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Looking for Tips to Boost Immune System while traveling.

Watch touching stuff and then bringing your hands up to your mouth, that is huge. And as what was said up above wash your hands.
You cant boost your immune system and if you could you wouldn’t want to.

The best preventative measure is to focus on hygiene and try to limit being in large crowds in inclosed spaces if possible.
You're obviously right and I guess I could have chosen my words more carefully. I'm interested in keeping the immune system functioning optimally. Just tired of getting sick when going abroad. The airplane ride itself is probably the worst part of the trip in regards to being exposed to all these bacteria, viruses, etc. My wife and I do make sure to wash our hands at every opportunity and she always has those hand wipes and sanitizer with her. I will be more even more conscious about it though. Crowds should be ok since it's just a quick beach getaway, so plenty of space to spread out.
Here is my go to:

Epicor: 1 capsule 3x a day with food.
*epicor is a by product that Cargill discovered when making another ingredients at one of their plants. HR noticed that plant employees were really using sick days. Turns out it what what they were breathing in.

Immune Support Formula: 2 capsules 2-4x a day with food

Also, I like to add a good probiotic in as well.
New products to me, will have to dig deeper. Appreciate it.

ZINC!!!!!! That’s my number 1!!!! Currently my house is loaded up with the flu virus. I’ve been taking boatloads of Zinc & Magnesium. So far I’m the only one still healthy.

What dose do you take? I've got ZMA and am wondering the dose will cut it.

elderberry gummies
Thanks, I see these all over the supplement aisle but never looked further into it.

I’m in Thailand , first time, and been bed ridden for 24 hours. Places like India, Thailand, Bali etc are infamous for ‘Bali Belly’. Our digestive systems are just not used to the microbes, etc often in their water system. I suspect it might have been ice cubes. I’ve pretty much recovered , just drank lots of water Gatorade , yoghurt etc. Will try eating bland food today.
Also I think planes themselves are bacteria traps themselves.

"Bali Belly"... Oh bro, trust me I've had my share when I was younger traveling all over Asia. I was young and a bit more carefree and would often eat at the Food Stalls, which more often than not did not have running water. I don't make that mistake anymore. I found a Z Pack cleared the issue pretty quickly when I had it. If you're still experiencing stomach issues, I'd recommend looking into grabbing some at the pharmacy. 100% Agreed on the Airplanes.
I read to take a high dose of zink at the first signs, like 100mg, perhaps with a zink ionophore like quercetin. I think there's pharma products with 200mg but that's a toxic dose if taken for long and taking more than 100mg can make you lose your sense of smell.

This and Zinc Sulfate,,,They work wonders!
Zinc seems to be mentioned a lot here. The ZMA I use has 30mg in it, looks like I just supplement more.

Call it BS but what made all the difference in the world when travelling it's been the obsessive use of a good hand sanitizer everywhere. Dead serious.

Not BS, 100% agree with this.

As was mentioned, and probably the single most important thing is hand sanitizer. Good call there. Tx.

Being mindful of what you eat, be it street or restaurant food. And don’t forget bottled water. Of course in this paragraph I am mostly referring to, and I hate using this word, third world countries.

A good multi vitamin(?) plenty of sleep and proper hydration also goes a long way.

Personally I don’t think any one particular thing, supplement, etc. will keep you 100% out of the woods. It is a combination of things with common sense being at the top of the list.

And all this is coming from a guy who has spent heaps of time in places where the food while great and interesting has been known to cause some problems, mostly gastrointestinal and typically easily prevented.

There are a lot of things to take when you do get sick (me never . . . well, only once) but prevention is numero uno in my opinion.

Colds and flu like afflictions as someone else mentioned would be best averted by limiting your exposure when it comes to big crowds, public transportation, etc.
Agree with everything you said.
8-10,000 mg a day vitamin c. It’s never let me down.
I thought that a lot until I ran a quick search. Looks like there data to support high doses and its effect on preventive and shortening certain illness. Thanks bro.
Olive leaf and oil of oregano for me. Various vitamins and minerals are great, but all the ones I take are mentioned already.
@Hyperemia, I have the True Nutrition brand Zinc-Magnesium. I believe on the high end 40mg in what an adult male should consume on a daily basis. I’ve been taking 120mg daily.

I dunno if you’ve ever tried those Cold-Ezee zinc lozenges. Well if you take them at the start of a cold it WILL limit the severity and shorten the duration of the illness. They taste funky though so I use the zinc pills.

Currently there’s one person left in my household with a decent fever (101.3). This all started Wednesday/Thursday last week. Constant coughing, sneezing, high fevers, whole body aches, the works. I mean the germs and shit are literally allllllll around me!!!!!! I’ve yet to show any symptom and fell great.

