, but I've had a hysterectomy, so it's surgically induced; HOWEVER, the hunger issue was present (and much worse) prior to the hysterectomy.
I definitely get frustrated, but I keep a very positive attitude and do not feel depressed.
As for seeing doctors…. believe me, I have! This has been going on for years, but only recently (since 2007) have things really escalated. The doctors I've seen (>30) have either had no clue and dismissed my case or (after the standard blood work shows up pretty *normal), erroneously conclude the problem is all in my head. [I've proved, to the best of my ability, that this is not the case; for example, if whatever is wrong really were all in my head, then ALL various agents/meds that I've tried over the years would flat out not work from the start, which is NOT the case - some don't work from the start; but others have, and very successfully]
I have had some REALLY F*d up glucose/insulin readings - ALL postprandial; (fasting, for both is always perfect), so I know there is definitely something wrong there… but, theoretically, the super low carb (10-14%) diet I follow should correct these imbalances, I would think.