Only issue I’m dealing with is by taking 4 servings a day the magnesium is causing me to have loose dumps. But I’ll take that any day over getting a gnarly case of the flu!!!!!! I’ll continue my high doses till this weekend. I should be in the clear by then.

I thought that a lot until I ran a quick search. Looks like there data to support high doses and its effect on preventive and shortening certain illness. Thanks bro.
Read about Linus Pauling. Brilliant guy. Nobel prize winner for research related to vitamin c. It works. Its proven. I actually know a guy that cured a cancer with high dose vitamin c injections and hyperbaric therapy.
I use a wide variety of antioxidants these days and nutrients. I used to use less variety decades ago with Vit C and A and E topping the list and got good results. Now i am getting a wider variety and many from natural sources and usually go years at a time within out a day sick. I can use the same oil for all my mechanical needs and do better then using none. But the right oil for the right job seems to make things work better and last longer is the analogy i use. I just put it in and let the body figure it out as it is going to do that no matter what i want of plan i find.
Zinc seems to be mentioned a lot here. The ZMA I use has 30mg in it, looks like I just supplement more.

Not BS, 100% agree with this.

Agree with everything you said.

The examine site says zink is proven to shorten flu duration but I'm cautious of not overdoing it. I'd only do a high dose at the first sign of illness, I don't want to go toxic, or get a copper deficiency and so on.
New products to me, will have to dig deeper. Appreciate it.

What dose do you take? I've got ZMA and am wondering the dose will cut it.

Thanks, I see these all over the supplement aisle but never looked further into it.

"Bali Belly"... Oh bro, trust me I've had my share when I was younger traveling all over Asia. I was young and a bit more carefree and would often eat at the Food Stalls, which more often than not did not have running water. I don't make that mistake anymore. I found a Z Pack cleared the issue pretty quickly when I had it. If you're still experiencing stomach issues, I'd recommend looking into grabbing some at the pharmacy. 100% Agreed on the Airplanes.
Yeah bro I literally went from flushing water and vomiting and 24 hours later I had fully formed stools. I just bought bottles of water , Gatorade, and probiotic yoghurt and slept. I was shocked how fast I bounced back. However I did feel weak for a couple days. Had no energy at gym. But 48 hours later I was back 100%. I think I was lucky my body just rejected the ‘foreign substance’ ASAP. I thought my trip would be fkd but not so.
Yeah bro I literally went from flushing water and vomiting and 24 hours later I had fully formed stools. I just bought bottles of water , Gatorade, and probiotic yoghurt and slept. I was shocked how fast I bounced back. However I did feel weak for a couple days. Had no energy at gym. But 48 hours later I was back 100%. I think I was lucky my body just rejected the ‘foreign substance’ ASAP. I thought my trip would be fkd but not so.
did u visit any pharmacies overseas? thats a dream of mine, TJ was not fun
No man but there are a bunch of them here in Phuket. Lot of Aussies that looked jacked too. I think you can get test quite easily.

In Mexico I had trust issues and security paranoia. I don’t feel that necessarily in Thailand nor did I in Philippines.

In Cuba they were selling viagara and test at the airport at a small counter. Lol
Femented L glutamine , 10 grams a day is usually enough. Up to 40 if needed. If immune system is down this is better than antibiotics ime
Vit C
Call it BS but what made all the difference in the world when travelling it's been the obsessive use of a good hand sanitizer everywhere. Dead serious.
I knew a guy who once suggested injecting disinfectant and inserting UV light in the body somehow could knock out an infection in one minute.
I knew a guy who once suggested injecting disinfectant and inserting UV light in the body somehow could knock out an infection in one minute.
Yea I can put together a system like this for about $65 but you'll need your own disinfectant, old satellite dish, a pre 2003 phone book and a 1500 watt microwave! Anything less than 1500 watts and you don't get the photons traveling as fast as you need em.
The examine site says zink is proven to shorten flu duration but I'm cautious of not overdoing it. I'd only do a high dose at the first sign of illness, I don't want to go toxic, or get a copper deficiency and so on.
Apart from the possibilities of Zn toxicity and/or tipping the scales of Zn:Cu ratio.There's the potential for zinc protoporphyrin in the face of Iron deficiency. This could be very concerning to someone with IBS alongside Fe deficiency.

If I was to use a particular form of Zn, I'd reach for zinc picolinate at 8:1 or slightly higher Zn dosage to 1 Cu.

Banging down a bunch of antioxidants could be a viable consequent to turn tide becoming prooxidative.

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